%div#p.element %h2.element-title %a{:href => "http://developers.whatwg.org/grouping-content.html#the-p-element"} p %p The %code %a{:href => "http://developers.whatwg.org/grouping-content.html#the-p-element"} p element %a{:href => "http://developers.whatwg.org/grouping-content.html#represents"} represents a = succeed "." do %a{:href => "content-models.html#paragraph"} paragraph .markup %p The little kitten gently seated himself on a piece of carpet. Later in his life, this would be referred to as the time the cat sat on the mat. .markup %fieldset %legend Personal information %p %label Name: %input{:name => "n"}/ %label %input{:name => "anon", :type => "checkbox"} Hide from other users %p %label Address: %textarea{:name => "a"} .markup %p There was once an example from Femley, %br Whose markup was of dubious quality. %br The validator complained, %br So the author was pained, %br To move the error from the markup to the rhyming.