## 1.3.1 (31st Dec, 2013) Features: - Add a cookbook_path option to spork bump (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/92) - Add config option to promote --remote by default (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/95) Bugfixes: - Fix issue with gist generation in the irccat plugin breaking when json diffs were incorrectly escaped ((https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/97) - Fix issue with data bag upload when file path is specified (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/98) ## 1.3.0 (23rd October, 2013) Features: - Allow a custom plugin path to be specified in config to load additional plugins from (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/59) - Spork check will prompt for a bump if one is needed (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/82) - Spork omni command added to perform bump, upload and promote in a single step (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/49) - Spork role, data bag and node commands added (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/81) Bugfixes: - Remove legacy code referring to "promote all cookbooks" (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/76) - Fix incorrect cookbook version numbers in plugin output when -v used with promote (https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/64) - Replaced monkeypatched Hash#diff with an hash_diff method to fix clashes with ActiveSupport deprecation warnings. (Thanks to @RSO: https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/pull/84) - Various fixes for Berkshelf issues (Thanks to @RSO and @sethvargo: https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/issues/73) - Fix load_from_berkshelf method to return a CookbookVersion object (Thanks to @hanskrueger https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/pull/90) - Fix foodcritic plugin to work properly with foodcritic > 3.0.0 (Thanks to @juliandunn https://github.com/jonlives/knife-spork/pull/94) ## 1.2.2 (10th Sept, 2013) Bugfixes: - Fix bug with promoting when environment groups are present (thanks to Jimmy Chao & Nik Keating - https://github.com/CaseCommonsDevOps) ## 1.2.1 (28th June, 2013) Bugfixes: - Fix potential error with environment_groups (thanks to Greg Karékinian - https://github.com/gkarekinian) ## 1.2.0 (28th June, 2013) Features: - StatusNet plugin (Thanks to Tomasz Napierala - https://github.com/zen) - GroveIO plugin (Thanks to Greg Karékinian - https://github.com/gkarekinian) - Configurable irccat message templates (Thanks to Tobias Schmidt - https://github.com/grobie) - Environment Groups - Spork Promote can update multitiple environments at once by specifying the environment group name. (Thanks to Pivotal Casebook - https://github.com/pivotal-casebook) Bugfixes: - Fix spork bump to not change quote style or whitespace (Thanks to Tobias Schmidt - https://github.com/grobie) - Correct Markdown formatting error (Thanks to Jeff Blaine - https://github.com/jblaine) - Fix pretty printing of environments (Thanks to Peter Schultz - https://github.com/pschultz) ## 1.0.17 (15th February, 2013) Bugfixes: - Fix git plugin to work nicely with Cygwin and its unpredictable exit codes ## 1.0.16 (13th February, 2013) Bugfixes: - Reverted broken foodcritic plugin to that in 1.0.14 ## 1.0.15 (12th February, 2013) Bugfixes: - Fixed git plugin so that when working on a submodule, submodules will be git pulled from the parent repo instead - Fixed foodcritic plugin bug where certain tag formats weren't being passed through ## 1.0.14 (15th January, 2013) Features: - Campfire plugin changed to use campy gem (thanks to Seth Vargo) - Organization name now added to messages when present (thanks to Seth Vargo) - Berkshelf support now added (thanks to Seth Vargo) Bugfixes: - Promote won't try to create a version diff if there is no existing remote version (thanks to Seth Vargo) ## 1.0.13 (9th January, 2013) Features: - Made spork promote Use environment_path from spork config if it's set( thanks to Greg Karékinian - https://github.com/gkarekinian) ## 1.0.12 (22nd November, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix bug where cookbook dependancy loading broke in older chef client versions as a result of a fix in 1.0.10 ## 1.0.11 (22nd November, 2012) Yanked ## 1.0.10 (22nd November, 2012) Bugfixes: - Load all cookbook versions from remote server when checking dependencies (thanks to gmcmillan) - Fix case where git plugin would update a previously loaded cookbook, resulting in out of data metadata being used. (thanks to zsol) ## 1.0.9 (28th October, 2012) Features: - Jabber Plugin (thanks to Graham McMillan - https://github.com/gmcmillan) Bugfixes: - Fix exception when spork promote called with no arguments (thanks to Julian Dunn - https://github.com/juliandunn) ## 1.0.8 (25th September, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix whitespace warnings which occur in the git plugin under Ruby 1.8 ## 1.0.7 (25th September, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix invalid syntax in Hipchat plugin ## 1.0.6 (25th September, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix for disabling plugins when override config files are present ## 1.0.5 (24th September, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fixes for hipchat plugin ## 1.0.4 (14th September, 2012) Features: - Spork can now run command from any directory, not just the root of your chef repository. Bugfixes: - Fixed spork uploader to work more cleanly with 10.14.0 and greater - Spork bump will no longer throw errors when no cookbook name is specified ## 1.0.3 (10th September, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix spork upload when using Chef 10.14.0 - Optional config override for chef environment location (not documented in README until 1.0.4) ## 1.0.2 (28th August, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix bug which caused plugin errors when no spork config file could be found ## 1.0.1 (27th August, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fix require error which broke spork on CentOS 5.6 ## 1.0.0 (27th August, 2012) Features: - Major refactor (initial refactor: Seth Vargo) - Plugin API (Seth Vargo) - Added "spork info" command to show config hash and plugins status - Missing local / remote cookbook now handled nicely in spork check - Add "--fail" option to spork check to "exit 1" if check fails - Git plugin now uses git gem instead of shelling out - Confirmation check on promote if version jumps more than version_change_threshold - Thanks also to jperry, bethanybenzur and nickmarden for contributions submitted pre-refactor which have been included in one form or another. ## 0.1.11 (5th June, 2012) Features: - Hipchat Support (courtesy of Chris Ferry: @cdferry) Bugfixes: - Tweaks to spork bump to play nicely with x.x versions as well as x.x.x (courtesy of Russ Garrett: @russss) ## 0.1.10 (12th April, 2012) Features: - All spork plugins now support multiple cookbook paths Bugfixes: - Fixes to work with app_conf 0.4.0 ## 0.1.9 (3rd April, 2012) Features: - Spork Promote will now git add updated environment files if git is enabled - Spork Promote will optionally revert local changes to environment files if multiple changes were detected. - Spork Bump will now perform a git pull and pull from submodules if git is enabled - Optional Foodcritic integration added for Spork Upload - ickymettle's Eventinator service now optionally supported Bugfixes: - Correct irccat alerts to not fire if cookbook upload fails - Code cleanup to remove unused Opscode code from Spork Upload ## 0.1.8 (21st February, 2012) Features: - Make promote --remote check if the correct version of the cookbook has been uploaded before updating the remote environment ## 0.1.7 (21st February, 2012) Bugfixes: - Make promote --remote work nicely when not run from chef repo root ## 0.1.6 (21st February, 2012) Features: - Spork Bump now defaults to "patch" if bump level not specified - Spork Promote will prompt for confirmation if you're about to promote --remote changes to any cookbooks *other* than the one you specified on the command line. This should help avoid accidentally over-writing someone elses changes. - Irccat messages now support multiple channels - During promote, if git pull fails, ie a merge conflict has arisen, the error will be shown and promote will exit. - Spork Promote will now also update git submodules before promoting. Specifically, it will run "git submodule foreach git pull" - Failures during "git add" on spork bumps have a more helpful error message - Irccat messages are now more nicely formatted and have pretty colours. Bugfixes: - Spork Promote will now work from anywhere in your chef repo, not just the repo root ## 0.1.5 (21st February, 2012) Yanked ## 0.1.4 (3rd February, 2012) Features: - Spork Check only show the last 5 remote versions, include the --all option if you want to see them all - Spork will no longer work with Ruby 1.8. If you're on that version, the plugin will bail immediately. - Spork now support updating a graphite metric when promote --remote is run - Spork now supports alerting using irccat when a cookbook upload or promote --remote happens - It will also optionally post a gist of version constraint changes in the above message when a promote --remote happens - Added support for default environments to promote to - knife-spork gemification thanks to Daniel Schauenberg Bugfixes: - Various bugfixes and tweaks to formatting and log messages ## 0.1.4 (3rd February, 2012) Yanked ## 0.1.3 (3rd February, 2012) Yanked ## 0.1.2 (3rd February, 2012) Yanked ## 0.1.1 (3rd February, 2012) Yanked ## 0.1.0 (January 28, 2012) Initial version.