# Copyright 2011-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --- :json_version: '1.1' :target_prefix: ElasticMapReduce. :api_version: '2009-03-31' :operations: - :name: AddInstanceGroups :method: :add_instance_groups :inputs: InstanceGroups: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Market: - :string InstanceRole: - :string - :required BidPrice: - :string InstanceType: - :string - :required InstanceCount: - :integer - :required - :required JobFlowId: - :string - :required :outputs: JobFlowId: :sym: :job_flow_id :type: :string InstanceGroupIds: :sym: :instance_group_ids :type: :string - :name: AddJobFlowSteps :method: :add_job_flow_steps :inputs: JobFlowId: - :string - :required Steps: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string - :required ActionOnFailure: - :string HadoopJarStep: - :structure: Properties: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string Value: - :string Jar: - :string - :required MainClass: - :string Args: - :list: - :string - :required - :required :outputs: StepIds: :sym: :step_ids :type: :string - :name: AddTags :method: :add_tags :inputs: ResourceId: - :string - :required Tags: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string Value: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DescribeCluster :method: :describe_cluster :inputs: ClusterId: - :string - :required :outputs: Cluster: :sym: :cluster :type: :hash :members: Id: :sym: :id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Status: :sym: :status :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string StateChangeReason: :sym: :state_change_reason :type: :hash :members: Code: :sym: :code :type: :string Message: :sym: :message :type: :string Timeline: :sym: :timeline :type: :hash :members: CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time ReadyDateTime: :sym: :ready_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time Ec2InstanceAttributes: :sym: :ec_2_instance_attributes :type: :hash :members: Ec2KeyName: :sym: :ec2_key_name :type: :string Ec2SubnetId: :sym: :ec2_subnet_id :type: :string Ec2AvailabilityZone: :sym: :ec_2_availability_zone :type: :string IamInstanceProfile: :sym: :iam_instance_profile :type: :string LogUri: :sym: :log_uri :type: :string RequestedAmiVersion: :sym: :requested_ami_version :type: :string RunningAmiVersion: :sym: :running_ami_version :type: :string AutoTerminate: :sym: :auto_terminate :type: :boolean TerminationProtected: :sym: :termination_protected :type: :boolean VisibleToAllUsers: :sym: :visible_to_all_users :type: :boolean Applications: :sym: :applications :type: :hash :members: Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Version: :sym: :version :type: :string Args: :sym: :args :type: :string AdditionalInfo: :sym: :additional_info :type: :map :members: :sym: :map_value :type: :string Tags: :sym: :tags :type: :hash :members: Key: :sym: :key :type: :string Value: :sym: :value :type: :string ServiceRole: :sym: :service_role :type: :string - :name: DescribeJobFlows :method: :describe_job_flows :inputs: CreatedAfter: - :timestamp CreatedBefore: - :timestamp JobFlowIds: - :list: - :string JobFlowStates: - :list: - :string :outputs: JobFlows: :sym: :job_flows :type: :hash :members: JobFlowId: :sym: :job_flow_id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string LogUri: :sym: :log_uri :type: :string AmiVersion: :sym: :ami_version :type: :string ExecutionStatusDetail: :sym: :execution_status_detail :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time StartDateTime: :sym: :start_date_time :type: :time ReadyDateTime: :sym: :ready_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time LastStateChangeReason: :sym: :last_state_change_reason :type: :string Instances: :sym: :instances :type: :hash :members: MasterInstanceType: :sym: :master_instance_type :type: :string MasterPublicDnsName: :sym: :master_public_dns_name :type: :string MasterInstanceId: :sym: :master_instance_id :type: :string SlaveInstanceType: :sym: :slave_instance_type :type: :string InstanceCount: :sym: :instance_count :type: :integer InstanceGroups: :sym: :instance_groups :type: :hash :members: InstanceGroupId: :sym: :instance_group_id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Market: :sym: :market :type: :string InstanceRole: :sym: :instance_role :type: :string BidPrice: :sym: :bid_price :type: :string InstanceType: :sym: :instance_type :type: :string InstanceRequestCount: :sym: :instance_request_count :type: :integer InstanceRunningCount: :sym: :instance_running_count :type: :integer State: :sym: :state :type: :string LastStateChangeReason: :sym: :last_state_change_reason :type: :string CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time StartDateTime: :sym: :start_date_time :type: :time ReadyDateTime: :sym: :ready_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time NormalizedInstanceHours: :sym: :normalized_instance_hours :type: :integer Ec2KeyName: :sym: :ec2_key_name :type: :string Ec2SubnetId: :sym: :ec2_subnet_id :type: :string Placement: :sym: :placement :type: :hash :members: AvailabilityZone: :sym: :availability_zone :type: :string KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps: :sym: :keep_job_flow_alive_when_no_steps :type: :boolean TerminationProtected: :sym: :termination_protected :type: :boolean HadoopVersion: :sym: :hadoop_version :type: :string Steps: :sym: :steps :type: :hash :members: StepConfig: :sym: :step_config :type: :hash :members: Name: :sym: :name :type: :string ActionOnFailure: :sym: :action_on_failure :type: :string HadoopJarStep: :sym: :hadoop_jar_step :type: :hash :members: Properties: :sym: :properties :type: :hash :members: Key: :sym: :key :type: :string Value: :sym: :value :type: :string Jar: :sym: :jar :type: :string MainClass: :sym: :main_class :type: :string Args: :sym: :args :type: :string ExecutionStatusDetail: :sym: :execution_status_detail :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time StartDateTime: :sym: :start_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time LastStateChangeReason: :sym: :last_state_change_reason :type: :string BootstrapActions: :sym: :bootstrap_actions :type: :hash :members: BootstrapActionConfig: :sym: :bootstrap_action_config :type: :hash :members: Name: :sym: :name :type: :string ScriptBootstrapAction: :sym: :script_bootstrap_action :type: :hash :members: Path: :sym: :path :type: :string Args: :sym: :args :type: :string SupportedProducts: :sym: :supported_products :type: :string VisibleToAllUsers: :sym: :visible_to_all_users :type: :boolean JobFlowRole: :sym: :job_flow_role :type: :string ServiceRole: :sym: :service_role :type: :string - :name: DescribeStep :method: :describe_step :inputs: ClusterId: - :string - :required StepId: - :string - :required :outputs: Step: :sym: :step :type: :hash :members: Id: :sym: :id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Config: :sym: :config :type: :hash :members: Jar: :sym: :jar :type: :string Properties: :sym: :properties :type: :map :members: :sym: :map_value :type: :string MainClass: :sym: :main_class :type: :string Args: :sym: :args :type: :string ActionOnFailure: :sym: :action_on_failure :type: :string Status: :sym: :status :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string StateChangeReason: :sym: :state_change_reason :type: :hash :members: Code: :sym: :code :type: :string Message: :sym: :message :type: :string Timeline: :sym: :timeline :type: :hash :members: CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time StartDateTime: :sym: :start_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time - :name: ListBootstrapActions :method: :list_bootstrap_actions :inputs: ClusterId: - :string - :required Marker: - :string :outputs: BootstrapActions: :sym: :bootstrap_actions :type: :hash :members: Name: :sym: :name :type: :string ScriptPath: :sym: :script_path :type: :string Args: :sym: :args :type: :string Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: ListClusters :method: :list_clusters :inputs: CreatedAfter: - :timestamp CreatedBefore: - :timestamp ClusterStates: - :list: - :string Marker: - :string :outputs: Clusters: :sym: :clusters :type: :hash :members: Id: :sym: :id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Status: :sym: :status :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string StateChangeReason: :sym: :state_change_reason :type: :hash :members: Code: :sym: :code :type: :string Message: :sym: :message :type: :string Timeline: :sym: :timeline :type: :hash :members: CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time ReadyDateTime: :sym: :ready_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: ListInstanceGroups :method: :list_instance_groups :inputs: ClusterId: - :string - :required Marker: - :string :outputs: InstanceGroups: :sym: :instance_groups :type: :hash :members: Id: :sym: :id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Market: :sym: :market :type: :string InstanceGroupType: :sym: :instance_group_type :type: :string BidPrice: :sym: :bid_price :type: :string InstanceType: :sym: :instance_type :type: :string RequestedInstanceCount: :sym: :requested_instance_count :type: :integer RunningInstanceCount: :sym: :running_instance_count :type: :integer Status: :sym: :status :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string StateChangeReason: :sym: :state_change_reason :type: :hash :members: Code: :sym: :code :type: :string Message: :sym: :message :type: :string Timeline: :sym: :timeline :type: :hash :members: CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time ReadyDateTime: :sym: :ready_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: ListInstances :method: :list_instances :inputs: ClusterId: - :string - :required InstanceGroupId: - :string InstanceGroupTypes: - :list: - :string Marker: - :string :outputs: Instances: :sym: :instances :type: :hash :members: Id: :sym: :id :type: :string Ec2InstanceId: :sym: :ec2_instance_id :type: :string PublicDnsName: :sym: :public_dns_name :type: :string PublicIpAddress: :sym: :public_ip_address :type: :string PrivateDnsName: :sym: :private_dns_name :type: :string PrivateIpAddress: :sym: :private_ip_address :type: :string Status: :sym: :status :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string StateChangeReason: :sym: :state_change_reason :type: :hash :members: Code: :sym: :code :type: :string Message: :sym: :message :type: :string Timeline: :sym: :timeline :type: :hash :members: CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time ReadyDateTime: :sym: :ready_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: ListSteps :method: :list_steps :inputs: ClusterId: - :string - :required StepStates: - :list: - :string Marker: - :string :outputs: Steps: :sym: :steps :type: :hash :members: Id: :sym: :id :type: :string Name: :sym: :name :type: :string Status: :sym: :status :type: :hash :members: State: :sym: :state :type: :string StateChangeReason: :sym: :state_change_reason :type: :hash :members: Code: :sym: :code :type: :string Message: :sym: :message :type: :string Timeline: :sym: :timeline :type: :hash :members: CreationDateTime: :sym: :creation_date_time :type: :time StartDateTime: :sym: :start_date_time :type: :time EndDateTime: :sym: :end_date_time :type: :time Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: ModifyInstanceGroups :method: :modify_instance_groups :inputs: InstanceGroups: - :list: - :structure: InstanceGroupId: - :string - :required InstanceCount: - :integer EC2InstanceIdsToTerminate: - :list: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: RemoveTags :method: :remove_tags :inputs: ResourceId: - :string - :required TagKeys: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: RunJobFlow :method: :run_job_flow :inputs: Name: - :string - :required LogUri: - :string AdditionalInfo: - :string AmiVersion: - :string Instances: - :structure: MasterInstanceType: - :string SlaveInstanceType: - :string InstanceCount: - :integer InstanceGroups: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Market: - :string InstanceRole: - :string - :required BidPrice: - :string InstanceType: - :string - :required InstanceCount: - :integer - :required Ec2KeyName: - :string Placement: - :structure: AvailabilityZone: - :string - :required KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps: - :boolean TerminationProtected: - :boolean HadoopVersion: - :string Ec2SubnetId: - :string - :required Steps: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string - :required ActionOnFailure: - :string HadoopJarStep: - :structure: Properties: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string Value: - :string Jar: - :string - :required MainClass: - :string Args: - :list: - :string - :required BootstrapActions: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string - :required ScriptBootstrapAction: - :structure: Path: - :string - :required Args: - :list: - :string - :required SupportedProducts: - :list: - :string NewSupportedProducts: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Args: - :list: - :string VisibleToAllUsers: - :boolean JobFlowRole: - :string ServiceRole: - :string Tags: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string Value: - :string :outputs: JobFlowId: :sym: :job_flow_id :type: :string - :name: SetTerminationProtection :method: :set_termination_protection :inputs: JobFlowIds: - :list: - :string - :required TerminationProtected: - :boolean - :required :outputs: {} - :name: SetVisibleToAllUsers :method: :set_visible_to_all_users :inputs: JobFlowIds: - :list: - :string - :required VisibleToAllUsers: - :boolean - :required :outputs: {} - :name: TerminateJobFlows :method: :terminate_job_flows :inputs: JobFlowIds: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: {}