.TH TORK\-RUNNER 1 2013\-12\-02 19.5.1 .SH NAME .PP tork\-runner \- runs tests once, non\-interactively .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCtork-runner\fR [\fIOPTION\fP]... [\fITEST_FILE_GLOB\fP]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program can be thought of as a non\-interactive version of .BR tork (1). It runs all test files that match the given \fITEST_FILE_GLOB\fPs and then exits with a nonzero status if any tests failed. If none are given, it runs all test files known to \fB\fCTork::Driver::TEST_FILE_GLOBBERS\fR in .BR tork-driver (1). .SS Output .PP This program prints the following messages to stdout. .TP \fB\fC>>\fR \fIfailed_test_log_file\fP \fB\fC<<\fR This message will be followed by the content of \fIfailed_test_log_file\fP\&. .TP \fIT\fP \fB\fCtested,\fR \fIP\fP \fB\fCpassed,\fR \fIF\fP \fB\fCfailed\fR \fIT\fP test files were tested and \fIP\fP of them passed but \fIF\fP of them failed. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC-h\fR, \fB\fC--help\fR Show this help manual. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 0 All test files passed. .TP 1 One or more test files failed. .SH ENVIRONMENT .PP See .BR tork (1). .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR tork (1), .BR tork-driver (1)