require 'spec_helper' describe "Theatre::Theatre" do it "should start the quantity of threads given to its constructor" do number_of_threads = 13 theatre = flexmock(Thread).should_receive(:new).times(number_of_threads).and_return flexstub(theatre.send(:instance_variable_get, :@thread_group)).should_receive(:add).and_return theatre.start! end it "should not spawn new threads when calling start twice" do number_of_threads = 5 theatre = threads = { } flexmock(Thread).should_receive(:new).times(number_of_threads).and_return *threads theatre.start! theatre.start! theatre.start! theatre.start! theatre.graceful_stop! end describe '#trigger' do it "should properly execute the block given" do has_ran = false theatre = theatre.register_namespace_name "cheezburger" theatre.register_callback_at_namespace "cheezburger", lambda { |payload| has_ran = payload } theatre.start! theatre.trigger "cheezburger", :yes theatre.graceful_stop! theatre.join has_ran.should equal(:yes) end it "should return an Array of Invocation objects" do theatre = theatre.register_namespace_name "qaz" theatre.register_callback_at_namespace "qaz", lambda {} return_value = theatre.trigger("qaz") return_value.should be_instance_of(Array) return_value.should have(1).item return_value.first.should be_instance_of(Theatre::Invocation) end end describe '#trigger_immediately' do it "should continue executing callbacks when a link in the chain raises an Exception" do callbacks = [lambda { 1 }, lambda { raise LocalJumpError }, lambda { 3 }] theatre = theatre.register_namespace_name "breakage" callbacks.each do |callback| theatre.register_callback_at_namespace "breakage", callback end return_value = theatre.trigger_immediately("breakage") return_value.first.should equal(1) return_value[1].should be_instance_of(LocalJumpError) return_value.last.should equal(3) end end describe '#callbacks_for_namespaces' do it "should properly return Procs which have been registered against a namespace" do callback = lambda { :callback } theatre = theatre.register_namespace_name "pumpkin" theatre.register_callback_at_namespace "pumpkin", callback theatre.namespace_manager.callbacks_for_namespaces("pumpkin").should eql([callback]) end end describe '#join' do it "should execute join() on every ThreadGroup thread" do thread_mocks = Array(3) do bogus_thread = flexmock "bogus thread" bogus_thread.should_receive(:join).once.and_return bogus_thread end bogus_thread_group = flexmock "A ThreadGroup which returns an Array of mock Threads", :list => thread_mocks theatre = theatre.send(:instance_variable_set, :@thread_group, bogus_thread_group) theatre.join end end describe '#thread_loop' do it "should continue looping even after an exception been raised" do mock_invocation = flexmock "mock Invocation which raises when started" mock_invocation.should_receive(:start).once.and_raise ArgumentError # Simulate logic error theatre = master_queue = theatre.send(:instance_variable_get, :@master_queue) flexmock(theatre).should_receive(:loop).once.and_yield flexmock(master_queue).should_receive(:pop).once.and_return mock_invocation lambda do theatre.send(:thread_loop).should equal(:stopped) end.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should run the callback of the Invocation it receives from the master_queue" do has_executed = false thrower = lambda { has_executed = true } namespace = "/foo/bar" payload = [1,2,3] invocation =, thrower, payload) invocation.queued theatre = master_queue = theatre.send(:instance_variable_get, :@master_queue) flexmock(theatre).should_receive(:loop).and_yield flexmock(master_queue).should_receive(:pop).once.and_return invocation theatre.send :thread_loop has_executed.should equal(true) end it "should stop when receiving the shutdown command and return :stopped" do theatre = master_queue = theatre.send(:instance_variable_get, :@master_queue) flexmock(theatre).should_receive(:loop).once.and_yield flexmock(master_queue).should_receive(:pop).once.and_return :THEATRE_SHUTDOWN! theatre.send(:thread_loop).should equal(:stopped) end end end