--- --- # [Slow Steps, a Jekyll theme](https://www.gaitq.madeslowly.xyz/clinician/about/) [![Ruby gem](https://badge.fury.io/rb/slow-steps.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/slow-steps) [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-lightgrey.svg)](https://github.com/madeslowly/slow-steps/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Jekyll](https://img.shields.io/badge/jekyll-%3E%3D%203.7-blue.svg)](https://jekyllrb.com/) A bold jekyll theme built for gaitQ. Designed to have two distinct styling, depending on current URL. ## Jekyll Theme Scaffolding How this repo is organised and what the various files are. All posts, layouts, includes, stylesheets, assets, and whatever else is grouped under the root folder. The compiled Jekyll site outputs to `_site/`, which is never pushed to this repo, see https://www.gaitq.madeslowly.xyz/. General flow starts with a `.md` file in our root. With Front Matter, we declare our layout which points to a structural `.html` file in `_layouts`. From here, the layout file can call in data from our `_config.yml` with `{{ site.variable }}` and from any of our `YAML` files in `_data/file.yml` with `{{ site.data.file.variable }}`. The layout can also pull in other structural html snippets from `_includes` with `{% raw %}{% include relative/path/file.html %}{% endraw %}`. It is worth noting that _include files can also perform the tasks just described. So, for example, when the `deafult.html` layout is executed (the penultimate step for *all* `.md` files), the `head.html` snippet is called, which in turn calls `og-meta.html`. Based on our sites settings and any relevant Front Matter belonging to the calling file, `og-meta.html` compiles all our `og:meta` tags and passes them to `head.html` which after adding further code, passes on to our default layout where it is placed at the top of our webpages `html`. ``` https://github.com/madeslowly/slow-steps/ | ├─ _config.yml/ # Website settings | ├─ _data/ # Site data | | | | | ├─ forms/ # Inputs for MailChimp forms | | | ├─ copy.yml # Website copy | | | ├─ menu.yml # Menu structure | ├─ _includes/ # HTML and Liquid templating | | | ├─ branding/ # Site branding SVGs | | | | | ├─ site__logo.svg # Site wide logo | | | ├─ footer/ # Site wide footers | | | | | ├─ footer.html # Multi col footer | | | | | ├─ footer.html # Simple footer | | | ├─ forms/ # Form scaffolding | | | | | ├─ mc-register.html # MailChimp registration form | | | ├─ head/ # Header partials | | | | | ├─ descriptor/ # Site wide descriptors | | | | | | | ├─ og-meta.html | | | ├─ structured-data.html | | | ├─ twitter-meta.html | | | | | ├─ env/ # Env gaitq_env.css | | | | | ├─ head.html # Routine to collate header partials | | | ├─ navigation/ # HTML and Liquid templating | | | | | ├─ global.html #