require_relative "../../../spec/es_spec_helper" require "flores/random" require "logstash/outputs/elasticsearch" describe LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch do subject { } let(:options) { {} } let(:maximum_seen_major_version) { rand(100) } let(:do_register) { true } before(:each) do if do_register # Build the client and set mocks before calling register to avoid races. subject.build_client # Rspec mocks can't handle background threads, so... we can't use any allow(subject.client.pool).to receive(:start_resurrectionist) allow(subject.client.pool).to receive(:start_sniffer) allow(subject.client.pool).to receive(:healthcheck!) allow(subject.client).to receive(:maximum_seen_major_version).at_least(:once).and_return(maximum_seen_major_version) subject.register subject.client.pool.adapter.manticore.respond_with(:body => "{}") end end after(:each) do subject.close end context "with an active instance" do let(:options) { { "index" => "my-index", "hosts" => ["localhost","localhost:9202"], "path" => "some-path", "manage_template" => false } } let(:manticore_urls) { subject.client.pool.urls } let(:manticore_url) { manticore_urls.first } describe "getting a document type" do context "if document_type isn't set" do let(:options) { super.merge("document_type" => nil)} context "for 7.x elasticsearch clusters" do let(:maximum_seen_major_version) { 7 } it "should return '_doc'" do expect(subject.send(:get_event_type,"type" => "foo"))).to eql("_doc") end end context "for 6.x elasticsearch clusters" do let(:maximum_seen_major_version) { 6 } it "should return 'doc'" do expect(subject.send(:get_event_type,"type" => "foo"))).to eql("doc") end end context "for < 6.0 elasticsearch clusters" do let(:maximum_seen_major_version) { 5 } it "should get the type from the event" do expect(subject.send(:get_event_type,"type" => "foo"))).to eql("foo") end end end context "with 'document type set'" do let(:options) { super.merge("document_type" => "bar")} it "should get the event type from the 'document_type' setting" do expect(subject.send(:get_event_type, eql("bar") end end context "with a bad type event field in a < 6.0 es cluster" do let(:maximum_seen_major_version) { 5 } let(:type_arg) { ["foo"] } let(:result) { subject.send(:get_event_type,"type" => type_arg)) } before do allow(subject.instance_variable_get(:@logger)).to receive(:warn) result end it "should call @logger.warn and return nil" do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@logger)).to have_received(:warn).with(/Bad event type!/, anything).once end it "should set the type to the stringified value" do expect(result).to eql(type_arg.to_s) end end end describe "with auth" do let(:user) { "myuser" } let(:password) {"mypassword") } shared_examples "an authenticated config" do it "should set the URL auth correctly" do expect(manticore_url.user).to eq user end end context "as part of a URL" do let(:options) { super.merge("hosts" => ["http://#{user}:#{password.value}@localhost:9200"]) } include_examples("an authenticated config") end context "as a hash option" do let(:options) { super.merge!( "user" => user, "password" => password ) } include_examples("an authenticated config") end end describe "with path" do it "should properly create a URI with the path" do expect(subject.path).to eql(options["path"]) end it "should properly set the path on the HTTP client adding slashes" do expect(manticore_url.path).to eql("/" + options["path"] + "/") end context "with extra slashes" do let(:path) { "/slashed-path/ "} let(:options) { super.merge("path" => "/some-path/") } it "should properly set the path on the HTTP client without adding slashes" do expect(manticore_url.path).to eql(options["path"]) end end context "with a URI based path" do let(:options) do o = super() o.delete("path") o["hosts"] = ["http://localhost:9200/mypath/"] o end let(:client_host_path) { manticore_url.path } it "should initialize without error" do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end it "should use the URI path" do expect(client_host_path).to eql("/mypath/") end context "with a path option but no URL path" do let(:options) do o = super() o["path"] = "/override/" o["hosts"] = ["http://localhost:9200"] o end it "should initialize without error" do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end it "should use the option path" do expect(client_host_path).to eql("/override/") end end # If you specify the path in two spots that is an error! context "with a path option and a URL path" do let(:do_register) { false } # Register will fail let(:options) do o = super() o["path"] = "/override" o["hosts"] = ["http://localhost:9200/mypath/"] o end it "should initialize with an error" do expect { subject.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end end describe "without a port specified" do let(:options) { super.merge('hosts' => 'localhost') } it "should properly set the default port (9200) on the HTTP client" do expect(manticore_url.port).to eql(9200) end end describe "with a port other than 9200 specified" do let(:options) { super.merge('hosts' => 'localhost:9202') } it "should properly set the specified port on the HTTP client" do expect(manticore_url.port).to eql(9202) end end describe "#multi_receive" do let(:events) { [double("one"), double("two"), double("three")] } let(:events_tuples) { [double("one t"), double("two t"), double("three t")] } before do allow(subject).to receive(:retrying_submit).with(anything) events.each_with_index do |e,i| et = events_tuples[i] allow(subject).to receive(:event_action_tuple).with(e).and_return(et) end subject.multi_receive(events) end end context "429 errors" do let(:event) {"foo" => "bar") } let(:error) do 429, double("url").as_null_object, double("request body"), double("response body") ) end let(:logger) { double("logger").as_null_object } let(:response) { { :errors => [], :items => [] } } before(:each) do i = 0 bulk_param = [["index", anything, event.to_hash]] allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) # Fail the first time bulk is called, succeed the next time allow(subject.client).to receive(:bulk).with(bulk_param) do i += 1 if i == 1 raise error end end.and_return(response) subject.multi_receive([event]) end it "should retry the 429 till it goes away" do expect(subject.client).to have_received(:bulk).twice end it "should log a debug message" do expect(subject.logger).to have_received(:debug).with(/Encountered a retryable error/i, anything) end end end context "with timeout set" do let(:listener) { Flores::Random.tcp_listener } let(:port) { listener[2] } let(:options) do { "manage_template" => false, "hosts" => "localhost:#{port}", "timeout" => 0.1, # fast timeout } end before do # Expect a timeout to be logged. expect(subject.logger).to receive(:error).with(/Attempted to send a bulk request to Elasticsearch/i, anything).at_least(:once) expect(subject.client).to receive(:bulk).at_least(:twice).and_call_original end it "should fail after the timeout" do #pending("This is tricky now that we do healthchecks on instantiation") { subject.multi_receive([]) } # Allow the timeout to occur sleep 6 end end describe "the action option" do context "with a sprintf action" do let(:options) { {"action" => "%{myactionfield}" } } let(:event) {"myactionfield" => "update", "message" => "blah") } it "should interpolate the requested action value when creating an event_action_tuple" do expect(subject.event_action_tuple(event).first).to eql("update") end end context "with a sprintf action equals to update" do let(:options) { {"action" => "%{myactionfield}", "upsert" => '{"message": "some text"}' } } let(:event) {"myactionfield" => "update", "message" => "blah") } it "should obtain specific action's params from event_action_tuple" do expect(subject.event_action_tuple(event)[1]).to include(:_upsert) end end context "with an invalid action" do let(:options) { {"action" => "SOME Garbaaage"} } let(:do_register) { false } # this is what we want to test, so we disable the before(:each) call it "should raise a configuration error" do expect { subject.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end describe "SSL end to end" do let(:do_register) { false } # skip the register in the global before block, as is called here. let(:manticore_double) do double("manticoreX#{self.inspect}") end before(:each) do response_double = double("manticore response").as_null_object # Allow healtchecks allow(manticore_double).to receive(:head).with(any_args).and_return(response_double) allow(manticore_double).to receive(:get).with(any_args).and_return(response_double) allow(manticore_double).to receive(:close) allow(::Manticore::Client).to receive(:new).and_return(manticore_double) subject.register end shared_examples("an encrypted client connection") do it "should enable SSL in manticore" do expect( eql(['https']) end end context "With the 'ssl' option" do let(:options) { {"ssl" => true}} include_examples("an encrypted client connection") end context "With an https host" do let(:options) { {"hosts" => "https://localhost"} } include_examples("an encrypted client connection") end end describe "retry_on_conflict" do let(:num_retries) { 123 } let(:event) {"myactionfield" => "update", "message" => "blah") } let(:options) { { 'retry_on_conflict' => num_retries } } context "with a regular index" do let(:options) { super.merge("action" => "index") } it "should not set the retry_on_conflict parameter when creating an event_action_tuple" do allow(subject.client).to receive(:maximum_seen_major_version).and_return(maximum_seen_major_version) action, params, event_data = subject.event_action_tuple(event) expect(params).not_to include({subject.retry_on_conflict_action_name => num_retries}) end end context "using a plain update" do let(:options) { super.merge("action" => "update", "retry_on_conflict" => num_retries, "document_id" => 1) } it "should set the retry_on_conflict parameter when creating an event_action_tuple" do action, params, event_data = subject.event_action_tuple(event) expect(params).to include({subject.retry_on_conflict_action_name => num_retries}) end end context "with a sprintf action that resolves to update" do let(:options) { super.merge("action" => "%{myactionfield}", "retry_on_conflict" => num_retries, "document_id" => 1) } it "should set the retry_on_conflict parameter when creating an event_action_tuple" do action, params, event_data = subject.event_action_tuple(event) expect(params).to include({subject.retry_on_conflict_action_name => num_retries}) expect(action).to eq("update") end end end describe "sleep interval calculation" do let(:retry_max_interval) { 64 } let(:options) { { "retry_max_interval" => retry_max_interval } } it "should double the given value" do expect(subject.next_sleep_interval(2)).to eql(4) expect(subject.next_sleep_interval(32)).to eql(64) end it "should not increase the value past the max retry interval" do sleep_interval = 2 100.times do sleep_interval = subject.next_sleep_interval(sleep_interval) expect(sleep_interval).to be <= retry_max_interval end end end describe "stale connection check" do let(:validate_after_inactivity) { 123 } let(:options) { { "validate_after_inactivity" => validate_after_inactivity } } let(:do_register) { false } before :each do allow(::Manticore::Client).to receive(:new).with(any_args).and_call_original end after :each do subject.close end it "should set the correct http client option for 'validate_after_inactivity'" do subject.register expect(::Manticore::Client).to have_received(:new) do |options| expect(options[:check_connection_timeout]).to eq(validate_after_inactivity) end end end describe "custom parameters" do let(:manticore_urls) { subject.client.pool.urls } let(:manticore_url) { manticore_urls.first } let(:custom_parameters_hash) { { "id" => 1, "name" => "logstash" } } let(:custom_parameters_query) { {|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&") } context "using non-url hosts" do let(:options) { { "index" => "my-index", "hosts" => ["localhost:9202"], "path" => "some-path", "parameters" => custom_parameters_hash } } it "creates a URI with the added parameters" do expect(subject.parameters).to eql(custom_parameters_hash) end it "sets the query string on the HTTP client" do expect(manticore_url.query).to eql(custom_parameters_query) end end context "using url hosts" do context "with embedded query parameters" do let(:options) { { "hosts" => ["http://localhost:9202/path?#{custom_parameters_query}"] } } it "sets the query string on the HTTP client" do expect(manticore_url.query).to eql(custom_parameters_query) end end context "with explicit query parameters" do let(:options) { { "hosts" => ["http://localhost:9202/path"], "parameters" => custom_parameters_hash } } it "sets the query string on the HTTP client" do expect(manticore_url.query).to eql(custom_parameters_query) end end context "with explicit query parameters and existing url parameters" do let(:existing_query_string) { "existing=param" } let(:options) { { "hosts" => ["http://localhost:9202/path?#{existing_query_string}"], "parameters" => custom_parameters_hash } } it "keeps the existing query string" do expect(manticore_url.query).to include(existing_query_string) end it "includes the new query string" do expect(manticore_url.query).to include(custom_parameters_query) end it "appends the new query string to the existing one" do expect(manticore_url.query).to eql("#{existing_query_string}&#{custom_parameters_query}") end end end end context 'handling elasticsearch document-level status meant for the DLQ' do let(:options) { { "manage_template" => false } } let(:logger) { subject.instance_variable_get(:@logger) } context 'when @dlq_writer is nil' do before { subject.instance_variable_set '@dlq_writer', nil } context 'resorting to previous behaviour of logging the error' do context 'getting an invalid_index_name_exception' do it 'should log at ERROR level' do expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(/Could not index/, hash_including(:status, :action, :response)) mock_response = { 'index' => { 'error' => { 'type' => 'invalid_index_name_exception' } } } subject.handle_dlq_status("Could not index event to Elasticsearch.", [:action, :params, :event], :some_status, mock_response) end end context 'when getting any other exception' do it 'should log at WARN level' do expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Could not index/, hash_including(:status, :action, :response)) mock_response = { 'index' => { 'error' => { 'type' => 'illegal_argument_exception' } } } subject.handle_dlq_status("Could not index event to Elasticsearch.", [:action, :params, :event], :some_status, mock_response) end end context 'when the response does not include [error]' do it 'should not fail, but just log a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Could not index/, hash_including(:status, :action, :response)) mock_response = { 'index' => {} } expect do subject.handle_dlq_status("Could not index event to Elasticsearch.", [:action, :params, :event], :some_status, mock_response) end.to_not raise_error end end end end # DLQ writer always nil, no matter what I try here. So mocking it all the way context 'when DLQ is enabled' do let(:dlq_writer) { double('DLQ writer') } before { subject.instance_variable_set('@dlq_writer', dlq_writer) } # Note: This is not quite the desired behaviour. # We should still log when sending to the DLQ. # This shall be solved by another issue, however: logstash-output-elasticsearch#772 it 'should send the event to the DLQ instead, and not log' do expect(dlq_writer).to receive(:write).with(:event, /Could not index/) mock_response = { 'index' => { 'error' => { 'type' => 'illegal_argument_exception' } } } subject.handle_dlq_status("Could not index event to Elasticsearch.", [:action, :params, :event], :some_status, mock_response) end end end describe "custom headers" do let(:manticore_options) { subject.client.pool.adapter.manticore.instance_variable_get(:@options) } context "when set" do let(:headers) { { "X-Thing" => "Test" } } let(:options) { { "custom_headers" => headers } } it "should use the custom headers in the adapter options" do expect(manticore_options[:headers]).to eq(headers) end end context "when not set" do it "should have no headers" do expect(manticore_options[:headers]).to be_empty end end end end