require_relative '../test-util' describe 'Pione::URIScheme::DropboxScheme' do it 'should be suported by PIONE' do URI.parse("dropbox:/") end it 'should be storage' do URI.parse("dropbox:/") end it 'should be dropbox scheme URI' do URI.parse("dropbox:/Pione").should.kind_of Pione::URIScheme::DropboxScheme end it 'should get scheme name' do URI.parse("dropbox:/Pione").scheme.should == 'dropbox' end it 'should get the path of "dropbox:/Pione"' do URI.parse("dropbox:/Pione").path.should == '/Pione' end it 'should get the path of "dropbox:/"' do URI.parse("dropbox:/").path.should == "/" end it 'should get the path of "dropbox:/a/b/c"' do URI.parse("dropbox:/a/b/c").path.should == "/a/b/c" end end