== 0.4.0 2023-04-23 * Forked by snoglobe (snwy) and modernizing == 0.3.0 2008-09-22 * Pushing to rubyforge.. - added rad install arduino - added rad test arduino == 0.2.5 2008-07-21 * 1ish large post Bastille Day update: - added i2c capability - added actual Wire library until workaround for os_x file caching is found - added DS1307 and OneWire libraries - added cool instance variable style global variables - added array and define methods - added def setup method, which added to setupĀ  - added numerous examples == 0.2.4 2008-07-12 * 1ish large update: - added incredibly primitive tests - added 11 sketch examples which are compiled or compiled/uploaded - use rake test:compile or rake test:upload - can also use the following to run an example (make:compile also works) - make:upload sketch=examples/hello_servos == 0.2.3 2008-07-10 * Manyish updates: - updated servo library to support position parameter - plus: - addition of plugins - latest and greatest lcd libraries for pa and sf - multiple methods - addition of rad_process and rad_rewrite methods methods - options for :device => servo, button, lcd, - and many more == 0.2.2 2008-04-27 * 2ish updates: - updated makefile template and cli to expect arduino-0011 - applied David Michael's patch for longs == 0.2.1 2008-04-02 * 6ish updates: - applied Brian Riley's SWSerLCDpa patch - experimental libraries system in vendor/libraries - fixed require 'yaml' bug in makefile.rb - enhancements to the rad command: can set project config. - added first significant documentation - added examples directory to the website == 0.2.0 2008-03-15 * 8ish updates, some major: * fixed regular serial support * class method for writing functions in assembler * applied Scott Windsor's patch for software serial support * added support for HIGH/LOW/ON/OFF constants * add an option for skipping the reset prompt on rake make:upload * changed default arduino location to be more realistic * put screencasts #1 and #2 on rad.rubyforge.org * put google analytics on rad.rubyforge.org == 0.1.1 2007-10-29 * 2 major fixes: * explicitly specify path to arduino avr tools (this was broken on systems that didn't have the avr toolchain installed, oops) * add explicit path to avrdude.conf in the upload make target == 0.1.0 2007-10-28 * 4ish major updates: * Arduino interop has been updated, and consequently now requires Arduino 0010: * new Makefile imported, with new configuration items (see below) * main() function added to C++ output * make:upload rake task has been updated * C++ generation has been changed to produce a more readable output * configuration file changes: * hardware * fixed typo in serial_port key * added mcu key to specify atmega8/atmega168. Defaults to atmega168 * changed serial_port to /dev/tty.usbserial*, which will pick the first device that matches that blob * software * updated arduino_root for 0010 * 2 major enhancement: * gem should now correctly install RubyToC * can now enable internal pull-up resistors on input pins by passing the :pullup => true parameter to input_pin * 2 minor enhancements: * cleanups in makefile.rb * serial_print_str method added; can now send strings over the serial port == 0.0.4 2007-07-24 * 1 major enhancement: * serial_begin class method == 0.0.3 2007-07-23 * 1 major enhancement: * bug fix in blink helper method == 0.0.2 2007-07-23 * 1 major enhancement: * blink helper method == 0.0.1 2007-07-22 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release * most features of the Arduino software library functional * experimental implementation of the serial interface * complete rake-based build, compile, and upload cycle