module HybridPlatformsConductorTest module Helpers module ConnectorSshHelpers # Get expected commands for SSH connections established for a given set of nodes. # Those expected commands are meant to be directed and mocked by CmdRunner. # # Parameters:: # * *nodes_connections* (Hash >): Nodes' connections info, per node name: # * *connection* (String): Connection string (fqdn, IP...) used by SSH # * *user* (String): User used by SSH # * *times* (Integer): Number of times this connection should be used [default: 1] # * *control_master_create_error* (String or nil): Error to simulate during the SSH ControlMaster creation, or nil for none [default: nil] # * *with_control_master_create* (Boolean): Do we create the control master? [default: true] # * *with_control_master_check* (Boolean): Do we check the control master? [default: false] # * *with_control_master_destroy* (Boolean): Do we destroy the control master? [default: true] # * *with_strict_host_key_checking* (Boolean): Do we use strict host key checking? [default: true] # * *with_batch_mode* (Boolean): Do we use BatchMode when creating the control master? [default: true] # Result:: # * Array< [String or Regexp, Proc] >: The expected commands that should be used, and their corresponding mocked code def ssh_expected_commands_for( nodes_connections, with_control_master_create: true, with_control_master_check: false, with_control_master_destroy: true, with_strict_host_key_checking: true, with_batch_mode: true ) do |node, node_connection_info| node_connection_info[:times] = 1 unless node_connection_info.key?(:times) ssh_commands_once = [] ssh_commands_per_connection = [] if with_strict_host_key_checking ssh_commands_once.concat([ [ "ssh-keyscan #{node_connection_info[:connection]}", proc { [0, "#{node_connection_info[:connection]} ssh-rsa fake_host_key_for_#{node_connection_info[:connection]}", ''] } ] ]) end if with_control_master_create ssh_commands_per_connection << [ /^.+\/ssh #{with_batch_mode ? '-o BatchMode=yes ' : ''}-o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPersist=yes #{Regexp.escape(node_connection_info[:user])}@hpc\.#{Regexp.escape(node)} true$/, proc do control_file = test_actions_executor.connector(:ssh).send(:control_master_file, node_connection_info[:connection], '22', node_connection_info[:user]) # Fail if the ControlMaster file already exists, as would SSH do if the file is stalled if File.exist?(control_file) [255, '', "Control file #{control_file} already exists"] elsif node_connection_info[:control_master_create_error].nil? # Really touch a fake control file, as ssh connector checks for its existence File.write(control_file, '') [0, '', ''] else [255, '', node_connection_info[:control_master_create_error]] end end ] end if with_control_master_check ssh_commands_per_connection << [ /^.+\/ssh -O check #{Regexp.escape(node_connection_info[:user])}@hpc\.#{Regexp.escape(node)}$/, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] end if with_control_master_destroy ssh_commands_per_connection << [ /^.+\/ssh -O exit #{Regexp.escape(node_connection_info[:user])}@hpc\.#{Regexp.escape(node)} 2>&1 \| grep -v 'Exit request sent\.'$/, proc do # Really mock the control file deletion File.unlink(test_actions_executor.connector(:ssh).send(:control_master_file, node_connection_info[:connection], '22', node_connection_info[:user])) [1, '', ''] end ] end ssh_commands_once + ssh_commands_per_connection * node_connection_info[:times] end.flatten(1) end # Return the connector to be tested # # Result:: # * Connector: Connector to be tested def test_connector test_actions_executor.connector(:ssh) end # Get a test platform and the connector prepared the same way Actions Executor does before calling remote_* methods # # Parameters:: # * *expected_cmds* (Array< [String or Regexp, Proc] >): The expected commands that should be used, and their corresponding mocked code [default: []] # * *expected_stdout* (String): Expected stdout after client code execution [default: ''] # * *expected_stderr* (String): Expected stderr after client code execution [default: ''] # * *timeout* (Integer or nil): Timeout to prepare the connector for [default: nil] # * *password* (String or nil): Password to set for the node, or nil for none [default: nil] # * Proc: Client code to execute testing def with_test_platform_for_remote_testing(expected_cmds: [], expected_stdout: '', expected_stderr: '', timeout: nil, password: nil) with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } } }) do with_cmd_runner_mocked( [ ['which env', proc { [0, "/usr/bin/env\n", ''] }], ['ssh -V 2>&1', proc { [0, "OpenSSH_7.4p1 Debian-10+deb9u7, OpenSSL 1.0.2u 20 Dec 2019\n", ''] }] ] + (password ? [['sshpass -V', proc { [0, "sshpass 1.06\n", ''] }]] : []) + ssh_expected_commands_for( { 'node' => { connection: '', user: 'test_user' } }, with_batch_mode: password.nil? ) + expected_cmds ) do test_connector.ssh_user = 'test_user' test_connector.passwords['node'] = password if password test_connector.with_connection_to(['node']) do stdout = '' stderr = '' test_connector.prepare_for('node', timeout, stdout, stderr) yield expect(stdout).to eq expected_stdout expect(stderr).to eq expected_stderr end end end end end end end