require 'builder' require 'xmlsimple' module Sbn class Net # Returns a string containing a representation of the network in XMLBIF format. # def to_xmlbif xml = => 2) xml.instruct! xml.comment! <<-EOS Bayesian network in XMLBIF v0.3 (BayesNet Interchange Format) Produced by SBN (Simple Bayesian Network library) Output created #{} EOS xml.text! "\n" xml.comment! "DTD for the XMLBIF 0.3 format" xml.declare! :DOCTYPE, :bif do xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :bif, :"(network)*" xml.declare! :ATTLIST, :bif, :version, :CDATA, :"#REQUIRED" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :"network (name, (property | variable | definition)*)" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :name, :"(#PCDATA)" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :"variable (name, (outcome | property)*)" xml.declare! :ATTLIST, :"variable type (nature | decision | utility) \"nature\"" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :outcome, :"(#PCDATA)" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :definition, :"(for | given | table | property)*" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :for, :"(#PCDATA)" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :given, :"(#PCDATA)" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :table, :"(#PCDATA)" xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :property, :"(#PCDATA)" end xml.bif :version => 0.3 do do xml.text! "\n" xml.comment! "Variables" @variables.each {|name, variable| variable.to_xmlbif_variable(xml) } xml.text! "\n" xml.comment! "Probability distributions" @variables.each {|name, variable| variable.to_xmlbif_definition(xml) } end end end # Reconstitute a saved network. def self.from_xmlbif(source) # convert tags to lower case source.gsub!(/(<.*?>)/, '\\1'.downcase) doc = XmlSimple.xml_in(source) netname = doc['network'].first['name'].first # find net name returnval = # find variables count = 0 variables = {} variable_elements = doc['network'].first['variable'].each do |var| varname = var['name'].first.to_sym properties = var['property'] vartype = nil manager_name = nil text_to_match = "" options = {} thresholds = [] properties.each do |prop| key, val = prop.split('=').map {|e| e.strip } vartype = val if key == 'SbnVariableType' manager_name = val if key == 'ManagerVariableName' text_to_match = eval(val) if key == 'TextToMatch' options[key.to_sym] = val.to_i if key =~ /stdev_state_count/ thresholds = {|e| e.to_f } if key == 'StateThresholds' end states = var['outcome'] table = [] doc['network'].first['definition'].each do |defn| if defn['for'].first.to_sym == varname table = defn['table'] {|prob| prob.to_f } end end count += 1 variables[varname] = case vartype when "Sbn::StringVariable" then, varname) when "Sbn::NumericVariable" then, varname, table, thresholds, options) when "Sbn::Variable" then, varname, table, states) when "Sbn::StringCovariable" then, manager_name, text_to_match, table) end end # find relationships between variables # connect covariables to their managers variable_elements = doc['network'].first['variable'].each do |var| varname = var['name'].first.to_sym properties = var['property'] vartype = nil covars = nil parents = nil properties.each do |prop| key, val = prop.split('=').map {|e| e.strip } covars = val.split(',').map {|e| e.strip.to_sym } if key == 'Covariables' parents = val.split(',').map {|e| e.strip.to_sym } if key == 'Parents' vartype = val if key == 'SbnVariableType' end if vartype == "Sbn::StringVariable" parents.each {|p| variables[varname].add_parent(variables[p]) } if parents covars.each {|covar| variables[varname].add_covariable(variables[covar]) } if covars end end # connect all other variables to their parents doc['network'].first['definition'].each do |defn| varname = defn['for'].first.to_sym parents = defn['given'] parents.each {|p| variables[varname].add_parent(variables[p.to_sym]) } if parents end returnval end end end