Module Cms::ApplicationHelper
In: app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb


Public Instance methods


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 107
107:     def able_to?(*perms, &block)
108:       yield if current_user.able_to?(*perms)
109:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 68
68:     def action_icon(name, options={})
69:       image_tag action_icon_src(name), {:alt => name.to_s.titleize}.merge(options)
70:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 64
64:     def action_icon_src(name)
65:       "cms/icons/actions/#{name}.png"
66:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 138
138:     def categories_for(category_type_name, order="name")
139:       cat_type = CategoryType.named(category_type_name).first
140:       cat_type ? cat_type.category_list(order) : []
141:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 178
178:     def determine_order(current_order, order)
179:       if current_order == order
180:         if order =~ / desc$/i
181:           order.sub(/ desc$/i, '')
182:         else
183:           order << ' desc'
184:         end
185:       else
186:         order
187:       end 
188:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 127
127:     def dk_button_wrapper(content)
128:       lt_button_wrapper(content).gsub("lt_button_","dk_button_")
129:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 95
95:     def format_date(time)
96:       time && "#{time.strftime("%b %e, %Y")}"
97:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 134
134:     def group_filter
135:       select_tag("group_id", options_from_collection_for_select(Group.all.insert(0, => nil, :name => "Show All Groups")), "id", "name", params[:group_id].to_i))
136:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 130
130:     def group_ids
131:       (params[:group_ids] || @user.group_ids).collect { |g| g.to_i }
132:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 99
 99:     def link_to_check_all(selector, name="Check All")
100:       link_to_function name, "$('#{selector}').attr('checked', true)"
101:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 103
103:     def link_to_uncheck_all(selector, name="Uncheck All")
104:       link_to_function name, "$('#{selector}').attr('checked', false)"
105:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 80
80:     def link_to_usages(block)
81:       count = block.connected_pages.count
82:       if count > 0
83:         # Would love a cleaner solution to this problem, see
84:         path = Portlet === block ? usages_cms_portlet_path(block) : [:usages, :cms, block]
85:         link_to count, path, :id =>, :block_type => block.content_block_type
86:       else
87:         count
88:       end
89:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 114
114:     def lt_button_wrapper(content)
115: "  <div class=\"lt_button\">\n    <img src=\"/images/cms/lt_button_l.gif\" alt=\"\" />\n    <div>\n      \#{ content }\n    </div>\n    <img src=\"/images/cms/lt_button_r.gif\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin-right: 10px;\" />\n  </div>\n"
116:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 5
 5:     def page_title(*args)
 6:       if args.first
 7:         @controller.instance_variable_get("@template").instance_variable_set("@page_title", args.first)
 8:       else
 9:         @controller.instance_variable_get("@template").instance_variable_get("@page_title")
10:       end
11:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 25
25:     def page_versions(page)
26:       text = select_tag(:version, 
27:                         options_for_select(page.versions.all(:order => "version desc").map { |r| 
28:                                              ["v#{r.version}: #{r.version_comment} by #{r.updated_by.login} at #{time_on_date(r.updated_at)}", r.version] 
29:                                            }, page.version), 
30:                         :onchange => 'this.form.submit(); return false')
31:       text << javascript_tag("$('version').selectedIndex = 0") if
32:       text
33:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 76
76:     def render_cms_toolbar(tab=:dashboard)
77:       render :partial => 'layouts/cms_toolbar', :locals => {:tab => tab}    
78:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 48
48:     def render_connectable(content_block)
49:       if content_block
50:         if content_block.class.renderable?
51:  "..... Rendering connectable #{content_block.class} ##{} #{"v#{content_block.version}" if content_block.respond_to?(:version)}"
52:           content_block.perform_render(@controller)
53:         else
54:           logger.warn "Connectable #{content_block.class} ##{} is not renderable"
55:         end
56:       else
57:         logger.warn "Connectable is null"
58:       end    
59:     rescue Exception => e
60:       logger.error "Error occurred while rendering #{content_block.class}##{}: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
61:       "ERROR: #{e.message}"
62:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 35
35:     def render_connector(connector)
36:       connectable = connector.connectable_with_deleted
37:       if logged_in? && @mode == "edit"
38:         if connectable.class.versioned?
39:           connectable = connectable.as_of_version(connector.connectable_version)
40:         end
41:         render :partial => 'cms/pages/edit_connector', 
42:           :locals => { :connector => connector, :connectable => connectable}
43:       else
44:         render_connectable(connectable)
45:       end
46:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 143
143:     def render_pagination(collection, collection_name, options={})
144:       if collection.blank?
145:         content_tag(:div, "No Content", :class => "pagination")
146:       else
147:         render :partial => "cms/shared/pagination", :locals => {
148:           :collection => collection,
149:           :first_page_path => send("cms_#{collection_name}_path", {:page => 1}.merge(options)),
150:           :previous_page_path => send("cms_#{collection_name}_path", {:page => collection.previous_page ? collection.previous_page : 1}.merge(options)),
151:           :current_page_path => send("cms_#{collection_name}_path", options),
152:           :next_page_path => send("cms_#{collection_name}_path", {:page => collection.next_page ? collection.next_page : collection.current_page}.merge(options)),
153:           :last_page_path => send("cms_#{collection_name}_path", {:page => collection.total_pages}.merge(options))
154:         }
155:       end
156:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 13
13:     def searchable_sections(selected = nil)
14:       root = Section.root.first
15:       options = [['All sections', 'all'], [,]]
16:       root.all_children_with_name.each { |s|  options << [s.full_path,] }
17:       options_for_select(options, selected.to_i)
18:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 20
20:     def select_per_page
21:       options = [10, 20, 50, 100].collect { |c| ["#{c} per page", c] }
22:       select_tag("per_page", options_for_select(options, params[:per_page].to_i))
23:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 111
111:     def span_tag(content)
112:       content_tag :span, content
113:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 72
72:     def status_icon(status, options={})
73:       image_tag "cms/icons/status/#{status.to_s.underscore}.gif", {:alt => status.to_s.titleize}.merge(options)
74:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 169
169:     def tb_iframe(path, options={})
170:       # The order of the parameters matters.  All parameters that should be sent to the server,
171:       # have to appear before TB_iframe.  All parameters that shouldn't be sent to the server and
172:       # that are just there for Thickbox should be after TB_iframe
173:       {:height => 600, :width => 600, :modal => true}.merge(options).inject("#{path}&TB_iframe=true") do |s, (k,v)|
174:         s << "&#{k}=#{CGI::escape(v.to_s)}"
175:       end
176:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 91
91:     def time_on_date(time)
92:       time && "#{time.strftime("%l:%M %p")} on #{time.strftime("%b %e, %Y")}"
93:     end


     # File app/helpers/cms/application_helper.rb, line 158
158:     def url_with_mode(url, mode)
159:       uri = URI.parse(url)
160:       if uri.query =~ /mode=[^&]*/
161:         "#{uri.path}?#{uri.query.gsub(/((^|&)mode=)[^&]*/) {|s| "#{$1}#{mode}" }}"
162:       elsif uri.query
163:         "#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}&mode=#{mode}"
164:       else
165:         "#{uri.path}?mode=#{mode}"
166:       end
167:     end
