require 'uri' require 'httparty' require 'aws-sdk' class Caboose::Media < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "media" belongs_to :media_category has_attached_file :file, :path => ':caboose_prefixmedia/:id_:media_name.:extension' do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :file has_attached_file :image, :path => ':caboose_prefixmedia/:id_:media_name_:style.:extension', :default_url => '', :styles => { :tiny => '160x120>', :thumb => '400x300>', :large => '640x480>', :huge => '1400x1050>' } #:s3_headers => lambda { |attachment| { "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"#{}\"" }} do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :image attr_accessible :id, :media_category_id, :name, :original_name, :description, :processed has_attached_file :sample #before_post_process :set_content_dispositon #def set_content_dispositon # self.sample.options.merge({ :s3_headers => { "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=#{}" }}) #end def process #return if self.processed config = YAML.load('config', 'aws.yml')))[Rails.env] AWS.config({ :access_key_id => config['access_key_id'], :secret_access_key => config['secret_access_key'] }) bucket = config['bucket'] bucket = Caboose::uploads_bucket && Caboose::uploads_bucket.strip.length > 0 ? Caboose::uploads_bucket : "#{bucket}-uploads" key = "#{self.media_category_id}_#{self.original_name}" key = URI.encode(key.gsub(' ', '+')) uri = "http://#{bucket}{key}" image_extensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.tif'] ext = File.extname(key).downcase mimetype = Caboose::Mimetype.mimetype_for_extension(ext) if image_extensions.include?(ext) self.image = URI.parse(uri) self.image_content_type = mimetype if mimetype else self.file = URI.parse(uri) self.file_content_type = mimetype if mimetype end self.processed = true # Remember when the last upload processing happened s = Caboose::Setting.where(:site_id => self.media_category.site_id, :name => 'last_upload_processed').first s = Caboose::Setting.create(:site_id => self.media_category.site_id, :name => 'last_upload_processed') if s.nil? s.value ="%FT%T%z") # Remove the temp file bucket = obj = bucket.objects[key] obj.delete end def download_image_from_url(url) self.image = URI.parse(url) self.processed = true end def api_hash { :id =>, :name =>, :original_name => self.original_name, :description => self.description, :processed => self.processed, :image_urls => self.image_urls, :file_url => self.file ? self.file.url : nil, :media_type => self.is_image? ? 'image' : 'file' } end def is_image? image_extensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.tif'] ext = File.extname(self.original_name).downcase return true if image_extensions.include?(ext) return false end def image_urls return nil if self.image.nil? || self.image.url(:tiny).starts_with?('') return { :tiny_url => self.image.url(:tiny), :thumb_url => self.image.url(:thumb), :large_url => self.image.url(:large), :original_url => self.image.url(:original) } end def self.upload_name(str) return '' if str.nil? return File.basename(str, File.extname(str)).downcase.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '') end def file_url return self.image.url(:original) if self.image && !self.image.url(:original).starts_with?('') return self.file.url end def reprocess_image self.image.reprocess! end end