# This file is part of the "Utopia Framework" project, and is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3. # Copyright 2010 Samuel Williams. All rights reserved. # See for licensing details. require 'utopia/tags' require 'RMagick' require 'fileutils' class Utopia::Tags::Gallery module Processes class Thumbnail def initialize(size = [800, 800]) @size = size end def call(img) # Only resize an image if it is bigger than the given size. if (img.columns > @size[0] || img.rows > @size[1]) img.resize_to_fit(*@size) else img end end def default_extension(path) ext = path.original.extension case ext when /pdf/i return "png" else return ext.downcase end end end # Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the aspect ratio of the original image. If necessary, crop the image in the larger dimension. class CropThumbnail < Thumbnail def call(img) img.resize_to_fill(*@size) end end class DocumentThumbnail < Thumbnail def call(img) img = super(img) shadow = img.dup shadow = shadow.colorize(1, 1, 1, 'gray50') shadow.background_color = 'transparent' shadow.border!(10, 10, 'transparent') shadow = shadow.gaussian_blur_channel(5, 5, Magick::AlphaChannel) shadow.composite(img, 5, 5, Magick::OverCompositeOp) end def default_extension(path) return "png" end end class PhotoThumbnail < Thumbnail def call(img) img = super(img) shadow = img.dup shadow = shadow.colorize(1, 1, 1, '#999999ff') shadow.background_color = 'transparent' shadow.border!(10, 10, '#99999900') shadow = shadow.gaussian_blur_channel(5, 5, Magick::AlphaChannel) shadow.composite(img, 5, 5, Magick::OverCompositeOp) end def default_extension(path) return "png" end end end CACHE_DIR = "_cache" PROCESSES = { :pdf_thumbnail => Processes::DocumentThumbnail.new([300, 300]), :photo_thumbnail => Processes::PhotoThumbnail.new([300, 300]), :large => Processes::Thumbnail.new([800, 800]), :square_thumbnail => Processes::CropThumbnail.new([300, 300]), :thumbnail => Processes::Thumbnail.new([300, 300]) } class ImagePath def initialize(original_path) @original_path = original_path @cache_root = @original_path.dirname + CACHE_DIR @extensions = {} end attr :cache_root attr :extensions def original @original_path end def self.append_suffix(name, suffix, extension = nil) components = name.split(".") components.insert(-2, suffix) if (extension) components[-1] = extension end return components.join(".") end def processed(process = nil) if process name = @original_path.basename return cache_root + ImagePath.append_suffix(name, process.to_s, @extensions[process.to_sym]) else return @original_path end end def to_html(process = nil) Tag.new("img", {"src" => path(process)}).to_html end def to_s @original_path.to_s end def method_missing(name, *args) return processed(name.to_s) end end class ImageMetadata def initialize(metadata) @metadata = metadata end attr :metadata def [] (key) @metadata[key.to_s] end def to_s @metadata['caption'] || '' end # A bit of a hack to ease migration. def to_html to_s.to_html end end def initialize(node, path) @node = node @path = path end def metadata metadata_path = @node.local_path(@path + "gallery.yaml") if File.exist? metadata_path return YAML::load(File.read(metadata_path)) else return {} end end def images(options = {}) options[:filter] ||= /(jpg|png)$/i paths = [] local_path = @node.local_path(@path) Dir.entries(local_path).each do |filename| next unless filename.match(options[:filter]) fullpath = File.join(local_path, filename) paths << ImagePath.new(@path + filename) end if options[:process] paths.each do |path| processed_image(path, options[:process]) end end return paths end def processed_image(image_path, processes) # Create the local cache directory if it doesn't exist already local_cache_path = @node.local_path(image_path.cache_root) unless File.exist? local_cache_path FileUtils.mkdir local_cache_path end # Calculate the new name for the processed image local_original_path = @node.local_path(image_path.original) if processes.kind_of? String processes = processes.split(",").collect{|p| p.split(":")} end processes.each do |process_name, extension| process_name = process_name.to_sym process = PROCESSES[process_name] extension ||= process.default_extension(image_path) image_path.extensions[process_name] = extension if extension local_processed_path = @node.local_path(image_path.processed(process_name)) unless File.exists? local_processed_path image = Magick::ImageList.new(local_original_path) image.scene = 0 processed_image = process.call(image) processed_image.write(local_processed_path) # Run GC to free up any memory. processed_image = nil GC.start if defined? GC end end end def self.call(transaction, state) gallery = new(transaction.end_tags[-2].node, Utopia::Path.create(state["path"] || "./")) metadata = gallery.metadata metadata.default = {} tag_name = state["tag"] || "img" options = {} options[:process] = state["process"] options[:filter] = Regexp.new("(#{state["filetypes"]})$", "i") if state["filetypes"] filter = Regexp.new(state["filter"], Regexp::IGNORECASE) if state["filter"] transaction.tag("div", "class" => "gallery") do |node| images = gallery.images(options).sort do |a, b| if (metadata[a.original.basename]["order"] && metadata[b.original.basename]["order"]) metadata[a.original.basename]["order"] <=> metadata[b.original.basename]["order"] else a.original.basename <=> b.original.basename end end images.each do |path| next if filter and !filter.match(path.original.basename) alt = ImageMetadata.new(metadata[path.original.basename]) transaction.tag(tag_name, "src" => path, "alt" => alt) end end end end Utopia::Tags.register("gallery", Utopia::Tags::Gallery)