require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') class AridCacheTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup FileUtils.rm_r(Rails.cache.cache_path) if File.exists?(Rails.cache.cache_path) @user = User.first end test "initializes needed objects" do assert_instance_of AridCache::Store, assert_same AridCache::CacheProxy, AridCache.cache end test "should respond to methods" do assert User.respond_to?(:clear_caches) assert @user.respond_to?(:clear_caches) assert_instance_of AridCache::Store, assert_same AridCache::CacheProxy, AridCache.cache end test "should not clobber model methods" do assert_respond_to @user, :name assert_respond_to Company.first, :name assert_nothing_raised { } assert_nothing_raised { } end test "should not clobber method_missing" do assert_nothing_raised { @user.is_high? } assert @user.is_high? end test "should not clobber respond_to?" do assert @user.respond_to?(:respond_not_overridden) end test "should raise an error on invalid dynamic caches" do assert_raises ArgumentError do @user.cached_invalid_companies end end test "should create dynamic caches given valid arguments" do assert_nothing_raised { @user.cached_companies } end test "counts queries correctly" do assert_queries(1) { User.all } end test "returns valid results" do @one = @user.cached_companies assert_equal @user.companies, @one assert_equal @user.companies.count, @one.size end test "paginates results" do results = @user.cached_companies(:page => 1, :per_page => 3, :order => 'name desc') assert_kind_of WillPaginate::Collection, results assert_equal 3, results.size assert_equal @user.companies.count, results.total_entries assert_equal 1, results.current_page end test "should work for different pages" do results = @user.cached_companies(:page => 2, :per_page => 3) assert_kind_of WillPaginate::Collection, results assert results.size <= 3 assert_equal @user.companies.count, results.total_entries assert_equal 2, results.current_page end test "ignores random parameters" do result = @user.cached_companies(:invalid => :params, 'random' => 'values', :user_id => 3) assert_equal @user.companies, result end test "passes on options to find" do actual = @user.cached_companies(:order => ' DESC', :include => [:owner]) expected = @user.companies assert_equal expected, actual assert_equal expected.first, actual.first end test "caches the count when it gets records" do assert_queries(1) do @user.cached_companies @user.cached_companies_count end end test "gets the count only if it's requested first" do count = @user.companies.count assert_queries(1) do assert_equal count, @user.cached_companies_count assert_equal count, @user.cached_companies_count end assert_queries(1) do assert_equal count, @user.cached_companies.size assert_equal count, @user.cached_companies_count end end test "applies limit and offset" do result = @user.cached_limit_companies do companies end limit_two_result = @user.cached_limit_companies(:limit => 2) assert_equal 2, limit_two_result.size assert_equal result[0, 2], limit_two_result limit_three_result = @user.cached_limit_companies(:limit => 3) assert_equal 3, limit_three_result.size assert_equal result[0, 3], limit_three_result limit_two_offset_one_result = @user.cached_limit_companies(:limit => 2, :offset => 1) assert_equal 2, limit_two_offset_one_result.size assert_equal result[1, 2], limit_two_offset_one_result offset_one_result = @user.cached_limit_companies(:offset => 1) assert_equal result.size-1, offset_one_result.size assert_equal result[1, result.size], offset_one_result assert_equal @user.companies.all(:limit => 2, :offset => 1), @user.cached_limit_companies(:limit => 2, :offset => 1) assert_equal @user.companies.size, @user.cached_limit_companies.size # Careful of this Rails bug: User.cached_successful_limit_companies do User.successful.all end assert_equal 2, User.cached_successful_limit_companies(:limit => 2).size assert_equal 3, User.cached_successful_limit_companies(:limit => 3).size assert_equal User.successful.all(:limit => 2, :offset => 1), User.cached_successful_limit_companies(:limit => 2, :offset => 1) assert_equal User.successful.all.size, User.cached_successful_limit_companies.size end test "should requery the database for limits with order" do @user.cached_companies # prime the cache assert_equal @user.companies.find(:all, :limit => 3, :order => 'name DESC'), @user.cached_companies(:limit => 3, :order => 'name DESC') assert_equal @user.companies.find(:all, :limit => 3, :order => 'name ASC'), @user.cached_companies(:limit => 3, :order => 'name ASC') end test "should activate will paginate" do assert_nothing_raised do User.paginate(:page => 1) end end test "should requery the database for paginate with order" do @user.cached_companies # prime the cache assert_equal @user.companies.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 3, :order => 'name DESC'), @user.cached_companies(:page => 1, :per_page => 3, :order => 'name DESC') assert_equal @user.companies.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 3, :order => 'name ASC'), @user.cached_companies(:page => 1, :per_page => 3, :order => 'name ASC') end test "pagination should not result in an extra query" do assert_queries(1) do @user.cached_big_companies(:page => 1) end assert_queries(1) do User.cached_companies(:page => 1) end end test "should support a 'force' option" do # ActiveRecord caches the result of the proc, so we need to # use different instances of the user to test the force option. uncached_user = User.first companies = @user.companies size = companies.size assert_queries(1) do assert_equal companies, @user.cached_companies assert_equal size, @user.cached_companies_count assert_equal size, uncached_user.cached_companies_count end assert_queries(2) do assert_equal companies, uncached_user.cached_companies(:force => true) assert_equal size, uncached_user.cached_companies_count(:force => true) end end test "should handle various different model instances" do one = User.first two = User.first :offset => 1 assert_not_same one, two assert_equal one.companies, one.cached_companies assert_equal two.companies, two.cached_companies end test "should handle arrays of non-active record instances" do assert_equal @user.pet_names, @user.cached_pet_names assert_equal @user.pet_names, @user.cached_pet_names assert_equal @user.pet_names.count, @user.cached_pet_names_count end test "should empty the Rails cache" do @user.cached_companies User.cached_companies assert Rails.cache.exist?(@user.arid_cache_key('companies')) assert Rails.cache.exist?(User.arid_cache_key('companies')) User.clear_caches assert !Rails.cache.exist?(@user.arid_cache_key('companies')) assert !Rails.cache.exist?(User.arid_cache_key('companies')) end test "should support expiring caches" do # The first query should put the count in the cache. The second query # should read the count from the cache. The third query should # reload the cache. assert_queries(2) do User.cached_companies_count(:expires_in => 1.second) User.cached_companies_count(:expires_in => 1.second) sleep(1) User.cached_companies_count(:expires_in => 1.second) end end test "should support an auto-expire option" do assert_match %r[users/#{}-companies], @user.arid_cache_key('companies') assert_equal @user.arid_cache_key('companies'), @user.arid_cache_key('companies', :auto_expire => false) assert_match %r[users/#{}-\d{14}-companies], @user.arid_cache_key('companies', :auto_expire => true) # It doesn't apply to class caches, but shouldn't affect it either assert_equal User.arid_cache_key('companies'), User.arid_cache_key('companies', :auto_expire => true) end test "should turn off auto-expire by default" do assert_queries(2) do @user.cached_companies_count @user.touch @user.cached_companies_count end end test "should reload auto-expired caches" do assert_queries(2) do @user.cached_companies_count(:auto_expire => true) @user.cached_companies_count(:auto_expire => true) @user.updated_at = + 1.seconds @user.cached_companies_count(:auto_expire => true) @user.cached_companies_count(:auto_expire => true) end end test "should support configuring instance caches" do User.instance_caches { best_companies { companies } } assert_equal @user.companies, @user.cached_best_companies end test "instance caches should work on all instances of the class" do User.instance_caches { best_companies { companies } } assert_equal @user.cached_best_companies, User.first.cached_best_companies end test "should support configuring class caches" do User.class_caches { successful_users { successful } } assert_equal User.successful, User.cached_successful_users end test "should create valid store keys" do assert_equal 'user-key',, User, 'key') assert_equal 'users-key',, User, 'key') assert_equal, User, 'key'),, @user, 'key') assert_equal, User, 'key'),, User, 'key') end test "configuring caches should not perform any queries" do User.instance_caches do best_companies { companies } end User.class_caches do best_companies(:order => 'name DESC') { companies.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC') } end end test "should support options in the cache configuration" do User.instance_caches(:auto_expire => true) do expires_in = 1.second best_companies(:expires_in => expires_in) { companies } end assert_queries(2) do @user.cached_best_companies_count @user.updated_at = + 1.seconds @user.cached_best_companies_count @user.cached_best_companies_count end User.class_caches do most_successful(:order => 'name DESC') { successful.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC') } end # Call it twice to ensure that on the second call the order is applied when retrieving the # records by id assert_equal User.successful.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC'), User.cached_most_successful assert_equal User.successful.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC'), User.cached_most_successful end test "should not raise an error if all cached ids cannot be found" do @user.cached_companies key = @user.arid_cache_key('companies') cached_result = cached_result.ids.push(24342234, 243234132) Rails.cache.write(key, cached_result) assert_nothing_raised { @user.cached_companies } assert_equal @user.cached_companies, @user.companies end test "should not raise an error if all cached ids cannot be found while paginating" do @user.cached_companies key = @user.arid_cache_key('companies') cached_result = cached_result.ids.push(24342234, 243234132) Rails.cache.write(key, cached_result) assert_nothing_raised { @user.cached_companies(:page => 1, :order => 'name DESC') } assert_equal @user.cached_companies(:page => 1, :order => 'name DESC'), @user.companies.paginate(:page => 1, :order => 'name DESC') end test "should handle empty collections" do @user.cached_empty_collection { [] } assert_nothing_raised { @user.cached_empty_collection } assert_nothing_raised { @user.cached_empty_collection } end test "should return proper paginate results when we include order" do total = @user.companies.count assert_queries(2) do @user.cached_companies page = @user.cached_companies(:page => 2, :per_page => 3, :order => 'name desc') # call again to get cached results assert_equal total, page.total_entries assert_equal 2, page.current_page assert_equal (total/3.0).ceil, page.total_pages end end test "should support calling store methods directly with a block" do assert_nothing_raised do AridCache.cache.fetch(@user, 'my-fancy-key') do companies end end assert_equal @user.companies.all(:order => 'name DESC'), AridCache.cache.fetch(@user, 'my-fancy-key', :order => 'name DESC') { companies } end test "empty user relation should be empty" do assert_equal [], @user.empty_user_relations end test "should not query the database for ids when the list is empty" do assert_queries(1) do @user.cached_empty_user_relations result = @user.cached_empty_user_relations assert_kind_of Array, result end end test "should not query the database for ids when the list is empty and we are paginating" do assert_queries(1) do @user.cached_empty_user_relations(:page => 1) result = @user.cached_empty_user_relations(:page => 1) assert_kind_of WillPaginate::Collection, result end end test "should not query the database for ids when the list is empty and we are applying limits etc" do assert_queries(1) do @user.cached_empty_user_relations(:limit => 10) result = @user.cached_empty_user_relations(:limit => 10) assert_kind_of Array, result end end test "should identify the MySQL2 adapter as a MySQL database" do original_adapter_name = ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_eval { def adapter_name; "Mysql2"; end } assert_equal "Mysql2", ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name assert_equal true, ::ActiveRecord::Base.is_mysql_adapter? # Restore it otherwise the other tests break ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_eval { def adapter_name; "SQLite3"; end } assert_equal "SQLite3", ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name ::ActiveRecord::Base.is_mysql_adapter = nil assert_equal false, ::ActiveRecord::Base.is_mysql_adapter? end # # Tests requiring manual verification by looking at the SQL logs. # TODO move these to a separate class. # test "should preserve original ordering" do # TODO. This one is hard to test because SQL usually keeps the same ordering # and it's difficult to make it do otherwise. Best to just inspect the queries # in the log. @user.cached_companies @user.cached_companies end test "should paginate collections in memory" do # TODO. Tough to test because we can't just count queries # have to look at the SQL in the logs for this one. @user.cached_companies(:page => 2, :per_page => 3) @user.cached_companies(:page => 1, :per_page => 3) end protected def assert_queries(num = 1) $query_count = 0 yield ensure assert_equal num, $query_count, "#{$query_count} instead of #{num} queries were executed." end def assert_no_queries(&block) assert_queries(0, &block) end end