Qa.config do |config| # When enabled, CORS headers will be added to the responses for search and show. `OPTIONS` method will also be supported. # Uncomment one of the lines below to enable or disable CORS headers. This configuration defaults to disabled when not set. # More information on CORS headers at: # config.enable_cors_headers # config.disable_cors_headers # Provide a token that allows reloading of linked data authorities through the controller # action '/reload/linked_data/authorities?auth_token=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_DEFINED_HERE' without # requiring a restart of rails. By default, reloading through the browser is not allowed # when the token is nil or blank. Change to any string to control who has access to reload. # config.authorized_reload_token = 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_DEFINED_HERE' # For linked data access, specify default language for sorting and selection. The default is only used if a language is not # specified in the authority's configuration file and not passed in as a parameter. (e.g. :en, [:en], or [:en, :fr]) # config.default_language = :en # When true, prevents ldpath requests from making additional network calls. All values will come from the context graph # passed to the ldpath request. # config.limit_ldpath_to_context = true # Define default behavior for property_map.optional? when it is not defined in the configuration for a property. # When false, properties that do not override default optional behavior will be shown whether or not the property has a value in the graph. # When true, properties that do not override default optional behavior will not be shown whn the property does not have a value in the graph. # config.property_map_default_for_optional = false # IP data including IP address, city, state, and country will be logged with each request. # When false, IP data is logged # When true, IP data will not be logged (default for backward compatibility) # config.suppress_ip_data_from_log = true end