module LucidMaterial module App module NativeComponentConstructor # for should_component_update we apply ruby semantics for comparing props # to do so, we convert the props to ruby hashes and then compare # this makes sure, that for example rubys Nil object gets handled properly def self.extended(base) theme_component_name = base.to_s + 'ThemeWrapper' # language=JS %x{ base.jss_theme =; base.themed_react_component = function(props) { let opag =; let classes = null; let theme = opag.MuiStyles.useTheme(); if (base.jss_styles) { if (!base.use_styles || (Opal.Isomorfeus.development === true)) { let styles; if (typeof base.jss_styles === 'function') { styles = base.jss_styles(theme); } else { styles = base.jss_styles; } base.use_styles = opag.MuiStyles.makeStyles(styles); } classes = base.use_styles(); } let themed_classes_props = Object.assign({}, props, { classes: classes, theme: theme }); return opag.React.createElement(base.lucid_react_component, themed_classes_props); } base.themed_react_component.displayName = #{theme_component_name}; base.react_component = class extends { constructor(props) { super(props); if (Opal.Isomorfeus.$top_component() == nil) { Opal.Isomorfeus['$top_component='](this); } } static get displayName() { return "IsomorfeusTopLevelComponent"; } static set displayName(new_name) { // dont do anything here except returning the set value return new_name; } render() { let themed_component =, this.props); return, { theme: base.jss_theme }, themed_component); } } } end end end end