# graphite_client # ## About ## Very simple ruby client for reporting metrics to [Graphite](http://graphite.wikidot.com/). [Original code](https://gist.github.com/1678399) taken from a Gist by [joakimk](https://github.com/joakimk/). ## Usage ## ### Reporting the standard way, over TCP ### graphite = GraphiteClient.new('graphite_host') graphite.report('metric name', value, time) graphite.report('another metric name', another_value, another_time) ### Reporting [events](https://code.launchpad.net/~lucio.torre/graphite/add-events/+merge/69142) ### graphite_event = GraphiteClient::EventReporter.new('http://graphite_host/events/') graphite_event.report(:what => 'an event', :tags => ['some', 'tags'], :data => 'some info') * When reporting an event, you can (optionally) pass `:basic_auth => { :username => 'un', :password => 'pw' }` to the `GraphiteClient::EventReporter` constructor.