require 'yaml' require 'time' class Taxedo::Region def initialize(id) @id = id @data = YAML.load_file(Taxedo.base_data_path + "regions.yml")['taxedo']['regions'][@id] end def calculate(amount, options={}) options = { :on =>, :rule => 'standard', :equations => 'compiled'}.merge(options) receipt =, amount) receipt.currency = @data['currency'] receipt.equation_type = equation_type_from_date(options[:on]).nil? ? options[:equations] : equation_type_from_date(options[:on]) taxes(options[:rule], options[:on]).each do |tax| receipt.add_tax tax[0], tax[1] end return receipt end private def equation_type_from_date(start_at) selection = @data['equation_types'].each do |equation_start_at, equation| equation_start_at = Time.parse(equation_start_at.to_s) selection = equation_start_at if equation_start_at <= start_at and equation_start_at > selection end @data['equation_types'][selection.strftime('%Y%m%d').to_i] end def tax_from_start_date(tax_id, start_at) selection = @data['taxes'][tax_id].each do |tax_start_at, tax_rate| tax_start_at = Time.parse(tax_start_at.to_s) selection = tax_start_at if tax_start_at <= start_at and tax_start_at > selection end return selection.strftime('%Y%m%d').to_i end def taxes(rule, start_at) raise 'TAXEDO: This tax rule doesn\'t exists!' if not @data['rules'][rule] @data['rules'][rule].map do |tax_id| tax_key = tax_from_start_date(tax_id, start_at) [tax_id, @data['taxes'][tax_id][tax_key]] end end end