# # backtracer.rb - display backtrace of most recent error on exit [quality back trace, mind you] # based off tracer.rb, unroller, python # original tracer.rb by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.) # Tons of the code is useless and could be removed, but at least it works require 'rubygems' require 'ruby-debug' Debugger.start # we use this to track args. $print_trace = nil unless defined?($print_trace) # avoid warnings # # tracer main class # require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/shared" class Tracer @RCS_ID='-$Id: tracer.rb,v 1.8 1998/05/19 03:42:49 keiju Exp keiju $-' @stdout = STDOUT @verbose = false class << self attr :verbose, true alias verbose? verbose attr :stdout, true end EVENT_SYMBOL = { "line" => "-", "call" => ">", "return" => "<", "class" => "C", "end" => "E", "c-call" => ">", "c-return" => "<", "raise" => "R" } def initialize @threads = Hash.new if defined? Thread.main @threads[Thread.main.object_id] = 0 else @threads[Thread.current.object_id] = 0 end @get_line_procs = {} @filters = [] end def stdout Tracer.stdout end def on if block_given? on begin yield ensure off end else set_trace_func method(:trace_func).to_proc stdout.print "Trace on\n" if Tracer.verbose? end end def off set_trace_func nil stdout.print "Trace off\n" if Tracer.verbose? end def add_filter(p = proc) @filters.push p end def set_get_line_procs(file, p = proc) @get_line_procs[file] = p end def get_line(file, line) self.class.get_line(file, line) end def get_thread_no if no = @threads[Thread.current.object_id] no else @threads[Thread.current.object_id] = @threads.size end end require 'pp' @@depths = {} # I think I added this [rdp] @@last_line = nil @@last_file = nil @@last_symbol = nil def trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, klass, *nothing) begin return if file == __FILE__ type = EVENT_SYMBOL[event] # "<" or ">" thread_no = get_thread_no Thread.current['backtrace'] ||= [] @@depths[thread_no] ||= 0 Thread.current['backtrace'] << nil if Thread.current['backtrace'].length < (@@depths[thread_no] ) # pad it :) if type == ">" @@depths[thread_no] += 1 elsif type == "<" @@depths[thread_no] -= 1 end for p in @filters return unless p.call event, file, line, id, binding, klass end return if file.include? 'ruby-debug' # debugger output saved_crit = Thread.critical Thread.critical = true # TODO only do the backtrace if last command was 'raise' if type == 'R' Thread.current['backtrace'][@@depths[thread_no] - 1] = [[file, line], [], binding] Thread.current['backtrace'] = Thread.current['backtrace'][0..@@depths[thread_no]] # clear old stuffs end if [file, line] != @@last_line # for output sake [not output too many lines] if @@last_symbol == '>' # then we need to add to the backtrace--we've advanced down a call in the callstack and can now glean its variables' values previous_frame_binding = Debugger.current_context.frame_binding(2) collected = [] args = Debugger.current_context.frame_args 1 rescue nil # maybe it had no arguments [ltodo check] if args for arg in args value = eval(arg, previous_frame_binding) collected << [arg, value] end else print "WEIRD--please report err spot 1, how to reproduce" end print 'args were ', collected.inspect, "\n" if $VERBOSE # we still collect them for the end backtrace if !$VERBOSE Thread.current['backtrace'][@@depths[thread_no] - 1] = [[@@last_file, @@last_line], collected, previous_frame_binding] end end out = " |" * @@depths[thread_no] + sprintf("#%d:%s:%d:%s:%s: %s", get_thread_no, file, line, klass || '', type, get_line(file, line)) print out if $print_trace || $VERBOSE @@last_line = line @@last_file = file @@last_symbol = type Thread.critical = saved_crit rescue Exception => e # TODO investigate print "BAD" + e.to_s + e.backtrace.inspect end end Single = new def Tracer.on if block_given? Single.on{yield} else Single.on end end def Tracer.off Single.off end def Tracer.set_get_line_procs(file_name, p = proc) Single.set_get_line_procs(file_name, p) end def Tracer.add_filter(p = proc) Single.add_filter(p) end def Tracer.output_locals(previous_binding, prefix="\t\t") locals_name = Kernel.eval("local_variables", previous_binding) locals = {} for name in locals_name do locals[name] = Kernel.eval(name, previous_binding) end puts "#{prefix}locals: " + locals.inspect end at_exit do # at_exit seems to be run by the last running Thread. Or an exiting thread? Not sure for always. off raise_location = Thread.current['backtrace'].pop loc = raise_location[0] puts puts "unhandled exception: #{loc[0]}:#{loc[1]}: #{get_line loc[0], loc[1]}" if(defined?($NO_LOCALS)) no_locals = true else no_locals = false end output_locals(raise_location[2], "\t") unless no_locals puts "\t from:\n" # last most one is redundant with the raise one... Thread.current['backtrace'].pop for loc, params, binding in Thread.current['backtrace'].reverse do original_line = get_line loc[0], loc[1] # TODO handle non parentheses line_no_params = original_line.split('(')[0] line_no_params.gsub!('def ', '') line_params = line_no_params + "(" comma = "" for param in params do line_params += param[0].to_s + "=>" + param[1].to_s + ", " comma = ", " end line_params = line_params[0..-3] # strip off ending comma line_params += ")" if line_params =~ /\(/ puts "\t#{loc[0]}:#{loc[1]} #{line_params}" output_locals binding unless no_locals end exit! end end SCRIPT_LINES__ = {} unless defined? SCRIPT_LINES__ Tracer::on if $0 == __FILE__ # direct call $0 = ARGV[0] ARGV.shift Tracer.on require $0 elsif caller(0).size == 1 Tracer.on end # TODO: do are arg snapshots capture it right [soon enough]? # TODO: don't output error if none thrown :)