module OverSIP::WebSocket class TcpServer < ::EM::Connection include ::OverSIP::Logger # Max size (bytes) of the buffered data when receiving message headers # (avoid DoS attacks). HEADERS_MAX_SIZE = 2048 WS_MAGIC_GUID_04 = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11".freeze WS_VERSIONS = { 7=>true, 8=>true, 13=>true } HDR_SUPPORTED_WEBSOCKET_VERSIONS = [ "X-Supported-WebSocket-Versions: #{WS_VERSIONS.keys.join(", ")}" ] class << self attr_accessor :ip_type, :transport end attr_accessor :ws_protocol, :ws_app_klass attr_reader :connection_log_id, :remote_ip_type, :remote_ip, :remote_port attr_reader :cvars # A Hash for storing user provided data. def initialize @http_parser = @buffer = @state = :init @cvars = {} end def post_connection begin @remote_port, @remote_ip = ::Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(get_peername) rescue => e log_system_error "error obtaining remote IP/port (#{e.class}: #{e.message}), closing connection" close_connection @state = :ignore return end @connection_log_id = ::SecureRandom.hex(4) log_system_info "connection opened from " << remote_desc end def remote_desc force=nil if force @remote_desc = case @remote_ip_type when :ipv4 ; "#{@remote_ip}:#{@remote_port.to_s}" when :ipv6 ; "[#{@remote_ip}]:#{@remote_port.to_s}" end else @remote_desc ||= case self.class.ip_type when :ipv4 ; "#{@remote_ip}:#{@remote_port.to_s}" when :ipv6 ; "[#{@remote_ip}]:#{@remote_port.to_s}" end end end def unbind cause=nil @local_closed = true if cause == ::Errno::ETIMEDOUT log_msg = "connection from #{remote_desc} " log_msg << ( @local_closed ? "locally closed" : "remotely closed" ) log_msg << " (cause: #{cause.inspect})" if cause log_system_debug log_msg if $oversip_debug @ws_framing.tcp_closed if @ws_framing if @ws_handshake_done begin ::OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_connection_closed self rescue ::Exception => e log_system_error "error calling OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_connection_closed():" log_system_error e end end end def receive_data data @state == :ignore and return @buffer << data while (case @state when :init @http_request = @http_parser.reset @http_parser_nbytes = 0 @bytes_remaining = 0 @state = :http_headers when :http_headers parse_http_headers when :check_http_request check_http_request when :ws_connection_callback check_ws_connection_callback when :accept_ws_handshake accept_ws_handshake when :websocket_frames return false if @ws_framing.receive_data false when :ignore false end) end # while end def parse_http_headers return false if @buffer.empty? # Parse the currently buffered data. If parsing fails @http_parser_nbytes gets nil value. unless @http_parser_nbytes = @http_parser.execute(@http_request, @buffer.to_str, @http_parser_nbytes) log_system_warn "parsing error: \"#{@http_parser.error}\"" close_connection_after_writing @state = :ignore return false end # Avoid flood attacks in TCP (very long headers). if @http_parser_nbytes > HEADERS_MAX_SIZE log_system_warn "DoS attack detected: headers size exceedes #{HEADERS_MAX_SIZE} bytes, closing connection with #{remote_desc}" close_connection @state = :ignore return false end return false unless @http_parser.finished? # Clear parsed data from the buffer. @http_request.connection = self @http_request.transport = self.class.transport @http_request.source_ip = @remote_ip @http_request.source_port = @remote_port @http_request.source_ip_type = @remote_ip_type ||= self.class.ip_type @state = :check_http_request true end # parse_headers def check_http_request # HTTP method must be GET. if @http_request.http_method != :GET log_system_notice "rejecting HTTP #{@http_request.http_method} request => 405" http_reject 405 return false end # "Sec-WebSocket-Version" must be 8. unless WS_VERSIONS[@http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_version] if @http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_version log_system_notice "WebSocket version #{@http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_version} not implemented => 426" else log_system_notice "WebSocket version header not present => 426" end http_reject 426, nil, HDR_SUPPORTED_WEBSOCKET_VERSIONS return false end # Connection header must include "upgrade". unless @http_request.hdr_connection and @http_request.hdr_connection.include? "upgrade" log_system_notice "Connection header must include \"upgrade\" => 400" http_reject 400, "Connection header must include \"upgrade\"" return false end # "Upgrade: websocket" is required. unless @http_request.hdr_upgrade == "websocket" log_system_notice "Upgrade header must be \"websocket\" => 400" http_reject 400, "Upgrade header must be \"websocket\"" return false end # Sec-WebSocket-Key is required. unless @http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_key log_system_notice "Sec-WebSocket-Key header not present => 400" http_reject 400, "Sec-WebSocket-Key header not present" return false end # Check Sec-WebSocket-Protocol. if @http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_protocol if @http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_protocol.include? @ws_protocol @websocket_protocol_negotiated = true else log_system_notice "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol does not contain a supported protocol but #{@http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_protocol} => 501" http_reject 501, "No Suitable WebSocket Protocol" return false end end @state = :ws_connection_callback true end def check_ws_connection_callback begin ::OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_connection self, @http_request rescue ::Exception => e log_system_error "error calling OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_connection() => 500:" log_system_error e http_reject 500 return false end # The user provided callback could have reject the WS connection, so # check it not to reply a 101 after the reply sent by the user. if @state == :ws_connection_callback @state = :accept_ws_handshake true else false end end def accept_ws_handshake sec_websocket_accept = Digest::SHA1::base64digest @http_request.hdr_sec_websocket_key + WS_MAGIC_GUID_04 extra_headers = [ "Upgrade: websocket", "Connection: Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: #{sec_websocket_accept}" ] if @websocket_protocol_negotiated extra_headers << "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: #{@ws_protocol}" end if @websocket_extensions extra_headers << "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: #{@websocket_extensions.to_s}" end @http_request.reply 101, nil, extra_headers # Set the WS framming layer and WS application layer. @ws_framing =, @buffer) @ws_framing.ws_app =, @ws_framing) @ws_handshake_done = true @state = :websocket_frames true end def http_reject status_code, reason_phrase=nil, extra_headers=nil @http_request.reply(status_code, reason_phrase, extra_headers) close_connection_after_writing @state = :ignore end def ignore_incoming_data @state = :ignore # The WS application needs to set the connection in :ignore state # after sending a close frame to the client. end end # class TcpServer end