module DataMiner class Attribute attr_accessor :klass, :name, :options_for_step, :affected_by_steps, :key_for_steps def initialize(klass, name) @klass = klass @name = name.to_sym @options_for_step = {} @affected_by_steps = [] @key_for_steps = [] end # polling questions def report_find_or_create(step) "Creates parents: #{klass}##{name} is set with #{reflection_klass(step)}.find_or_create_by_#{foreign_key(step)}" if wants_create?(step) end def report_unnatural_order(step) if ( (rk = klass.reflect_on_association(weighting_association(step)).andand.klass) or (wants_inline_association? and rk = reflection_klass(step)) ) and step.configuration.classes.index(rk) > step.configuration.classes.index(klass) and step.options[:awaiting].andand.klass != klass "Unnatural order: #{klass} comes before #{rk}" end end def inspect "Attribute(#{klass}.#{name})" end def affected_by!(step, options = {}) self.options_for_step[step] = options self.affected_by_steps << step end def affected_by?(step) affected_by_steps.include?(step) end def key_for!(step, options = {}) self.options_for_step[step] = options self.key_for_steps << step end def key_for?(step) key_for_steps.include?(step) end def value_in_dictionary(step, key) return *dictionary(step).lookup(key) # strip the array wrapper if there's only one element end def value_in_source(step, row) if wants_static?(step) value = static(step) elsif field_number(step) if field_number(step).is_a?(Range) value = field_number(step).map { |n| row[n] }.join(delimiter(step)) else value = row[field_number(step)] end else value = row[name_in_source(step)] end return nil if value.nil? return value if value.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) # escape valve for parsers that look up associations directly value = value.to_s value = value[keep(step)] if wants_keep?(step) value = do_split(step, value) if wants_split?(step) # taken from old errata... maybe we want to do this here value.gsub!(/[ ]+/, ' ') # text.gsub!('- ', '-') value.gsub!(/([^\\])~/, '\1 ') value.strip! value.upcase! if wants_upcase?(step) value = do_convert(step, row, value) if wants_conversion?(step) value = do_sprintf(step, value) if wants_sprintf?(step) value end def value_from_row(step, row) value = value_in_source(step, row) return value if value.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) # carry through trapdoor value = value_in_dictionary(step, value) if wants_dictionary?(step) value = value_as_association(step, value) if wants_inline_association? value end def value_as_association(step, value) @_value_as_association ||= {} @_value_as_association[step] ||= {} if !@_value_as_association[step].has_key?(value) dynamic_matcher = wants_create?(step) ? "find_or_create_by_#{foreign_key(step)}" : "find_by_#{foreign_key(step)}" @_value_as_association[step][value] = reflection_klass(step).send(dynamic_matcher, value) end @_value_as_association[step][value] end # this will overwrite nils, even if wants_overwriting?(step) is false def set_record_from_row(step, record, row) return if !wants_overwriting?(step) and !record.send(name).nil? value = value_from_row(step, row) record.send "#{name}=", value $stderr.puts("ActiveRecord didn't like trying to set #{klass}.#{name} = #{value}") if !value.nil? and record.send(name).nil? end def perform(step) case step.variant when :associate perform_association(step) when :derive if wants_update_all?(step) perform_update_all(step) elsif wants_weighted_average?(step) perform_weighted_average(step) else perform_callback(step) end when :import raise "This shouldn't be called, the import step is special" end end def perform_association(step) raise "dictionary and prefix don't mix" if wants_dictionary?(step) and wants_prefix?(step) klass.update_all("#{reflection.primary_key_name} = NULL") if wants_nullification?(step) if wants_create?(step) klass.find_in_batches do |batch| batch.each do |record| if wants_prefix?(step) sql = "SELECT FROM #{reflection_klass(step).quoted_table_name} AS reflection_table INNER JOIN #{klass.quoted_table_name} AS klass_table ON LEFT(klass_table.#{key(step)}, LENGTH(reflection_table.#{foreign_key(step)})) = reflection_table.#{foreign_key(step)} WHERE = #{} ORDER BY LENGTH(reflection_table.#{foreign_key(step)}) DESC" associated_id = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) next if associated_id.blank? record.send("#{reflection.primary_key_name}=", associated_id) else dynamic_finder_value = record.send(key(step)) dynamic_finder_value = value_in_dictionary(step, dynamic_finder_value) if wants_dictionary?(step) next if dynamic_finder_value.blank? associated = reflection_klass(step).send("find_or_create_by_#{foreign_key(step)}", dynamic_finder_value) # TODO cache results record.send("#{name}=", associated) end end end else reflection_klass(step).find_in_batches do |batch| batch.each do |reflection_record| klass.update_all ["#{reflection.primary_key_name} = ?",], ["#{key(step)} = ?", reflection_record.send(foreign_key(step))] end end end end def perform_update_all(step) klass.update_all("#{name} = #{set(step)}", conditions(step)) end def perform_weighted_average(step) # handle weighting by scopes instead of associations if weighting_association(step) and !klass.reflect_on_association(weighting_association(step)) klass.find_in_batches do |batch| batch.each do |record| record.send "#{name}=", record.send(weighting_association(step)).weighted_average(name, :by => weighting_column(step), :disaggregator => weighting_disaggregator(step)) end end else # there's no weighting association OR there is one and it's a valid association klass.update_all_weighted_averages name, :by => weighting_column(step), :disaggregator => weighting_disaggregator(step), :association => weighting_association(step) end end def perform_callback(step) case klass.method(callback(step)).arity when 0: klass.send(callback(step)) when 1: klass.send(callback(step), name) when 2: klass.send(callback(step), name, options_for_step[step]) end end def unit_from_source(step, row) row[unit_in_source(step)].to_s.strip.underscore.to_sym end def do_convert(step, row, value) from_unit = from(step) || unit_from_source(step, row) value.to_f.convert(from_unit, to(step)) end def do_sprintf(step, value) if /\%[0-9\.]*f/.match(sprintf(step)) value = value.to_f elsif /\%[0-9\.]*d/.match(sprintf(step)) value = value.to_i end sprintf(step) % value end def do_split(step, value) pattern = split_options(step)[:pattern] || /\s+/ # default is split on whitespace keep = split_options(step)[:keep] || 0 # default is keep first element value.to_s.split(pattern)[keep].to_s end def column_type @column_type ||= klass.columns_hash[name.to_s].type end { :static => 'options_for_step[step].has_key?(:static)', :prefix => :prefix, :create => :create, :keep => :keep, :upcase => :upcase, :conversion => '!from(step).nil? or !unit_in_source(step).nil?', :sprintf => :sprintf, :dictionary => :dictionary_options, :split => :split_options, :update_all => :set, :nullification => 'nullify(step) != false', :overwriting => 'overwrite(step) != false', :weighted_average => '!weighting_association(step).nil? or !weighting_column(step).nil?' }.each do |name, condition| condition = "!#{condition}(step).nil?" if condition.is_a?(Symbol) eval <<-EOS def wants_#{name}?(step) #{condition} end EOS end { :name_in_source => { :default => :name, :stringify => true }, :key => { :default => :name, :stringify => true }, :foreign_key => { :default => 'key(step)', :stringify => true }, :delimiter => { :default => '", "' } }.each do |name, options| eval <<-EOS def #{name}(step) (options_for_step[step][:#{name}] || #{options[:default]})#{'.to_s' if options[:stringify]} end EOS end def reflection if @_reflection.nil? @_reflection = klass.reflect_on_association(name) || :missing reflection elsif @_reflection == :missing nil else @_reflection end end def reflection_klass(step) return nil unless reflection if reflection.options[:polymorphic] polymorphic_type(step).andand.constantize else reflection.klass end end def wants_inline_association? reflection.present? end def callback(step) (options_for_step[step][:callback] || "derive_#{name}").to_sym end def dictionary(step) raise "shouldn't ask for this" unless wants_dictionary?(step) # don't try to initialize if there are no dictionary options @dictionaries ||= {} @dictionaries[step] ||= end %w(dictionary split).each do |name| eval <<-EOS def #{name}_options(step) options_for_step[step][:#{name}] end EOS end %w(from to set conditions weighting_association weighting_column weighting_disaggregator sprintf nullify overwrite upcase prefix unit_in_source field_number keep create static polymorphic_type).each do |name| eval <<-EOS def #{name}(step) options_for_step[step][:#{name}] end EOS end end end