module PactBroker module Client module CLI class VersionCreationError < ::Thor::Error; end module VersionCommands def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The name of the pacticipant that the version belongs to." method_option :version, required: false, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version number." method_option :latest, required: false, aliases: "-l", banner: '[TAG]', desc: "Describe the latest pacticipant version. Optionally specify a TAG to describe the latest version with the specified tag." method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or table or id", default: 'table' shared_authentication_options desc 'describe-version', 'Describes a pacticipant version. If no version or tag is specified, the latest version is described.' def describe_version require 'pact_broker/client/versions/describe' validate_credentials latest = !options.latest.nil? || (options.latest.nil? && options.version.nil?) params = { pacticipant: options.pacticipant, version: options.version, latest: latest, tag: options.latest != "latest" ? options.latest : nil } opts = { output: options.output } result =, opts, options.broker_base_url, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end desc "create-or-update-version", "Create or update pacticipant version by version number" method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The pacticipant name" method_option :version, required: true, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version number" method_option :branch, required: false, desc: "The repository branch name" method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for pacticipant version. Can be specified multiple times." shared_authentication_options output_option_json_or_text verbose_option def create_or_update_version(*required_but_ignored) validate_create_version_params params = { pacticipant_name: options.pacticipant.strip, version_number: options.version.strip, branch_name: options.branch && options.branch.strip, tags: options.tag && options.tag.collect(&:strip) } execute_version_command(params, "Create") end desc 'create-version-tag', 'Add a tag to a pacticipant version' method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The pacticipant name" method_option :version, required: true, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version" method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for pacticipant version. Can be specified multiple times." method_option :auto_create_version, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Automatically create the pacticipant version if it does not exist. Default: false" method_option :tag_with_git_branch, aliases: "-g", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Tag pacticipant version with the name of the current git branch. Default: false" shared_authentication_options def create_version_tag require 'pact_broker/client/create_tag' validate_credentials options.broker_base_url, options.pacticipant, options.version, tags, options.auto_create_version, pact_broker_client_options) rescue PactBroker::Client::Error => e raise end no_commands do def execute_version_command(params, command_class_name) require "pact_broker/client/versions" command_options = { verbose: options.verbose, output: options.output } result = PactBroker::Client::Versions.const_get(command_class_name).call(params, command_options, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end def validate_create_version_params raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "Pacticipant name cannot be blank" if options.pacticipant.strip.size == 0 raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "Pacticipant version cannot be blank" if options.version.strip.size == 0 raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "Version branch cannot be blank" if options.branch && options.branch.strip.size == 0 raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "Version tag cannot be blank" if options.tag && options.tag.any?{ | tag | tag.strip.size == 0 } end end end end end end end end