module QDM # ValueSet represents a collection of Concepts, used by the Measures to specify a set of codes for a particular topic class ValueSet include Mongoid::Document field :oid, type: String field :display_name, type: String field :version, type: String field :user_id, type: String # Eventually we need to delete this from bundles when exporting field :categories, type: Hash index(oid: 1) embeds_many :concepts index 'concepts.code' => 1 index 'concepts.code_system' => 1 index 'concepts.code_system_name' => 1 index 'bundle_id' => 1 scope :by_oid, ->(oid) { where(oid: oid) } # Provides an Array of Hashes. Each code system gets its own Hash # The hash has a key of "set" for the code system name and "values" # for the actual code list def code_set_map codes = [] concept_pairs = concepts.each_with_object({}) do |concept, memo| memo[concept.code_system_name] ||= [] memo[concept.code_system_name] << concept.code end concept_pairs.each_pair do |code_set, code_list| codes << { 'set' => code_set, 'values' => code_list } end codes end def self.load_from_xml(doc) doc.root.add_namespace_definition('vs', 'urn:ihe:iti:svs:2008') vs_element = doc.at_xpath('/vs:RetrieveValueSetResponse/vs:ValueSet|/vs:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse/vs:DescribedValueSet') return unless vs_element vs = vs_element['ID'], display_name: vs_element['displayName'], version: vs_element['version']) vs.concepts = extract_concepts(vs_element) vs.categories = extract_categories(vs_element) vs end def self.extract_concepts(vs_element) vs_element.xpath('//vs:Concept').collect do |con| code_system_name = HealthDataStandards::Util::CodeSystemHelper::CODE_SYSTEMS[con['codeSystem']] || con['codeSystemName'] con['code'], code_system_name: code_system_name, code_system_version: con['codeSystemVersion'], display_name: con['displayName'], code_system: con['codeSystem']) end end def self.extract_categories(vs_element) category_hash = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } groups_with_categories = vs_element.xpath("//vs:Group/@ID[../@displayName='CATEGORY']") groups_with_categories.each do |group_number| measure = vs_element.xpath("//vs:Group[@displayName='CMS eMeasure ID' and @ID='#{group_number}']/vs:Keyword").text categories_for_group = vs_element.xpath("//vs:Group[@displayName='CATEGORY' and @ID='#{group_number}']/vs:Keyword") categories_for_group.each do |category| category_hash[measure] << category.text end end !category_hash.empty? ? category_hash : nil end end end