# Runs right_chimp (https://rubygems.org/gems/right_chimp) ruby gem from a container ### # Arbitrary chimp commands executed in container -or- defaults to running execution daemon ('chimpd') # * Requires volume share with creds to /root/ # - ex1 - Execute arbitrary chimp command: # => docker run -it -p -v ~/.rest_connection:/root/.rest_connection:ro mastamark/right_chimp:latest chimp --tag="some:tag=true" --script="MyScript" # - ex2 - Start right_chimp daemon with docker host port 9055 bound to same container port: # => docker run -d -p 9055:9055 -v ~/.rest_connection:/root/.rest_connection:ro mastamark/right_chimp:latest # Send your dockerized chimp queries to your dockerized chimpd by adding flag "--chimpd=" (assuming this is your docker host ip) to chimp queries. ### # Built via: docker build -t mastamark/right_chimp:latest . ### FROM rightscale/ops_ruby23x_build MAINTAINER mastamark+github@gmail.com WORKDIR /srv ADD right_chimp.sh /srv/ RUN gem install right_chimp --no-ri --no-rdoc ENTRYPOINT ["/srv/right_chimp.sh"] CMD ["chimpd"] EXPOSE 9055