module Protobuf module Optionable module ClassMethods def get_option(name) name = name.to_s option = optionable_descriptor_class.get_field(name, true) fail ArgumentError, "invalid option=#{name}" unless option unless option.fully_qualified_name.to_s == name # Eventually we'll deprecate the use of simple names of fields completely, but for now make sure people # are accessing options correctly. We allow simple names in other places for backwards compatibility. fail ArgumentError, "must access option using its fully qualified name: #{option.fully_qualified_name.inspect}" end if @_optionable_options.try(:key?, name) value = @_optionable_options[name] else value = option.default_value end if option.type_class < ::Protobuf::Message else value end end def get_option!(name) get_option(name) if @_optionable_options.try(:key?, name.to_s) end private def set_option(name, value = true) @_optionable_options ||= {} @_optionable_options[name.to_s] = value end end def get_option(name) self.class.get_option(name) end def get_option!(name) self.class.get_option!(name) end def self.inject(base_class, extend_class = true, &block) unless block_given? fail ArgumentError, 'missing option class block (e.g: ::Google::Protobuf::MessageOptions)' end if extend_class # Check if optionable_descriptor_class is already defined and short circuit if so. # File options are injected per module, and since a module can be defined more than once, # we will get a warning if we try to define optionable_descriptor_class twice. if base_class.respond_to?(:optionable_descriptor_class) if base_class.optionable_descriptor_class != fail 'A class is being defined with two different descriptor classes, something is very wrong' else return # Don't define optionable_descriptor_class twice end end base_class.extend(ClassMethods) base_class.__send__(:include, self) base_class.define_singleton_method(:optionable_descriptor_class, block) else base_class.__send__(:include, ClassMethods) base_class.module_eval { define_method(:optionable_descriptor_class, block) } end end end end