require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::Command::Audit, logged_in: true do let(:events) { [{'foo' => 'bar', 'zelda' => 'link', 'abc' => 'xyz'}, {'some' => 'other event'}] } def expect_api_call method, *args expect(api).to receive(method.to_sym).with(*args).and_return events #described_class.should_receive(:show_audit_events).with(events, an_instance_of(Hash)) end def invoke_expecting_api_call method, *args expect_api_call method, *args invoke end def invoke_silently silence_stderr { invoke } end def self.describe_command_success cmd, method, *expected_args, &block describe_command cmd do it "calls api.#{method}(#{',')})" do instance_eval(&block) if block invoke_expecting_api_call method, *expected_args end end end def self.it_calls_the_api command, api_method, *api_args, &block describe_command_success command, api_method, *api_args, &block end def self.it_fails command, *raise_error_args unless raise_error_args.empty? or ::Class === raise_error_args.first raise_error_args.unshift Exception end describe_command command do it "raises #{ ' '}" do expect { invoke_silently }.to raise_error(*raise_error_args) end end end describe "audit:role" do context "with an argument" do context "of a full id" do it_calls_the_api "audit:role foo:bar:baz", :audit_role, 'foo:bar:baz', {} end context "without an account" do it_calls_the_api "audit:role bar:baz", :audit_role, 'the-conjur-account:bar:baz', {} do allow(Conjur::Command).to receive_messages(conjur_account: "the-conjur-account") end end context "without enough tokens" do it_fails "audit:role not-enough-tokens", RuntimeError, /expecting at least two tokens/i end end end describe "audit:resource" do context "without an argument" do it_fails "audit:resource", /missing parameter: resource/i end context "with an argument of" do context "a full id" do it_calls_the_api "audit:resource foo:bar:baz", :audit_resource, "foo:bar:baz", {} end context "an id with two tokens" do it_calls_the_api "audit:resource foo:bar", :audit_resource, "the-conjur-account:foo:bar", {} do allow(Conjur::Command).to receive_messages(conjur_account: "the-conjur-account") end end context "an id with one token" do it_fails "audit:resource foo", /expecting at least two tokens/i end end end describe "audit:all" do it_calls_the_api "audit:all", :audit, {} end describe "output formatting:" do include_context "default audit behavior" before { allow(api).to receive(:audit_event_feed).and_yield([audit_event]) } describe_command "audit all" do let(:audit_event) { default_audit_event } it 'prints full JSON retrieved from API' do expect { invoke }.to write( JSON.pretty_generate(audit_event) ) end end describe_command "audit all -s" do let(:common_prefix) { "[#{default_audit_event["timestamp"]}] #{default_audit_event["user"]}" } let(:audit_event) { test_event } shared_examples_for "it supports standard prefix:" do describe "if acting_as is the same as user" do let(:audit_event) { test_event.tap { |e| e["acting_as"]=e["user"] } } it "prints default prefix" do expect { invoke }.to write(common_prefix) end it "does not print 'acting_as' statement" do expect { invoke }.to_not write(common_prefix+" (as ") end end describe "if acting_as is different from user" do it 'prints default prefix followed by (acting as..) statement' do expect { invoke }.to write(common_prefix+" (as #{audit_event['acting_as']})") end end end shared_examples_for "it recognizes error messages:" do describe "if :error is not empty" do let(:audit_event) { test_event.merge("error"=>"everything's down") } it 'appends (failed with...) statement' do expect { invoke }.to write(" (failed with everything's down)") end end describe "if :error is empty" do it 'does not print "failed with" statement' do expect { invoke }.not_to write(" (failed with ") end end end describe "(unknown kind:action)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'unknown event: :'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" unknown event: some_asset:some_action!") end end describe "(resource:check)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action"=>"check", "privilege"=>"fry", "resource"=>"food:bacon", "allowed" => "false" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'checked that they...'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" checked that they can fry food:bacon (false)") end end describe "(resource:create)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action" => "create", "resource" => "food:bacon", "owner" => "user:cook" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'created resource ... owned by ... '" do expect { invoke }.to write(" created resource food:bacon owned by user:cook") end end describe "(resource:update)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action" => "update", "resource" => "food:bacon", "owner" => "user:cook" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'gave .. to .. '" do expect { invoke }.to write(" gave food:bacon to user:cook") end end describe "(resource:destroy)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action" => "destroy", "resource" => "food:bacon" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'destroyed resource ... '" do expect { invoke }.to write(" destroyed resource food:bacon") end end describe "(resource:permit)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action" => "permit", "resource" => "food:bacon", "privilege" => "fry", "grantee" => "user:cook" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'permitted .. to .. (grant option: .. ) '" do expect { invoke }.to write(" permitted user:cook to fry food:bacon (grant option: false)") end end describe "(resource:deny)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action" => "deny", "resource" => "food:bacon", "privilege" => "fry", "grantee" => "user:cook" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'denied .. from .. on ..'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" denied fry from user:cook on food:bacon") end end describe "(resource:permitted_roles)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"resource", "action" => "permitted_roles", "resource" => "food:bacon", "privilege" => "fry" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'listed roles permitted to .. on ..'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" listed roles permitted to fry on food:bacon") end end describe "(role:check)" do let(:options_set) { { "kind"=>"role", "action" => "check", "resource" => "food:bacon", "privilege" => "fry", "allowed" => "false" } } describe 'on themselves' do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge(options_set).merge("role" => default_audit_event["user"]) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'checked that they...'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" checked that they can fry food:bacon (false)") end end describe 'on others' do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge(options_set).merge("role" => "some:other:guy") } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'checked that they...'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" checked that some:other:guy can fry food:bacon (false)") end end end describe "(role:grant)" do let(:options_set) { { "kind"=>"role", "action" => "grant", "member" => "other:guy", "role" => "super:user" } } describe 'without admin option' do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge(options_set) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'granted role .. to .. without admin'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" granted role super:user to other:guy without admin") end end describe 'with admin option' do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge(options_set).merge("admin_option" => true) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'granted role .. to .. with admin'" do expect { invoke }.to write(" granted role super:user to other:guy with admin") end end end describe "(role:revoke)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"role", "action" => "revoke", "role" => "super:user", "member" => "other:guy" ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'revoked role .. from .." do expect { invoke }.to write(" revoked role super:user from other:guy") end end describe "(role:create)" do let(:test_event) { default_audit_event.merge("kind"=>"role", "action" => "create", "role" => "super:user", ) } it_behaves_like "it supports standard prefix:" it_behaves_like "it recognizes error messages:" it "prints 'created role .. " do expect { invoke }.to write(" created role super:user") end end end end describe "limit and offset" do let(:events) { (1 .. 5).map { |x| { event: x } } } before { allow(api).to receive(:audit_event_feed).and_yield(events) } describe_command "audit all" do it "prints all the elements" do expect(expect { invoke }.to write).to eq( {|e| JSON.pretty_generate(e)}.join("\n")+"\n") end end describe_command "audit all -l 2" do it "prints only elements" do expect(expect { invoke }.to write).to eq(events[0..1].map {|e| JSON.pretty_generate(e)}.join("\n")+"\n") end end describe_command "audit all -o 2" do it "skips elements" do expect(expect { invoke }.to write).to eq(events[2..4].map {|e| JSON.pretty_generate(e)}.join("\n")+"\n") end end describe_command "audit all -o 2 -l 2" do it "skips elements and prints only of remaining part" do expect(expect { invoke }.to write).to eq(events[2..3].map {|e| JSON.pretty_generate(e)}.join("\n")+"\n") end end end end