module Katello module Glue::Provider def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods end module InstanceMethods API_URL = ''.freeze def sync Rails.logger.debug "Syncing provider #{name}" syncs = self.products.collect do |p| p.sync end syncs.flatten end def synced? self.products.any? { |p| p.synced? } end # Get the most relavant status for all the repos in this Provider def sync_status statuses = self.products.reject { |r| r.empty? }.map { |r| r.sync_status } return => PulpSyncStatus::Status::NOT_SYNCED) if statuses.empty? [PulpSyncStatus::Status::RUNNING, PulpSyncStatus::Status::NOT_SYNCED, PulpSyncStatus::Status::CANCELED, PulpSyncStatus::Status::ERROR].each do |interesting_status| relevant_status = statuses.find { |s| s[:state].to_s == interesting_status.to_s } return relevant_status if relevant_status end #else -> all finished return statuses[0] end def sync_state self.sync_status[:state] end def sync_size self.products.inject(0) { |sum, v| sum + v.sync_status.progress.total_size } end def last_sync sync_times = [] self.products.each do |prod| break unless prod.respond_to?(:last_sync) sync = prod.last_sync sync_times << sync unless sync.nil? end sync_times.sort! sync_times.last end def owner_upstream_update(upstream, _options) if !upstream['idCert'] || !upstream['idCert']['cert'] || !upstream['idCert']['key'] Rails.logger.error "Upstream identity certificate not available" fail _("Upstream identity certificate not available") end # Default to Red Hat url = upstream['apiUrl'] || API_URL # TODO: wait until ca_path is supported # #ca_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/upstream/' ca_file = nil params = {} params[:capabilities] =['managerCapabilities'].inject([]) do |result, element| result << {'name' => element} end params[:facts] = {:distributor_version => 'sat-6.3'} Resources::Candlepin::UpstreamConsumer.update("#{url}#{upstream['uuid']}", upstream['idCert']['cert'], upstream['idCert']['key'], ca_file, params) end def owner_upstream_export(upstream, zip_file_path, _options) if !upstream['idCert'] || !upstream['idCert']['cert'] || !upstream['idCert']['key'] Rails.logger.error "Upstream identity certificate not available" fail _("Upstream identity certificate not available") end # Default to Red Hat url = upstream['apiUrl'] || API_URL # TODO: wait until ca_path is supported # #ca_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/upstream/' ca_file = nil data = Resources::Candlepin::UpstreamConsumer.export("#{url}#{upstream['uuid']}/export", upstream['idCert']['cert'], upstream['idCert']['key'], ca_file), 'w') do |f| f.binmode f.write data end return true end def del_owner_import # This method will delete a manifest that has been imported. Since it is not possible # to delete the changes associated with a specific manifest, we only support deleting # the import, if there has only been 1 manifest import completed. It should be noted # that this will destroy all subscriptions associated with the import. imports = self.owner_imports if imports.length == 1 Rails.logger.debug "Deleting import for provider: #{name}" Resources::Candlepin::Owner.destroy_imports self.organization.label else Rails.logger.debug "Unable to delete import for provider: #{name}. Reason: a successful import was previously completed." end end def owner_imports Resources::Candlepin::Owner.imports self.organization.label end def import_logger ::Foreman::Logging.logger('katello/manifest_import_logger') end def import_products_from_cp cp_products = ::Katello::Resources::Candlepin::Product.all(organization.label, [:id, :name, :multiplier, :productContent]) cp_products = { |prod| Glue::Candlepin::Product.engineering_product_id?(prod['id']) } cp_products.each { |product| import_product(product) } self.index_subscriptions(self.organization) end def import_product(cp_product) product = organization.products.find_by(:cp_id => cp_product['id']) if product && product.redhat? product.update_attributes!(:name => cp_product['name']) unless == cp_product['name'] Glue::Candlepin::Product.import_product_content(product, cp_product['productContent']) elsif product.nil? Glue::Candlepin::Product.import_from_cp(cp_product, organization) end end def index_subscriptions(organization = nil) Katello::Subscription.import_all(organization) Katello::Pool.import_all(organization, false) end def rules_source redhat_provider? ? candlepin_ping['rulesSource'] : '' end def rules_version redhat_provider? ? candlepin_ping['rulesVersion'] : '' end protected def candlepin_ping @candlepin_ping ||= end end end end