# ********** Copyright Viacom, Inc. Apache 2.0 ********** module RokuBuilder # Collects information on a package for submission class Analyzer < Util extend Plugin def self.commands { analyze: {source: true, stage: true}, } end def self.parse_options(parser:, options:) parser.separator "Commands:" parser.on("--analyze", "Run a static analysis on a given stage") do options[:analyze] = true end parser.separator "Options:" parser.on("--inclide-libraries", "Include libraries in analyze") do options[:include_libraries] = true end parser.on("--sca-precommand COMMAND", "Include libraries in analyze") do |command| options[:sca_precommand] = command end end def self.dependencies [Loader] end def analyze(options:, quiet: false) @options = options @warnings = [] @sca_warning = {} performance_config = get_config("performance_config.json") linter_config = get_config(".roku_builder_linter.json", true) linter_config ||= {is_ssai: false} loader = Loader.new(config: @config) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| loader.copy(options: options, path: dir) run_sca_tool(path: dir, linter_config: linter_config) libraries = @config.project[:libraries] libraries ||= [] Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "**", "*")).each do |file_path| #byebug if file_path.include?("adTuningChannelComponent.brs") file = file_path.dup; file.slice!(dir) unless libraries.any_is_start?(file) and not @options[:include_libraries] if File.file?(file_path) and file_path.end_with?(".brs", ".xml") line_inspector_config = [] line_inspector_config = performance_config unless linter_config[:skip_performance] line_inspector_config += linter_config[:rules] if linter_config[:rules] line_inspector = LineInspector.new(inspector_config: line_inspector_config, indent_config: linter_config[:indentation]) @warnings.concat(line_inspector.run(file_path)) end end end format_messages(dir) print_warnings unless quiet end @warnings end private def run_sca_tool(path:, linter_config:) if OS.unix? command = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "sca-cmd", "bin", "sca-cmd") stderr = "/dev/null" else command = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "sca-cmd", "bin", "sca-cmd.bat") stderr = "nul" end @logger.debug("Command: '#{command}'") results = `#{command} #{path} 2>#{stderr}`.split("\n") @logger.debug("Results: '#{results}'") process_sca_results(results, linter_config) end def process_sca_results(results, linter_config) results.each do |result_line| if /-----+/.match(result_line) or /\*\*\*\*\*+/.match(result_line) @warnings.push(@sca_warning) if add_warning?(linter_config) @sca_warning = {} elsif data = /^(\[WARNING\]|\[INFO\]|\[ERROR\])(.*)$/.match(result_line) @warnings.push(@sca_warning) if add_warning?(linter_config) @sca_warning = {} @sca_warning[:severity] = data[1].gsub(/(\[|\])/, "").downcase @sca_warning[:message] = data[2] elsif data = /^\s*Path: ([^ ]*) Line: (\d*)./.match(result_line) @sca_warning[:path] = data[1] @sca_warning[:line] = data[2].to_i elsif @sca_warning and @sca_warning[:message] @sca_warning[:message] += " " + result_line end end end def add_warning?(linter_config) if @sca_warning and @sca_warning[:severity] if linter_config[:ssai] and /SetAdUrl\(\) method is missing/.match(@sca_warning[:message]) return false end libraries = @config.project[:libraries] libraries ||= [] if @sca_warning[:path] and libraries.any_is_start?(@sca_warning[:path].gsub(/pkg:/, "")) and not @options[:include_libraries] and not linter_config[:sca_libraries] return false end if linter_config[:ignore_warnings] linter_config[:ignore_warnings].each do |regexp| return false if @sca_warning[:message] =~ /#{regexp}/ end end return true end return false end def get_config(file, project_root=false) if project_root file = File.join(@config.root_dir, file) else file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), file) end JSON.parse(File.open(file).read, {symbolize_names: true}) if File.exist? file end def print_warnings logger = ::Logger.new(STDOUT) logger.level = @logger.level logger.formatter = proc {|severity, _datetime, _progname, msg| "%5s: %s\n\r" % [severity, msg] } @logger.unknown "====== Analysis Results ======" @warnings.each do |warning| message = warning[:message] case(warning[:severity]) when "error" logger.error(message) when "warning" logger.warn(message) when "info" logger.info(message) end end end def format_messages(dir) @warnings.each do |warning| if warning[:path] warning[:path].slice!(dir) if dir warning[:path].slice!(/^\//) warning[:message] += ". pkg:/"+warning[:path] warning[:message] += ":"+(warning[:line]+1).to_s if warning[:line] end end end end RokuBuilder.register_plugin(Analyzer) end