# frozen_string_literal: true require 'English' module AppMap class Hook LOG = (ENV['APPMAP_DEBUG'] == 'true' || ENV['DEBUG'] == 'true') OBJECT_INSTANCE_METHODS = %i[! != !~ <=> == === =~ __id__ __send__ class clone define_singleton_method display dup enum_for eql? equal? extend freeze frozen? hash inspect instance_eval instance_exec instance_of? instance_variable_defined? instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variables is_a? itself kind_of? method methods nil? object_id private_methods protected_methods public_method public_methods public_send remove_instance_variable respond_to? send singleton_class singleton_method singleton_methods taint tainted? tap then to_enum to_s to_h to_a trust untaint untrust untrusted? yield_self].freeze OBJECT_STATIC_METHODS = %i[! != !~ < <= <=> == === =~ > >= __id__ __send__ alias_method allocate ancestors attr attr_accessor attr_reader attr_writer autoload autoload? class class_eval class_exec class_variable_defined? class_variable_get class_variable_set class_variables clone const_defined? const_get const_missing const_set constants define_method define_singleton_method deprecate_constant display dup enum_for eql? equal? extend freeze frozen? hash include include? included_modules inspect instance_eval instance_exec instance_method instance_methods instance_of? instance_variable_defined? instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variables is_a? itself kind_of? method method_defined? methods module_eval module_exec name new nil? object_id prepend private_class_method private_constant private_instance_methods private_method_defined? private_methods protected_instance_methods protected_method_defined? protected_methods public_class_method public_constant public_instance_method public_instance_methods public_method public_method_defined? public_methods public_send remove_class_variable remove_instance_variable remove_method respond_to? send singleton_class singleton_class? singleton_method singleton_methods superclass taint tainted? tap then to_enum to_s trust undef_method untaint untrust untrusted? yield_self].freeze @unbound_method_arity = ::UnboundMethod.instance_method(:arity) @method_arity = ::Method.instance_method(:arity) class << self def lock_builtins return if @builtins_hooked @builtins_hooked = true end # Return the class, separator ('.' or '#'), and method name for # the given method. def qualify_method_name(method) if method.owner.singleton_class? class_name = singleton_method_owner_name(method) [ class_name, '.', method.name ] else [ method.owner.name, '#', method.name ] end end end attr_reader :config def initialize(config) @config = config end # Observe class loading and hook all methods which match the config. def enable &block require 'appmap/hook/method' hook_builtins tp = TracePoint.new(:end) do |trace_point| cls = trace_point.self instance_methods = cls.public_instance_methods(false) - OBJECT_INSTANCE_METHODS # NoMethodError: private method `singleton_class' called for Rack::MiniProfiler:Class class_methods = begin if cls.respond_to?(:singleton_class) cls.singleton_class.public_instance_methods(false) - instance_methods - OBJECT_STATIC_METHODS else [] end rescue NameError [] end hook = lambda do |hook_cls| lambda do |method_id| method = begin hook_cls.public_instance_method(method_id) rescue NameError warn "AppMap: Method #{hook_cls} #{method.name} is not accessible" if LOG return end warn "AppMap: Examining #{hook_cls} #{method.name}" if LOG disasm = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(method) # Skip methods that have no instruction sequence, as they are obviously trivial. next unless disasm next if config.never_hook?(method) next unless \ config.always_hook?(hook_cls, method.name) || config.included_by_location?(method) hook_method = Hook::Method.new(config.package_for_method(method), hook_cls, method) # Don't try and trace the AppMap methods or there will be # a stack overflow in the defined hook method. next if /\AAppMap[:\.]/.match?(hook_method.method_display_name) hook_method.activate end end instance_methods.each(&hook.(cls)) # NoMethodError: private method `singleton_class' called for Rack::MiniProfiler:Class begin class_methods.each(&hook.(cls.singleton_class)) if cls.respond_to?(:singleton_class) rescue NameError # NameError: # uninitialized constant Faraday::Connection end end tp.enable(&block) end # hook_builtins builds hooks for code that is built in to the Ruby standard library. # No TracePoint events are emitted for builtins, so a separate hooking mechanism is needed. def hook_builtins return unless self.class.lock_builtins class_from_string = lambda do |fq_class| fq_class.split('::').inject(Object) do |mod, class_name| mod.const_get(class_name) end end Config::BUILTIN_METHODS.each do |class_name, hook| require hook.package.package_name if hook.package.package_name Array(hook.method_names).each do |method_name| method_name = method_name.to_sym cls = class_from_string.(class_name) method = \ begin cls.instance_method(method_name) rescue NameError cls.method(method_name) rescue nil end next if config.never_hook?(method) if method Hook::Method.new(hook.package, cls, method).activate else warn "Method #{method_name} not found on #{cls.name}" end end end end end end