# Active Admin Blaze Theme [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/activeadmin_blaze_theme.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/activeadmin_blaze_theme) A theme for Active Admin using [Blaze CSS](http://blazecss.com/) Features: - CSS only theme with clean UI - compact nested forms - [customizable](#customize): colors, sidebar position, scroll on cells - custom controls / components: [toggle](#toggle), [Sidebar menu](#sidebar-menu), [Accordion](#accordion), [Readonly field](#readonly-field) - Blaze CSS [widgets](#blaze-widgets) ## Install - Add to your Gemfile: `gem 'activeadmin_blaze_theme'` - Execute bundle - Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin styles (_app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss_): `@import "activeadmin_blaze_theme/theme";` ## Customize - To change colors add before your ActiveAdmin styles (_app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss_): ```css // blaze colors $color-brand: #2C3E50; $color-info: #4dabf5; $color-warning: #ff9800; $color-success: #4caf50; $color-error: #f44336; // main variables $bg-footer: #dfdfdf !default; // bg footer bar $bg-form1: #f4f4f4 !default; // bg 1st level forms $bg-form2: darken($bg-form1, 3%) !default; // bg 2nd level forms (nested) $bg-form3: darken($bg-form1, 6%) !default; // bg 3rd level forms (nested) $bg-form4: darken($bg-form1, 9%) !default; // bg 4th level forms (nested) $bg-form-sub-headings: lighten( $color-brand, 64% ) !default; // bg nested forms title $bg-header: $color-brand !default; // bg header bar $bg-inputs: #fff !default; // bg forms inputs $bg-menu-active: #7b929e !default; // bg menu item current / hover $bg-sidebar: #efefef; // bg sidebar $fg-box-title: #fff !default; $fg-button-link: #fff !default; $fg-menu-items: #f8f8f8 !default; $fg-table-borders: #e4e4e4 !default; $fg-table-link: #eee !default; // other variables $form-padding: 10px !default; $inputs-spacing: 10px !default; $height-inputs: 26px !default; $height-topbar: 40px !default; $height-titlebar: 38px !default; $text-shadow: #000 !default; ``` - To move sidebar on the left add to your ActiveAdmin styles (after blaze theme import): ```css #active_admin_content.with_sidebar { @extend .sidebar_left; } ``` - More options: ```css // scrollable table cells body.active_admin .index_content table { @extend .scrollable_cells; } ``` ```css // fix ckeditor width body.active_admin .cke { @extend .ckeditor_width_fix } ``` ## Custom fields / components ### Toggle In *form* \ *inputs* block: `f.input :boolean, as: :blaze_toggle` To change toggle color: `f.input :boolean, as: :blaze_toggle, input_html: { toggle_class: 'c-toggle--brand' }` Available: `c-toggle--brand, c-toggle--info, c-toggle--warning, c-toggle--success, c-toggle--error` Standard checkbox with label on the left: `f.input :boolean, as: :blaze_toggle, input_html: { simple_checkbox: true }` ### Sidebar menu A sidebar menu (*priority* option permit to put the sidebar above the filters): ```rb sidebar :help, priority: 0 do ul class: 'blaze-menu' do li do link_to 'Menu item 1', admin_root_path end li do link_to 'Menu item 2', admin_root_path end li do link_to 'Menu item 3', admin_root_path end end end ``` ![menu](extra/screenshot4.jpg) ### Accordion An accordion group in a form: ```rb f.accordion_group do f.accordion 'First accordion' do f.inputs for: [:detail, f.object.detail || Detail.new] do |f2| f2.input :meta_title f2.input :meta_keywords end end f.accordion 'Second accordion' do f.inputs for: [:more_detail, f.object.morel_detail || Detail.new] do |f2| f2.input :meta_title f2.input :meta_keywords end end end ``` ### Readonly field Some readonly fields in a form: `f.readonly :position` `f.readonly :position, f.object.position * 2` `f.readonly 'Code', 'Automatically set after save', class: 'a-wrapper-class'` `f.readonly nil, 'Value only, no label'` ## Blaze widgets See components avaible in Blaze CSS [docs](http://blazecss.com/components/buttons/). Badge example: ```ruby f.input :price, label: raw( 'Price in $' ) ``` Button example: ```ruby a 'clear form', href: '#', class: 'c-button c-button--error', onclick: 'event.preventDefault();document.forms[0].reset();' ``` Progress bar example: ```ruby div class: 'c-progress' do div class: 'c-progress__bar c-progress__bar--success', style: "width: #{f.object.a_field}%;" end ``` ## Screenshots Index: ![index](extra/screenshot1.jpg) Edit: ![edit](extra/screenshot2.jpg) Show - sidebar on the left: ![edit](extra/screenshot3.jpg) ## Do you like it? Star it! If you use this component just star it. A developer is more motivated to improve a project when there is some interest. ## Contributors - [Mattia Roccoberton](http://blocknot.es) - creator, maintainer ## License [MIT](LICENSE.txt)