# ========================================== # CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C # Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams # [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] # ========================================== $here = File.dirname __FILE__ class CMockGenerator attr_accessor :config, :file_writer, :module_name, :mock_name, :utils, :plugins, :ordered def initialize(config, file_writer, utils, plugins) @file_writer = file_writer @utils = utils @plugins = plugins @config = config @prefix = @config.mock_prefix @ordered = @config.enforce_strict_ordering @framework = @config.framework.to_s @includes_h_pre_orig_header = (@config.includes || @config.includes_h_pre_orig_header || []).map{|h| h =~ /\n" file << "#include \n" file << "#include \n" file << "#include \"#{@framework}.h\"\n" file << "#include \"cmock.h\"\n" @includes_c_pre_header.each {|inc| file << "#include #{inc}\n"} file << "#include \"#{header_file}\"\n" @includes_c_post_header.each {|inc| file << "#include #{inc}\n"} file << "\n" end def create_instance_structure(file, functions) functions.each do |function| file << "typedef struct _CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE\n{\n" file << " UNITY_LINE_TYPE LineNumber;\n" file << @plugins.run(:instance_typedefs, function) file << "\n} CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE;\n\n" end file << "static struct #{@mock_name}Instance\n{\n" if (functions.size == 0) file << " unsigned char placeHolder;\n" end functions.each do |function| file << @plugins.run(:instance_structure, function) file << " CMOCK_MEM_INDEX_TYPE #{function[:name]}_CallInstance;\n" end file << "} Mock;\n\n" end def create_extern_declarations(file) file << "extern jmp_buf AbortFrame;\n" if (@ordered) file << "extern int GlobalExpectCount;\n" file << "extern int GlobalVerifyOrder;\n" end file << "\n" end def create_mock_verify_function(file, functions) file << "void #{@mock_name}_Verify(void)\n{\n" verifications = functions.collect {|function| @plugins.run(:mock_verify, function)}.join file << " UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line = TEST_LINE_NUM;\n" unless verifications.empty? file << verifications file << "}\n\n" end def create_mock_init_function(file) file << "void #{@mock_name}_Init(void)\n{\n" file << " #{@mock_name}_Destroy();\n" file << "}\n\n" end def create_mock_destroy_function(file, functions) file << "void #{@mock_name}_Destroy(void)\n{\n" file << " CMock_Guts_MemFreeAll();\n" file << " memset(&Mock, 0, sizeof(Mock));\n" file << functions.collect {|function| @plugins.run(:mock_destroy, function)}.join if (@ordered) file << " GlobalExpectCount = 0;\n" file << " GlobalVerifyOrder = 0;\n" end file << "}\n\n" end def create_mock_implementation(file, function) # prepare return value and arguments if (function[:modifier].empty?) function_mod_and_rettype = function[:return][:type] else function_mod_and_rettype = function[:modifier] + ' ' + function[:return][:type] end args_string = function[:args_string] args_string += (", " + function[:var_arg]) unless (function[:var_arg].nil?) # Create mock function file << "#{function_mod_and_rettype} #{function[:name]}(#{args_string})\n" file << "{\n" file << " UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line = TEST_LINE_NUM;\n" file << " CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE* cmock_call_instance = (CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE*)CMock_Guts_GetAddressFor(Mock.#{function[:name]}_CallInstance);\n" file << " Mock.#{function[:name]}_CallInstance = CMock_Guts_MemNext(Mock.#{function[:name]}_CallInstance);\n" file << @plugins.run(:mock_implementation_precheck, function) file << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cmock_call_instance, cmock_line, \"Function '#{function[:name]}' called more times than expected.\");\n" file << " cmock_line = cmock_call_instance->LineNumber;\n" if (@ordered) file << " if (cmock_call_instance->CallOrder > ++GlobalVerifyOrder)\n" file << " UNITY_TEST_FAIL(cmock_line, \"Function '#{function[:name]}' called earlier than expected.\");\n" file << " if (cmock_call_instance->CallOrder < GlobalVerifyOrder)\n" file << " UNITY_TEST_FAIL(cmock_line, \"Function '#{function[:name]}' called later than expected.\");\n" # file << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT((cmock_call_instance->CallOrder == ++GlobalVerifyOrder), cmock_line, \"Out of order function calls. Function '#{function[:name]}'\");\n" end file << @plugins.run(:mock_implementation, function) file << " return cmock_call_instance->ReturnVal;\n" unless (function[:return][:void?]) file << "}\n\n" end def create_mock_interfaces(file, function) file << @utils.code_add_argument_loader(function) file << @plugins.run(:mock_interfaces, function) end end