module Hyrax module Forms module Admin # An object to model and persist the form data for the appearance # customization menu class Appearance extend ActiveModel::Naming # @param [Hash] attributes the list of parameters from the form def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes end attr_reader :attributes private :attributes # This allows this object to route to the correct path def self.model_name, Hyrax, "Hyrax::Admin::Appearance") end # Override this method if your form takes more than just the color_params def self.permitted_params color_params end # Required to back a form def to_key [] end # Required to back a form (for route determination) def persisted? true end # The color for the background of the header and footer bars def header_background_color block_for('header_background_color', '#3c3c3c') end # The color for the text in the header bar def header_text_color block_for('header_text_color', '#dcdcdc') end # The color links def link_color block_for('link_color', '#2e74b2') end # The color for links in the footer def footer_link_color block_for('footer_link_color', '#ffebcd') end # The background color for "primary" buttons def primary_button_background_color block_for('primary_button_background_color', '#286090') end # The border color for "primary" buttons def primary_button_border_color @primary_button_border ||= darken_color(primary_button_background_color, 0.05) end # The mouse over color for "primary" buttons def primary_button_hover_background_color darken_color(primary_button_background_color, 0.1) end # The mouse over color for the border of "primary" buttons def primary_button_hover_border_color darken_color(primary_button_border_color, 0.12) end # The color for the background of active "primary" buttons def primary_button_active_background_color darken_color(primary_button_background_color, 0.1) end # The color for the border of active "primary" buttons def primary_button_active_border_color darken_color(primary_button_border_color, 0.12) end # The color for the background of focused "primary" buttons def primary_button_focus_background_color darken_color(primary_button_background_color, 0.1) end # The color for the border of focused "primary" buttons def primary_button_focus_border_color darken_color(primary_button_border_color, 0.25) end # Persist the form values def update! self.class.color_params.each do |field| update_block(field, attributes[field]) if attributes[field] end end # A list of parameters that are related to custom colors def self.color_params [:header_background_color, :header_text_color, :link_color, :footer_link_color, :primary_button_background_color] end private def darken_color(hex_color, adjustment = 0.2) amount = 1.0 - adjustment hex_color = hex_color.delete('#') rgb = hex_color.scan(/../).map(&:hex) rgb[0] = (rgb[0].to_i * amount).round rgb[1] = (rgb[1].to_i * amount).round rgb[2] = (rgb[2].to_i * amount).round format("#%02x%02x%02x", *rgb) end def block_for(name, default_value) block = ContentBlock.find_by(name: name) block ? block.value : default_value end # Persist a key/value tuple as a ContentBlock # @param [Symbol] name the identifier for the ContentBlock # @param [String] value the value to set def update_block(name, value) ContentBlock.find_or_create_by(name: name.to_s).update!(value: value) end end end end end