module KewegoParty class Client module Channel def channel_get_videos(csig, options = {}) options = {:csig => csig, :appToken => app_token}.merge options response = get('/channel/getVideos/', options) process_response(response, []) end def channel_get_details(csig, options = {}) options = {:csig => csig, :appToken => app_token}.merge options response = get('/channel/getDetails/', options) process_response(response, [:channel]) end # Thumbnail for a video # # @param csig [String] A Kewego channel Identifier. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [String] :size (normal) Size of the thumbnail - Possible values: small/normal/large # @option options [Integer] :pos (1) Position of the video in the channel # @option options [Integer] :index (1) index of the thumbnail - Possible values: 1/2/3 # @return [String] A thumbnail # @see # @example receive a thumbnail from those available in the channel (csig) # KewegoParty.get_thumbnail("some_csig_identifier") def channel_get_thumbnail(csig, options = {}) options = {:csig => csig, :appToken => app_token}.merge options get("/channel/getThumbnail/", options) end # Allows you to get the embedded code of a channel from the channel identifier (CSIG). # # @param csig [String] A Kewego channel Identifier. # @param language_code [String] ('es') Language of the player # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [String] :player_key # @option options [String] :skin_key # @option options [Boolean] :autostart # @option options [String] :advertise # @option options [Integer] :width (400) # @option options [Integer] :height (300) # @return [String] A Player embedded code # @see # @example get the embedded code of a channel from the channel identifier (csig) # KewegoParty.get_player_code("some_csig_identifier") def channel_get_player_code(csig, language_code = "es", options = {}) default_options = {:csig => csig, :appToken => app_token, :language_code => language_code} options = default_options.merge options response = get('/channel/getPlayerCode/', options) process_response(response, [:blog]) end end end end