# Class mixins for persisting classes. Part of Rhubarb. # # Copyright (c) 2009--2010 Red Hat, Inc. # # Author: William Benton (willb@redhat.com) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'rhubarb/mixins/freshness' module Rhubarb # Forward declaration module Persistence; end # Methods mixed in to the class object of a persisting class module PersistingClassMixins if ::Rhubarb::Persistence::sqlite_13 PCM_INPUT_TRANSFORMERS = {:blob=>Util.blobify_proc, :zblob=>Util.zblobify_proc, :object=>Util.swizzle_object_proc, :boolean=>Util.truthify_proc} PCM_OUTPUT_TRANSFORMERS = {:object=>Util.deswizzle_object_proc, :zblob=>Util.dezblobify_proc, :string=>Proc.new {|v| v.to_s}} else PCM_INPUT_TRANSFORMERS = {:blob=>Util.blobify_proc, :zblob=>Util.zblobify_proc, :object=>Util.swizzle_object_proc} PCM_OUTPUT_TRANSFORMERS = {:object=>Util.deswizzle_object_proc, :zblob=>Util.dezblobify_proc} end # Returns the name of the database table modeled by this class. # Defaults to the name of the class (sans module names) def table_name(quoted=false) @table_name ||= self.name.split("::").pop.downcase @quoted_table_name ||= "'#{@table_name}'" quoted ? @quoted_table_name : @table_name end def quoted_table_name table_name(true) end # Enables setting the table name to a custom name def declare_table_name(nm) @table_name = nm end alias table_name= declare_table_name # Models a foreign-key relationship. +options+ is a hash of options, which include # +:column => + _name_:: specifies the name of the column to reference in +klass+ (defaults to row id) # +:on_delete => :cascade+:: specifies that deleting the referenced row in +klass+ will delete all rows referencing that row through this reference def references(table, options={}) Reference.new(table, options) end # Models a CHECK constraint. def check(condition) "check (#{condition})" end # Returns an object corresponding to the row with the given ID, or +nil+ if no such row exists. def find(id) tup = self.find_tuple(id) tup ? self.new(tup) : nil end alias find_by_id find def find_by_sqlite13(arg_hash) results = [] arg_hash = arg_hash.dup valid_cols = self.colnames.intersection arg_hash.keys select_criteria = valid_cols.map {|col| "#{col.to_s} = #{col.inspect}"}.join(" AND ") arg_hash.each do |key,val| arg_hash[key] = val.row_id if val.respond_to? :row_id xform = PCM_INPUT_TRANSFORMERS[colkinds[key]] arg_hash[key] = xform.call(val) if xform end db.do_query("select * from #{quoted_table_name} where #{select_criteria} order by row_id", arg_hash) {|tup| results << self.new(tup) } results end def find_by_sqlite12(arg_hash) results = [] arg_hash = arg_hash.dup valid_cols = self.colnames.intersection arg_hash.keys select_criteria = valid_cols.map {|col| "#{col.to_s} = #{col.inspect}"}.join(" AND ") arg_hash.each do |key,val| arg_hash[key] = val.row_id if val.respond_to? :row_id end db.do_query("select * from #{quoted_table_name} where #{select_criteria} order by row_id", arg_hash) {|tup| results << self.new(tup) } results end if ::Rhubarb::Persistence::sqlite_13 alias find_by find_by_sqlite13 else alias find_by find_by_sqlite12 end # Does what it says on the tin. Since this will allocate an object for each row, it isn't recomended for huge tables. def find_all results = [] db.do_query("SELECT * from #{quoted_table_name}") {|tup| results << self.new(tup)} results end def delete_all db.do_query("DELETE from #{quoted_table_name}") end def delete_where(arg_hash) arg_hash = arg_hash.dup valid_cols = self.colnames.intersection arg_hash.keys select_criteria = valid_cols.map {|col| "#{col.to_s} = #{col.inspect}"}.join(" AND ") arg_hash.each {|key,val| arg_hash[key] = val.row_id if val.respond_to? :row_id} db.do_query("DELETE FROM #{quoted_table_name} WHERE #{select_criteria}", arg_hash) end # Declares a query method named +name+ and adds it to this class. The query method returns a list of objects corresponding to the rows returned by executing "+SELECT * FROM+ _table_ +WHERE+ _query_" on the database. def declare_query(name, query) declare_custom_query(name, "select * from __TABLE__ where #{query}") end # Declares a custom query method named +name+, and adds it to this class. The custom query method returns a list of objects corresponding to the rows returned by executing +query+ on the database. +query+ should select all fields (with +SELECT *+). If +query+ includes the string +\_\_TABLE\_\_+, it will be expanded to the table name. Typically, you will want to use +declare\_query+ instead; this method is most useful for self-joins. def declare_custom_query(name, query) klass = (class << self; self end) processed_query = query.gsub("__TABLE__", "#{self.quoted_table_name}") klass.class_eval do define_method name.to_s do |*args| # handle reference parameters if args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?(Hash) args[0].each do |k,v| args[0][k] = Util::rhubarb_fk_identity(v) end else args = args.map do |arg| raise RuntimeError.new("Hash-valued positional parameters may only appear as named positional parameters.") if arg.is_a?(Hash) Util::rhubarb_fk_identity(arg) end end results = [] db.do_query(processed_query, args) {|tup| results << self.new(tup)} results end end end def declare_index_on(*fields) @creation_callbacks << Proc.new do idx_name = "idx_#{self.table_name}__#{fields.join('__')}__#{@creation_callbacks.size}" creation_cmd = "create index #{idx_name} on #{self.quoted_table_name} (#{fields.join(', ')})" self.db.execute(creation_cmd) end if fields.size > 0 end # Adds a column named +cname+ to this table declaration, and adds the following methods to the class: # * accessors for +cname+, called +cname+ and +cname=+ # * +find\_by\_cname+ and +find\_first\_by\_cname+ methods, which return a list of rows and the first row that have the given value for +cname+, respectively # If the column references a column in another table (given via a +references(...)+ argument to +quals+), then add triggers to the database to ensure referential integrity and cascade-on-delete (if specified) def declare_column(cname, kind, *quals) ensure_accessors find_method_name = "find_by_#{cname}".to_sym find_first_method_name = "find_first_by_#{cname}".to_sym find_query = "select * from #{quoted_table_name} where \"#{cname}\" = ? order by row_id" get_method_name = "#{cname}".to_sym set_method_name = "#{cname}=".to_sym # does this column reference another table? rf = quals.find {|qual| qual.class == Reference} if rf self.refs[cname] = rf end # add a find for this column (a class method) klass = (class << self; self end) klass.class_eval do if ::Rhubarb::Persistence::sqlite_13 define_method find_method_name do |arg| results = [] arg = Util.rhubarb_fk_identity(arg) db.do_query(find_query, arg) {|row| results << self.new(row)} results end define_method find_first_method_name do |arg| result = nil arg = Util.rhubarb_fk_identity(arg) db.do_query(find_query, arg) {|row| result = self.new(row) ; break } result end else define_method find_method_name do |arg| results = [] db.do_query(find_query, arg) {|row| results << self.new(row)} results end define_method find_first_method_name do |arg| result = nil db.do_query(find_query, arg) {|row| result = self.new(row) ; break } result end end end self.colnames.merge([cname]) self.colkinds[cname] = kind self.columns << Column.new(cname, kind, quals) out_xform = PCM_OUTPUT_TRANSFORMERS[kind] # add accessors define_method get_method_name do freshen return nil unless @tuple result = @tuple[cname.to_s] out_xform ? out_xform.call(result) : result end if not rf xform = nil xform = PCM_INPUT_TRANSFORMERS[kind] define_method set_method_name do |arg| new_val = xform ? xform.call(arg) : arg @tuple["#{cname}"] = new_val update cname, new_val end else # this column references another table; create a set # method that can handle either row objects or row IDs define_method set_method_name do |arg| freshen arg_id = nil if arg.class == Fixnum arg_id = arg arg = rf.referent.find arg_id else arg_id = arg.row_id end @tuple["#{cname}"] = arg update cname, arg_id end # Finally, add appropriate triggers to ensure referential integrity. # If rf has an on_delete trigger, also add the necessary # triggers to cascade deletes. # Note that we do not support update triggers, since the API does # not expose the capacity to change row IDs. rtable = rf.referent.table_name qrtable = rf.referent.quoted_table_name self.creation_callbacks << Proc.new do @ccount ||= 0 insert_trigger_name, delete_trigger_name = %w{insert delete}.map {|op| "ri_#{op}_#{self.table_name}_#{@ccount}_#{rtable}" } self.db.execute_batch("CREATE TRIGGER #{insert_trigger_name} BEFORE INSERT ON #{quoted_table_name} WHEN new.\"#{cname}\" IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #{qrtable} WHERE new.\"#{cname}\" == \"#{rf.column}\") BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'constraint #{insert_trigger_name} (#{rtable} missing foreign key row) failed'); END;") self.db.execute_batch("CREATE TRIGGER #{delete_trigger_name} BEFORE DELETE ON #{qrtable} WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #{quoted_table_name} WHERE old.\"#{rf.column}\" == \"#{cname}\") BEGIN DELETE FROM #{quoted_table_name} WHERE \"#{cname}\" = old.\"#{rf.column}\"; END;") if rf.options[:on_delete] == :cascade @ccount = @ccount + 1 end end end # Declares a constraint. Only check constraints are supported; see # the check method. def declare_constraint(cname, kind, *details) ensure_accessors @constraints << "constraint #{cname} #{kind} #{details.join(" ")}" end # Creates a new row in the table with the supplied column values. # May throw a SQLite3::SQLException. def create(*args) new_row = args[0] new_row[:created] = new_row[:updated] = Util::timestamp colspec, valspec = cvspecs[new_row.keys] res = nil # resolve any references in the args new_row.each do |column,value| xform = PCM_INPUT_TRANSFORMERS[colkinds[column]] new_row[column] = xform ? xform.call(value) : Util::rhubarb_fk_identity(value) end create_text = "insert into #{quoted_table_name} (#{colspec}) values (#{valspec})" db.do_query(create_text, new_row) res = find(db.last_insert_row_id) res end # Returns a string consisting of the DDL statement to create a table # corresponding to this class. def table_decl ddlspecs = [columns.join(", "), constraints.join(", ")].reject {|str| str.size==0}.join(", ") "create table #{quoted_table_name} (#{ddlspecs});" end # Creates a table in the database corresponding to this class. def create_table(dbkey=:default) ensure_accessors self.db ||= Persistence::dbs[dbkey] unless @explicitdb self.db.execute(table_decl) @creation_callbacks.each {|func| func.call} end def db @db || Persistence::db end def db=(dbo) @explicitdb = true @db = dbo end # Ensure that all the necessary accessors on our class instance are defined # and that all metaclass fields have the appropriate values def ensure_accessors # Define singleton accessors if not self.respond_to? :columns class << self # Arrays of columns, column names, and column constraints. # Note that colnames does not contain id, created, or updated. # The API purposefully does not expose the ability to create a # row with a given id, and created and updated values are # maintained automatically by the API. attr_accessor :columns, :colnames, :colkinds, :constraints, :dirtied, :refs, :creation_callbacks end end # Ensure singleton fields are initialized self.columns ||= [Column.new(:row_id, :integer, [:primary_key]), Column.new(:created, :integer, []), Column.new(:updated, :integer, [])] self.colnames ||= Set.new [:created, :updated] self.constraints ||= [] self.colkinds ||= {} self.dirtied ||= {} self.refs ||= {} self.creation_callbacks ||= [] end # Returns the number of rows in the table backing this class def count self.db.get_first_value("select count(row_id) from #{quoted_table_name}").to_i end def find_tuple(tid) ft_text = "select * from #{quoted_table_name} where row_id = ?" result = nil db.do_query(ft_text, tid) {|tup| result = tup; break} result end def cvspecs @cvspecs ||= Hash.new do |h,new_row_keys| cols = colnames.intersection new_row_keys h[new_row_keys] = [Proc.new {|f| f.to_s.inspect}, Proc.new {|f| f.inspect}].map {|p| (cols.map {|col| p.call(col)}).join(", ")} end end include FindFreshest end end