# frozen_string_literal: true
module Rails # :nodoc:
module GraphQL # :nodoc:
module Helpers # :nodoc:
# Helper module allowing leaf values to be collected direct from
# ActiveRecord. It also helps AR Adapters to define the necessary
# methods and settings to operate with this extractor.
# TODO: Implement ActiveRecord serialization
module LeafFromAr
def self.extended(other)
# Defines which type exactly represents the scalar type on the
# ActiveRecord adapter for casting purposes
other.class_attribute :ar_adapter_type, instance_writer: false, default: {}
# A list of ActiveRecord aliases per adapter to skip casting
other.class_attribute :ar_adapter_aliases, instance_writer: false,
default: (Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Set.new })
# Identifies the ActiveRecord type (actually it uses the
# ActiveModel::Type#type method, but ActiveRecord uses the same
# reference) of this object. When mismatching, the query must cast the
# value.
def ar_type
# If a class extend this module, we assume that it can serialize
# attributes direct from the query point of view
def from_ar?(ar_object, attribute)
# Returns an Arel object that represents how this object is serialized
# direct from the query
# This happens in 3 parts
# 1. It finds a method to get the arel representation of the
# accessor of the given attribute
# 2. If the attribute type mismatch the ar type or any of its aliases,
# then invoke a adapter-specific cast
# 3. If necessary, adapters can describe a specific way to serialize
# the arel attribute to ensure equivalency
# ==== Example
# Lets imagine a scenario where the adapter is the +PostgreSQL+, the
# attribute is a +data+ field with +enum+ type from a +sample+ table and
# the result must be a binary base64 data:
# 1. Sample.arel_attribute(:data)
# # => "samples"."data"
# 2. Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('CAST', [arel_object, Arel.sql('text')])
# # => CAST("samples"."data" AS text)
# 3. Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('ENCODE', [arel_object, Arel.sql("'base64")])
# # => ENCODE(CAST("samples"."data" AS text), 'base64')
def from_ar(ar_object, attribute)
key = adapter_key(ar_object)
method_name = "from_#{key}_adapter"
method_name = 'from_abstract_adapter' unless respond_to?(method_name, true)
arel_object = send(method_name, ar_object, attribute)
return if arel_object.nil?
arel_object = try("cast_#{key}_attribute", arel_object, ar_adapter_type[key]) \
unless match_ar_type?(ar_object, attribute, key)
return if arel_object.nil?
method_name = "#{key}_serialize"
respond_to?(method_name, true) ? try(method_name, arel_object) : arel_object
# Helper method that should be used for ActiveRecord adapters in order
# to provide the correct methods and settings for retrieving the given
# value direct from a query.
# ==== Options
# * :fetch - A specific function to build the arel for fetching the attribute
# * :cast - A function to cast an attribute to the correct value
# * :type - A symbol that represents the exactly database type that matches
# the ActiveRecord type (ie. :varchar for :string)
# * :aliases - An array of AR aliases that for the adapter they are
# equivalent
def define_for(adapter, **settings)
adapter = ar_adapters[adapter] if ar_adapters.key?(adapter)
raise ArgumentError, <<~MSG.squish unless ar_adapters.values.include?(adapter)
The given #{adapter.inspect} adapter is not a valid option.
The valid options are: #{ar_adapters.to_a.flatten.map(&:inspect).to_sentence}.
define_singleton_method("from_#{adapter}_adapter", &settings[:fetch]) \
if settings.key?(:fetch)
define_singleton_method("cast_#{adapter}_attribute", &settings[:cast]) \
if settings.key?(:cast)
ar_adapter_type[adapter] = settings[:type] if settings.key?(:type)
ar_adapter_aliases[adapter] += Array.wrap(settings[:aliases]) \
if settings.key?(:aliases)
# A pretty abstract way to access an attribute from an ActiveRecord
# object using arel
def from_abstract_adapter(ar_object, attribute)
# Change the ActiveRecord type of the given object
def set_ar_type!(type)
redefine_singleton_method(:ar_type) { type }
# Return the list of defined ActiveRecord Adapters
def ar_adapters
# Given the ActiveRecord Object, find the key to compound the method
# name for the specific attribute accessor
def adapter_key(ar_object)
# Check if the GraphQL ar type of this object matches the
# ActiveRecord type or any alias for the specific adapter
def match_ar_type?(ar_object, attribute, adapter_key)
attr_type = ar_object.columns_hash[attribute.to_s].type
ar_type.eql?(attr_type) || ar_adapter_aliases[adapter_key].include?(attr_type)