namespace :rubber do namespace :jenkins do rubber.allow_optional_tasks(self) before "rubber:install_packages", "rubber:jenkins:setup_apt_sources" task :setup_apt_sources, :roles => :jenkins do # Setup apt sources to jenkins sources = <<-SOURCES deb binary/ SOURCES sources.gsub!(/^[ \t]*/, '') put(sources, "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list") rsudo "wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -" end after "rubber:apache:bootstrap", "rubber:jenkins:bootstrap" task :bootstrap, :roles => :jenkins do exists = capture("echo $(ls /etc/apache2/jenkins.auth 2> /dev/null)") if exists.strip.size == 0 rubber.update_code_for_bootstrap rubber.run_config(:file => "role/jenkins", :force => true, :deploy_path => release_path) restart rubber.apache.restart # user specific bootstrap (add plugins, etc) sleep(5) # Allow Jenkins enough time to start up. custom_bootstrap end end task :custom_bootstrap, :roles => :jenkins do jenkins_cli = "java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:#{rubber_env.jenkins_proxy_port}/" rubber.sudo_script "update_jenkins_plugin_list", <<-ENDSCRIPT curl -L | sed '1d;$d' | curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -d @- http://localhost:#{rubber_env.jenkins_proxy_port}/updateCenter/byId/default/postBack ENDSCRIPT rsudo "#{jenkins_cli} install-plugin github" rsudo "#{jenkins_cli} install-plugin gravatar" rsudo "#{jenkins_cli} install-plugin brakeman" rsudo "#{jenkins_cli} install-plugin rubyMetrics" rsudo "#{jenkins_cli} install-plugin xvfb" rsudo "#{jenkins_cli} restart" init_jenkins_user_ssh = <<-ENDSCRIPT # Get host key for src machine to prevent ssh from failing rm -f #{rubber_env.jenkins_build_home}/.ssh/known_hosts ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' &> /dev/null || true ENDSCRIPT rubber.sudo_script 'configure_git', init_jenkins_user_ssh, :as => "jenkins" # # Manual configuration steps in jenkins webui # # Set discard old builds (7 days?) # Set email notification # set github project (url for linking from build results): # set repository url to github clone address: # set branches to build to: master # Check Build when a change is pushed to GitHub # (add to github post receive hook on github project) # Set build command to: # ./script/ # Check Publish JUnit test result report, xmls: test/reports/*.xml # Check Publish Rcov report, directory: coverage/rcov end desc <<-DESC Starts the jenkins daemon DESC task :start, :roles => :jenkins do rsudo "service jenkins start" end desc <<-DESC Stops the jenkins daemon DESC task :stop, :roles => :jenkins do rsudo "service jenkins stop || true" end desc <<-DESC Restarts the jenkins daemon DESC task :restart, :roles => :jenkins do stop start end end end