module IsoDoc::Function module Section def clausedelim "." end def clausedelimspace(out) insert_tab(out, 1) end def inline_header_title(out, node, c1) out.span **{ class: "zzMoveToFollowing" } do |s| s.b do |b| if anchor(node['id'], :label, false) && !@suppressheadingnumbers b << "#{anchor(node['id'], :label)}#{clausedelim}" clausedelimspace(out) end c1&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, b) } end end end # used for subclauses def clause_parse_title(node, div, c1, out) if node["inline-header"] == "true" inline_header_title(out, node, c1) else div.send "h#{anchor(node['id'], :level, false) || '1'}" do |h| lbl = anchor(node['id'], :label, false) h << "#{lbl}#{clausedelim}" if lbl && !@suppressheadingnumbers clausedelimspace(out) if lbl && !@suppressheadingnumbers c1&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, h) } end end end # used for subclauses def clause_parse(node, out) out.div **attr_code(id: node["id"]) do |div| clause_parse_title(node, div,"./title")), out) node.children.reject { |c1| == "title" }.each do |c1| parse(c1, div) end end end def clause_name(num, title, div, header_class) header_class = {} if header_class.nil? div.h1 **attr_code(header_class) do |h1| if num && !@suppressheadingnumbers h1 << "#{num}#{clausedelim}" clausedelimspace(h1) end title.is_a?(String) ? h1 << title : title&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, h1) } end".//h1") end MIDDLE_CLAUSE = "//clause[parent::sections][not(xmlns:title = 'Scope')]"\ "[not(descendant::terms)]".freeze def clause(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns(self.class::MIDDLE_CLAUSE)).each do |c| out.div **attr_code(id: c["id"]) do |s| clause_name(anchor(c['id'], :label), c&.at(ns("./title")), s, nil) c.elements.reject { |c1| == "title" }.each do |c1| parse(c1, s) end end end end def annex_name(annex, name, div) div.h1 **{ class: "Annex" } do |t| t << "#{anchor(annex['id'], :label)}

" t.b do |b| name&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, b) } end end end def annex(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns("//annex")).each do |c| page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: c["id"], class: "Section3") do |s| annex_name(c, nil, s) unless"./title")) c.elements.each do |c1| if == "title" then annex_name(c, c1, s) else parse(c1, s) end end end end end def scope(isoxml, out, num) f ="//clause[title = 'Scope']")) or return num out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |div| num = num + 1 clause_name(num, @scope_lbl, div, nil) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end num end TERM_CLAUSE = "//sections/terms | "\ "//sections/clause[descendant::terms]".freeze def term_def_title(title) case title&.text when "Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms" @labels["termsdefsymbolsabbrev"] when "Terms, definitions and symbols" @labels["termsdefsymbols"] when "Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms" @labels["termsdefabbrev"] when "Terms and definitions" @labels["termsdef"] else title end end def terms_defs(isoxml, out, num) f = or return num out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |div| num = num + 1 clause_name(num, term_def_title(f&.at(ns("./title"))), div, nil) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless %w{title source}.include? end end num end # subclause def terms_parse(isoxml, out) clause_parse(isoxml, out) end def symbols_abbrevs(isoxml, out, num) f ="//sections/definitions")) or return num out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"], class: "Symbols") do |div| num = num + 1 clause_name(num, f&.at(ns("./title")) || @symbols_lbl, div, nil) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end num end # subclause def symbols_parse(isoxml, out)"./title")) or isoxml.children.first.previous = "#{@symbols_lbl}" clause_parse(isoxml, out) end def introduction(isoxml, out) f ="//introduction")) || return title_attr = { class: "IntroTitle" } page_break(out) out.div **{ class: "Section3", id: f["id"] } do |div| clause_name(nil, @introduction_lbl, div, title_attr) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end end def foreword(isoxml, out) f ="//foreword")) || return page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| s.h1(**{ class: "ForewordTitle" }) { |h1| h1 << @foreword_lbl } f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end def acknowledgements(isoxml, out) f ="//acknowledgements")) || return title_attr = { class: "IntroTitle" } page_break(out) out.div **{ class: "Section3", id: f["id"] } do |div| clause_name(nil, f&.at(ns("./title")), div, title_attr) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end end def abstract(isoxml, out) f ="//preface/abstract")) || return page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| s.h1(**{ class: "AbstractTitle" }) { |h1| h1 << @abstract_lbl } f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end def preface(isoxml, out) title_attr = { class: "IntroTitle" } isoxml.xpath(ns("//preface/clause")).each do |f| page_break(out) out.div **{ class: "Section3", id: f["id"] } do |div| clause_name(nil, f&.at(ns("./title")), div, title_attr) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end end end def copyright_parse(node, out) out.div **{class: "boilerplate-copyright"} do |div| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end def license_parse(node, out) out.div **{class: "boilerplate-license"} do |div| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end def legal_parse(node, out) out.div **{class: "boilerplate-legal"} do |div| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end def feedback_parse(node, out) out.div **{class: "boilerplate-feedback"} do |div| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end end end