class Standard # @!group utilities # load a model into OS & version translates, exiting and erroring if a problem is found # # @param model_path_string [String] file path to OpenStudio model file # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def safe_load_model(model_path_string) model_path = if OpenStudio.exists(model_path) version_translator = model = version_translator.loadModel(model_path) if model.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Version translation failed for #{model_path_string}") return false else model = model.get end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "#{model_path_string} couldn't be found") return false end return model end # load a sql file, exiting and erroring if a problem is found # # @param sql_path_string [String] file path to sql file # @return [OpenStudio::SqlFile] sql file associated with the model, boolean false if not found def safe_load_sql(sql_path_string) sql_path = if OpenStudio.exists(sql_path) sql = else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "#{sql_path} couldn't be found") return false end return sql end # Remove all resource objects in the model # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def strip_model(model) # remove all materials model.getMaterials.each(&:remove) # remove all constructions model.getConstructions.each(&:remove) # remove performance curves model.getCurves.each do |curve| model.removeObject(curve.handle) end # remove all zone equipment model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| end # remove all thermostats model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpoints.each(&:remove) # remove all people model.getPeoples.each(&:remove) model.getPeopleDefinitions.each(&:remove) # remove all lights model.getLightss.each(&:remove) model.getLightsDefinitions.each(&:remove) # remove all electric equipment model.getElectricEquipments.each(&:remove) model.getElectricEquipmentDefinitions.each(&:remove) # remove all gas equipment model.getGasEquipments.each(&:remove) model.getGasEquipmentDefinitions.each(&:remove) # remove all outdoor air model.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirs.each(&:remove) # remove all infiltration model.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each(&:remove) # Remove all internal mass model.getInternalMasss.each(&:remove) # Remove all internal mass defs model.getInternalMassDefinitions.each(&:remove) # Remove all thermal zones model.getThermalZones.each(&:remove) # Remove all schedules model.getSchedules.each(&:remove) # Remove all schedule type limits model.getScheduleTypeLimitss.each(&:remove) # Remove the sizing parameters model.getSizingParameters.remove # Remove the design days model.getDesignDays.each(&:remove) # Remove the rendering colors model.getRenderingColors.each(&:remove) # Remove the daylight controls model.getDaylightingControls.each(&:remove) return model end # Remove all air loops in model # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_air_loops(model) model.getAirLoopHVACs.each(&:remove) return model end # Remove plant loops in model except those used for service hot water # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_plant_loops(model) plant_loops = model.getPlantLoops plant_loops.each do |plant_loop| shw_use = false plant_loop.demandComponents.each do |component| if component.to_WaterUseConnections.is_initialized || component.to_CoilWaterHeatingDesuperheater.is_initialized shw_use = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "#{} is used for SHW or refrigeration heat reclaim and will not be removed.") break end end plant_loop.remove unless shw_use end return model end # Remove all plant loops in model including those used for service hot water # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_all_plant_loops(model) model.getPlantLoops.each(&:remove) return model end # Remove VRF units # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_vrf(model) model.getAirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlows.each(&:remove) model.getZoneHVACTerminalUnitVariableRefrigerantFlows.each(&:remove) return model end # Remove zone equipment except for exhaust fans # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_zone_equipment(model) model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| do |equipment| if equipment.to_FanZoneExhaust.is_initialized OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "#{} is a zone exhaust fan and will not be removed.") else equipment.remove end end end return model end # Remove all zone equipment including exhaust fans # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_all_zone_equipment(model) model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| end return model end # Remove unused performance curves # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_unused_curves(model) model.getCurves.each do |curve| if curve.directUseCount == 0 model.removeObject(curve.handle) end end return model end # Remove HVAC equipment except for service hot water loops and zone exhaust fans # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_hvac(model) remove_air_loops(model) remove_plant_loops(model) remove_vrf(model) remove_zone_equipment(model) remove_unused_curves(model) return model end # Remove all HVAC equipment including service hot water loops and zone exhaust fans # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def remove_all_hvac(model) remove_air_loops(model) remove_all_plant_loops(model) remove_vrf(model) remove_all_zone_equipment(model) remove_unused_curves(model) return model end # Loads a JSON file containing the space type map into a hash # # @param hvac_map_file [String] path to JSON file, relative to the /data folder # @return [Hash] returns a hash that contains the space type map def load_hvac_map(hvac_map_file) # Load the geometry .osm from relative to the data folder rel_path_to_hvac_map = "../../../../../data/#{hvac_map_file}" # Load the JSON depending on whether running from normal gem location # or from the embedded location in the OpenStudio CLI if File.dirname(__FILE__)[0] == ':' # running from embedded location in OpenStudio CLI hvac_map_string = load_resource_relative(rel_path_to_hvac_map) hvac_map = JSON.parse(hvac_map_string) else abs_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), rel_path_to_hvac_map) hvac_map = JSON.parse( if File.exist?(abs_path) end return hvac_map end # Convert from SEER to COP (no fan) for cooling coils # @ref [References::ASHRAE9012013] Appendix G # # @param seer [Double] seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def seer_to_cop_cooling_no_fan(seer) cop = -0.0076 * seer * seer + 0.3796 * seer return cop end # Convert from COP to SEER # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] # # @param cop [Double] COP # @return [Double] Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio def cop_to_seer_cooling_no_fan(cop) delta = 0.3796**2 - 4.0 * 0.0076 * cop seer = (-delta**0.5 + 0.3796) / (2.0 * 0.0076) return seer end # Convert from SEER to COP (with fan) for cooling coils # per the method specified in 90.1-2013 Appendix G # # @param seer [Double] seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def seer_to_cop_cooling_with_fan(seer) eer = -0.0182 * seer * seer + 1.1088 * seer cop = (eer / 3.413 + 0.12) / (1 - 0.12) return cop end # Convert from COP to SEER (with fan) for cooling coils # per the method specified in 90.1-2013 Appendix G # # @param cop [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) # @return [Double] seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) def cop_to_seer_cooling_with_fan(cop) eer = cop_to_eer(cop) delta = 1.1088**2 - 4.0 * 0.0182 * eer seer = (1.1088 - delta**0.5) / (2.0 * 0.0182) return seer end # Convert from COP_H to COP (no fan) for heat pump heating coils # @ref [References::ASHRAE9012013] Appendix G # # @param coph47 [Double] coefficient of performance at 47F Tdb, 42F Twb # @param capacity_w [Double] the heating capacity at AHRI rating conditions, in W # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def cop_heating_to_cop_heating_no_fan(coph47, capacity_w) # Convert the capacity to Btu/hr capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/hr').get cop = 1.48E-7 * coph47 * capacity_btu_per_hr + 1.062 * coph47 return cop end # Convert from HSPF to COP (no fan) for heat pump heating coils # @ref [References::ASHRAE9012013] Appendix G # # @param hspf [Double] heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def hspf_to_cop_heating_no_fan(hspf) cop = -0.0296 * hspf * hspf + 0.7134 * hspf return cop end # Convert from HSPF to COP (with fan) for heat pump heating coils # @ref [References::ASHRAE9012013] Appendix G # # @param hspf [Double] heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def hspf_to_cop_heating_with_fan(hspf) cop = -0.0255 * hspf * hspf + 0.6239 * hspf return cop end # Convert from EER to COP # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] If capacity is not supplied, use DOE Prototype Building method. # @ref [References::ASHRAE9012013] If capacity is supplied, use the 90.1-2013 method # # @param eer [Double] Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) # @param capacity_w [Double] the heating capacity at AHRI rating conditions, in W # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def eer_to_cop(eer, capacity_w = nil) if capacity_w.nil? # The PNNL Method. # r is the ratio of supply fan power to total equipment power at the rating condition, # assumed to be 0.12 for the reference buildings per PNNL. r = 0.12 cop = (eer / 3.413 + r) / (1 - r) else # The 90.1-2013 method # Convert the capacity to Btu/hr capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/hr').get cop = 7.84E-8 * eer * capacity_btu_per_hr + 0.338 * eer end return cop end # Convert from COP to EER # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] # # @param cop [Double] COP # @return [Double] Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) def cop_to_eer(cop, capacity_w = nil) if capacity_w.nil? # The PNNL Method. # r is the ratio of supply fan power to total equipment power at the rating condition, # assumed to be 0.12 for the reference buildngs per PNNL. r = 0.12 eer = 3.413 * (cop * (1 - r) - r) else # The 90.1-2013 method # Convert the capacity to Btu/hr capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/hr').get eer = cop / (7.84E-8 * capacity_btu_per_hr + 0.338) end return eer end # Convert from COP to kW/ton # # @param cop [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) # @return [Double] kW of input power per ton of cooling def cop_to_kw_per_ton(cop) return 3.517 / cop end # A helper method to convert from kW/ton to COP # # @param kw_per_ton [Double] kW of input power per ton of cooling # @return [Double] Coefficient of Performance (COP) def kw_per_ton_to_cop(kw_per_ton) return 3.517 / kw_per_ton end # A helper method to convert from AFUE to thermal efficiency # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] Boiler Addendum 90.1-04an # # @param afue [Double] Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency # @return [Double] Thermal efficiency (%) def afue_to_thermal_eff(afue) return afue end # A helper method to convert from thermal efficiency to AFUE # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] Boiler Addendum 90.1-04an # # @param teff [Double] Thermal Efficiency # @return [Double] AFUE def thermal_eff_to_afue(teff) return teff end # A helper method to convert from combustion efficiency to thermal efficiency # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] Boiler Addendum 90.1-04an # # @param combustion_eff [Double] Combustion efficiency (%) # @return [Double] Thermal efficiency (%) def combustion_eff_to_thermal_eff(combustion_eff) return combustion_eff - 0.007 end # A helper method to convert from thermal efficiency to combustion efficiency # @ref [References::USDOEPrototypeBuildings] Boiler Addendum 90.1-04an # # @param thermal_eff [Double] Thermal efficiency # @return [Double] Combustion efficiency def thermal_eff_to_comb_eff(thermal_eff) return thermal_eff + 0.007 end # Convert one infiltration rate at a given pressure # to an infiltration rate at another pressure # per method described here: # where the infiltration coefficient is 0.65 # # @param initial_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s [Double] initial infiltration rate in m^3/s # @param intial_pressure_pa [Double] pressure rise at which initial infiltration rate was determined in Pa # @param final_pressure_pa [Double] desired pressure rise to adjust infiltration rate to in Pa # @param infiltration_coefficient [Double] infiltration coeffiecient # @return [Double] adjusted infiltration rate in m^3/s def adjust_infiltration_to_lower_pressure(initial_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s, intial_pressure_pa, final_pressure_pa, infiltration_coefficient = 0.65) adjusted_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s = initial_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s * (final_pressure_pa / intial_pressure_pa)**infiltration_coefficient return adjusted_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s end # Convert the infiltration rate at a 75 Pa to an infiltration rate at the typical value for the prototype buildings # per method described here: # Gowri K, DW Winiarski, and RE Jarnagin. 2009. # Infiltration modeling guidelines for commercial building energy analysis. # PNNL-18898, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. # # @param initial_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s [Double] initial infiltration rate in m^3/s # @return [Double] adjusted infiltration rate in m^3/s def adjust_infiltration_to_prototype_building_conditions(initial_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s) # Details of these coefficients can be found in paper alpha = 0.22 # unitless - terrain adjustment factor intial_pressure_pa = 75.0 # 75 Pa uh = 4.47 # m/s - wind speed rho = 1.18 # kg/m^3 - air density cs = 0.1617 # unitless - positive surface pressure coefficient n = 0.65 # unitless - infiltration coefficient # Calculate the typical pressure - same for all building types final_pressure_pa = 0.5 * cs * rho * uh**2 # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, "openstudio.Standards.Space", "Final pressure PA = #{final_pressure_pa.round(3)} Pa.") adjusted_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s = (1.0 + alpha) * initial_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s * (final_pressure_pa / intial_pressure_pa)**n return adjusted_infiltration_rate_m3_per_s end # Convert biquadratic curves that are a function of temperature # from IP (F) to SI (C) or vice-versa. The curve is of the form # z = C1 + C2*x + C3*x^2 + C4*y + C5*y^2 + C6*x*y # where C1, C2, ... are the coefficients, # x is the first independent variable (in F or C) # y is the second independent variable (in F or C) # and z is the resulting value # # @author Scott Horowitz, NREL # @param coeffs [Array<Double>] an array of 6 coefficients, in order # @return [Array<Double>] the revised coefficients in the new unit system def convert_curve_biquadratic(coeffs, ip_to_si = true) if ip_to_si # Convert IP curves to SI curves si_coeffs = [] si_coeffs << coeffs[0] + 32.0 * (coeffs[1] + coeffs[3]) + 1024.0 * (coeffs[2] + coeffs[4] + coeffs[5]) si_coeffs << 9.0 / 5.0 * coeffs[1] + 576.0 / 5.0 * coeffs[2] + 288.0 / 5.0 * coeffs[5] si_coeffs << 81.0 / 25.0 * coeffs[2] si_coeffs << 9.0 / 5.0 * coeffs[3] + 576.0 / 5.0 * coeffs[4] + 288.0 / 5.0 * coeffs[5] si_coeffs << 81.0 / 25.0 * coeffs[4] si_coeffs << 81.0 / 25.0 * coeffs[5] return si_coeffs else # Convert SI curves to IP curves ip_coeffs = [] ip_coeffs << coeffs[0] - 160.0 / 9.0 * (coeffs[1] + coeffs[3]) + 25_600.0 / 81.0 * (coeffs[2] + coeffs[4] + coeffs[5]) ip_coeffs << 5.0 / 9.0 * (coeffs[1] - 320.0 / 9.0 * coeffs[2] - 160.0 / 9.0 * coeffs[5]) ip_coeffs << 25.0 / 81.0 * coeffs[2] ip_coeffs << 5.0 / 9.0 * (coeffs[3] - 320.0 / 9.0 * coeffs[4] - 160.0 / 9.0 * coeffs[5]) ip_coeffs << 25.0 / 81.0 * coeffs[4] ip_coeffs << 25.0 / 81.0 * coeffs[5] return ip_coeffs end end # Create a biquadratic curve of the form # z = C1 + C2*x + C3*x^2 + C4*y + C5*y^2 + C6*x*y # # @author Scott Horowitz, NREL # @param coeffs [Array<Double>] an array of 6 coefficients, in order # @param crv_name [String] the name of the curve # @param min_x [Double] the minimum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param max_x [Double] the maximum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param min_y [Double] the minimum value of independent variable Y that will be used # @param max_y [Double] the maximum value of independent variable Y that will be used # @param min_out [Double] the minimum value of dependent variable Z # @param max_out [Double] the maximum value of dependent variable Z # @return [OpenStudio::Model::CurveBiquadratic] a biquadratic curve def create_curve_biquadratic(model, coeffs, crv_name, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_out, max_out) curve = curve.setName(crv_name) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(coeffs[0]) curve.setCoefficient2x(coeffs[1]) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(coeffs[2]) curve.setCoefficient4y(coeffs[3]) curve.setCoefficient5yPOW2(coeffs[4]) curve.setCoefficient6xTIMESY(coeffs[5]) curve.setMinimumValueofx(min_x) unless min_x.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofx(max_x) unless max_x.nil? curve.setMinimumValueofy(min_y) unless min_y.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofy(max_y) unless max_y.nil? curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(min_out) unless min_out.nil? curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(max_out) unless max_out.nil? return curve end # Create a bicubic curve of the form # z = C1 + C2*x + C3*x^2 + C4*y + C5*y^2 + C6*x*y + C7*x^3 + C8*y^3 + C9*x^2*y + C10*x*y^2 # # @author Scott Horowitz, NREL # @param coeffs [Array<Double>] an array of 10 coefficients, in order # @param crv_name [String] the name of the curve # @param min_x [Double] the minimum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param max_x [Double] the maximum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param min_y [Double] the minimum value of independent variable Y that will be used # @param max_y [Double] the maximum value of independent variable Y that will be used # @param min_out [Double] the minimum value of dependent variable Z # @param max_out [Double] the maximum value of dependent variable Z # @return [OpenStudio::Model::CurveBicubic] a bicubic curve def create_curve_bicubic(model, coeffs, crv_name, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_out, max_out) curve = curve.setName(crv_name) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(coeffs[0]) curve.setCoefficient2x(coeffs[1]) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(coeffs[2]) curve.setCoefficient4y(coeffs[3]) curve.setCoefficient5yPOW2(coeffs[4]) curve.setCoefficient6xTIMESY(coeffs[5]) curve.setCoefficient7xPOW3(coeffs[6]) curve.setCoefficient8yPOW3(coeffs[7]) curve.setCoefficient9xPOW2TIMESY(coeffs[8]) curve.setCoefficient10xTIMESYPOW2(coeffs[9]) curve.setMinimumValueofx(min_x) unless min_x.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofx(max_x) unless max_x.nil? curve.setMinimumValueofy(min_y) unless min_y.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofy(max_y) unless max_y.nil? curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(min_out) unless min_out.nil? curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(max_out) unless max_out.nil? return curve end # Create a quadratic curve of the form # z = C1 + C2*x + C3*x^2 # # @author Scott Horowitz, NREL # @param coeffs [Array<Double>] an array of 3 coefficients, in order # @param crv_name [String] the name of the curve # @param min_x [Double] the minimum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param max_x [Double] the maximum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param min_out [Double] the minimum value of dependent variable Z # @param max_out [Double] the maximum value of dependent variable Z # @param is_dimensionless [Bool] if true, the X independent variable is considered unitless # and the resulting output dependent variable is considered unitless # @return [OpenStudio::Model::CurveQuadratic] a quadratic curve def create_curve_quadratic(model, coeffs, crv_name, min_x, max_x, min_out, max_out, is_dimensionless = false) curve = curve.setName(crv_name) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(coeffs[0]) curve.setCoefficient2x(coeffs[1]) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(coeffs[2]) curve.setMinimumValueofx(min_x) unless min_x.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofx(max_x) unless max_x.nil? curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(min_out) unless min_out.nil? curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(max_out) unless max_out.nil? if is_dimensionless curve.setInputUnitTypeforX('Dimensionless') curve.setOutputUnitType('Dimensionless') end return curve end # Create a cubic curve of the form # z = C1 + C2*x + C3*x^2 + C4*x^3 # # @author Scott Horowitz, NREL # @param coeffs [Array<Double>] an array of 4 coefficients, in order # @param crv_name [String] the name of the curve # @param min_x [Double] the minimum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param max_x [Double] the maximum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param min_out [Double] the minimum value of dependent variable Z # @param max_out [Double] the maximum value of dependent variable Z # @return [OpenStudio::Model::CurveCubic] a cubic curve def create_curve_cubic(coeffs, crv_name, min_x, max_x, min_out, max_out) curve = curve.setName(crv_name) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(coeffs[0]) curve.setCoefficient2x(coeffs[1]) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(coeffs[2]) curve.setCoefficient4xPOW3(coeffs[3]) curve.setMinimumValueofx(min_x) unless min_x.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofx(max_x) unless max_x.nil? curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(min_out) unless min_out.nil? curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(max_out) unless max_out.nil? return curve end # Create an exponential curve of the form # z = C1 + C2*x^C3 # # @author Scott Horowitz, NREL # @param coeffs [Array<Double>] an array of 3 coefficients, in order # @param crv_name [String] the name of the curve # @param min_x [Double] the minimum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param max_x [Double] the maximum value of independent variable X that will be used # @param min_out [Double] the minimum value of dependent variable Z # @param max_out [Double] the maximum value of dependent variable Z # @return [OpenStudio::Model::CurveExponent] an exponent curve def create_curve_exponent(coeffs, crv_name, min_x, max_x, min_out, max_out) curve = curve.setName(crv_name) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(coeffs[0]) curve.setCoefficient2Constant(coeffs[1]) curve.setCoefficient3Constant(coeffs[2]) curve.setMinimumValueofx(min_x) unless min_x.nil? curve.setMaximumValueofx(max_x) unless max_x.nil? curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(min_out) unless min_out.nil? curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(max_out) unless max_out.nil? return curve end # Gives the total R-value of the interior and exterior (if applicable) # film coefficients for a particular type of surface. # @ref [References::ASHRAE9012010] A9.4.1 Air Films # # @param intended_surface_type [String] # Valid choices: 'AtticFloor', 'AtticWall', 'AtticRoof', 'DemisingFloor', 'InteriorFloor', 'InteriorCeiling', # 'DemisingWall', 'InteriorWall', 'InteriorPartition', 'InteriorWindow', 'InteriorDoor', 'DemisingRoof', # 'ExteriorRoof', 'Skylight', 'TubularDaylightDome', 'TubularDaylightDiffuser', 'ExteriorFloor', # 'ExteriorWall', 'ExteriorWindow', 'ExteriorDoor', 'GlassDoor', 'OverheadDoor', 'GroundContactFloor', # 'GroundContactWall', 'GroundContactRoof' # @param int_film [Bool] if true, interior film coefficient will be included in result # @param ext_film [Bool] if true, exterior film coefficient will be included in result # @return [Double] Returns the R-Value of the film coefficients [m^2*K/W] def film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type, int_film, ext_film) # Return zero if both interior and exterior are false return 0.0 if !int_film && !ext_film # Film values from 90.1-2010 A9.4.1 Air Films film_ext_surf_r_ip = 0.17 film_semi_ext_surf_r_ip = 0.46 film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_ip = 0.61 film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_ip = 0.92 fil_int_surf_vertical_r_ip = 0.68 film_ext_surf_r_si = OpenStudio.convert(film_ext_surf_r_ip, 'ft^2*hr*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get film_semi_ext_surf_r_si = OpenStudio.convert(film_semi_ext_surf_r_ip, 'ft^2*hr*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_si = OpenStudio.convert(film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_ip, 'ft^2*hr*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_si = OpenStudio.convert(film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_ip, 'ft^2*hr*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get fil_int_surf_vertical_r_si = OpenStudio.convert(fil_int_surf_vertical_r_ip, 'ft^2*hr*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get film_r_si = 0.0 case intended_surface_type when 'AtticFloor' film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += film_semi_ext_surf_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'AtticWall', 'AtticRoof' film_r_si += film_ext_surf_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += film_semi_ext_surf_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'DemisingFloor', 'InteriorFloor' film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'InteriorCeiling' film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'DemisingWall', 'InteriorWall', 'InteriorPartition', 'InteriorWindow', 'InteriorDoor' film_r_si += fil_int_surf_vertical_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += fil_int_surf_vertical_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'DemisingRoof', 'ExteriorRoof', 'Skylight', 'TubularDaylightDome', 'TubularDaylightDiffuser' film_r_si += film_ext_surf_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'ExteriorFloor' film_r_si += film_ext_surf_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'ExteriorWall', 'ExteriorWindow', 'ExteriorDoor', 'GlassDoor', 'OverheadDoor' film_r_si += film_ext_surf_r_si if ext_film # Outside film_r_si += fil_int_surf_vertical_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'GroundContactFloor' film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_dwn_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'GroundContactWall' film_r_si += fil_int_surf_vertical_r_si if int_film # Inside when 'GroundContactRoof' film_r_si += film_int_surf_ht_flow_up_r_si if int_film # Inside end return film_r_si end # Sets VAV reheat and VAV no reheat terminals on an air loop to control for outdoor air # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param air_loop [<OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC>] air loop to enable DCV on. # Default is nil, which will apply to all air loops # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def model_set_vav_terminals_to_control_for_outdoor_air(model, air_loop: nil) vav_reheats = model.getAirTerminalSingleDuctVAVReheats vav_no_reheats = model.getAirTerminalSingleDuctVAVNoReheats if !air_loop.nil? vav_reheats.each do |vav_reheat| next if != vav_reheat.setControlForOutdoorAir(true) end vav_no_reheats.each do |vav_no_reheat| next if != vav_no_reheat.setControlForOutdoorAir(true) end else # all terminals vav_reheats.each do |vav_reheat| vav_reheat.setControlForOutdoorAir(true) end vav_no_reheats.each do |vav_no_reheat| vav_no_reheat.setControlForOutdoorAir(true) end end return model end # renames air loop nodes to readable values # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def rename_air_loop_nodes(model) # rename all hvac components on air loops model.getHVACComponents.sort.each do |component| next if component.to_Node.is_initialized # skip nodes unless component.airLoopHVAC.empty? # rename water to air component outlet nodes if component.to_WaterToAirComponent.is_initialized component = component.to_WaterToAirComponent.get unless component.airOutletModelObject.empty? component_outlet_object = component.airOutletModelObject.get next unless component_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_outlet_object.setName("#{} Outlet Air Node") end end # rename air to air component nodes if component.to_AirToAirComponent.is_initialized component = component.to_AirToAirComponent.get unless component.primaryAirOutletModelObject.empty? component_outlet_object = component.primaryAirOutletModelObject.get next unless component_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_outlet_object.setName("#{} Primary Outlet Air Node") end unless component.secondaryAirInletModelObject.empty? component_inlet_object = component.secondaryAirInletModelObject.get next unless component_inlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_inlet_object.setName("#{} Secondary Inlet Air Node") end end # rename straight component outlet nodes if component.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized unless component.to_StraightComponent.get.outletModelObject.empty? component_outlet_object = component.to_StraightComponent.get.outletModelObject.get next unless component_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_outlet_object.setName("#{} Outlet Air Node") end end end # rename zone hvac component nodes if component.to_ZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized component = component.to_ZoneHVACComponent.get unless component.airInletModelObject.empty? component_inlet_object = component.airInletModelObject.get next unless component_inlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_inlet_object.setName("#{} Inlet Air Node") end unless component.airOutletModelObject.empty? component_outlet_object = component.airOutletModelObject.get next unless component_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_outlet_object.setName("#{} Outlet Air Node") end end end # rename supply side nodes model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| air_loop_name = air_loop.demandInletNode.setName("#{air_loop_name} Demand Inlet Node") air_loop.demandOutletNode.setName("#{air_loop_name} Demand Outlet Node") air_loop.supplyInletNode.setName("#{air_loop_name} Supply Inlet Node") air_loop.supplyOutletNode.setName("#{air_loop_name} Supply Outlet Node") unless air_loop.reliefAirNode.empty? relief_node = air_loop.reliefAirNode.get relief_node.setName("#{air_loop_name} Relief Air Node") end unless air_loop.mixedAirNode.empty? mixed_node = air_loop.mixedAirNode.get mixed_node.setName("#{air_loop_name} Mixed Air Node") end # rename outdoor air system and nodes unless air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.empty? oa_system = air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.get unless oa_system.outboardOANode.empty? oa_node = oa_system.outboardOANode.get oa_node.setName("#{air_loop_name} Outdoor Air Node") end end end # rename zone air and terminal nodes model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| zone.zoneAirNode.setName("#{} Zone Air Node") unless zone.returnAirModelObject.empty? zone.returnAirModelObject.get.setName("#{} Return Air Node") end unless zone.airLoopHVACTerminal.empty? terminal_unit = zone.airLoopHVACTerminal.get if terminal_unit.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized component = terminal_unit.to_StraightComponent.get component.inletModelObject.get.setName("#{} Inlet Air Node") end end end # rename zone equipment list objects model.getZoneHVACEquipmentLists.sort.each do |obj| begin zone = obj.thermalZone obj.setName("#{} Zone HVAC Equipment List") rescue StandardError => e OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Removing ZoneHVACEquipmentList #{}; missing thermal zone.") obj.remove end end return model end # renames plant loop nodes to readable values # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def rename_plant_loop_nodes(model) # rename all hvac components on plant loops model.getHVACComponents.sort.each do |component| next if component.to_Node.is_initialized # skip nodes unless component.plantLoop.empty? # rename straight component nodes # some inlet or outlet nodes may get renamed again if component.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized unless component.to_StraightComponent.get.inletModelObject.empty? component_inlet_object = component.to_StraightComponent.get.inletModelObject.get next unless component_inlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_inlet_object.setName("#{} Inlet Water Node") end unless component.to_StraightComponent.get.outletModelObject.empty? component_outlet_object = component.to_StraightComponent.get.outletModelObject.get next unless component_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_outlet_object.setName("#{} Outlet Water Node") end end # rename water to air component nodes if component.to_WaterToAirComponent.is_initialized component = component.to_WaterToAirComponent.get unless component.waterInletModelObject.empty? component_inlet_object = component.waterInletModelObject.get next unless component_inlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_inlet_object.setName("#{} Inlet Water Node") end unless component.waterOutletModelObject.empty? component_outlet_object = component.waterOutletModelObject.get next unless component_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized component_outlet_object.setName("#{} Outlet Water Node") end end # rename water to water component nodes if component.to_WaterToWaterComponent.is_initialized component = component.to_WaterToWaterComponent.get unless component.demandInletModelObject.empty? demand_inlet_object = component.demandInletModelObject.get next unless demand_inlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized demand_inlet_object.setName("#{} Demand Inlet Water Node") end unless component.demandOutletModelObject.empty? demand_outlet_object = component.demandOutletModelObject.get next unless demand_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized demand_outlet_object.setName("#{} Demand Outlet Water Node") end unless component.supplyInletModelObject.empty? supply_inlet_object = component.supplyInletModelObject.get next unless supply_inlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized supply_inlet_object.setName("#{} Supply Inlet Water Node") end unless component.supplyOutletModelObject .empty? supply_outlet_object = component.supplyOutletModelObject .get next unless supply_outlet_object.to_Node.is_initialized supply_outlet_object.setName("#{} Supply Outlet Water Node") end end end end # rename plant nodes model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| plant_loop_name = plant_loop.demandInletNode.setName("#{plant_loop_name} Demand Inlet Node") plant_loop.demandOutletNode.setName("#{plant_loop_name} Demand Outlet Node") plant_loop.supplyInletNode.setName("#{plant_loop_name} Supply Inlet Node") plant_loop.supplyOutletNode.setName("#{plant_loop_name} Supply Outlet Node") end return model end def true?(obj) obj.to_s.downcase == 'true' end end