# Some BezierBuilder implementations # - old-fashioned SimpleBezier # - useful BezierLevel # - powerful Offset # - interesting Ondulation # - simple ClosureBezier require 'bezierbuilders' module XRVG # = SimpleBezier # == Content # Simple Bezier interpolator, that builds a multipiece "regular" bezier curve from a list of points # == Algo # For each point triplet : # - tangent vector of the middle point is the vector mean of vector from first to middle and vector frommiddle to last. # First and last tangents are computed by symetry # == Note # FittingBezier is a better class for point bezier interpolation. However, this class is kept mainly for historical reasons. class SimpleBezier < BezierBuilder attribute :support, nil, Array # BezierBuilder overloading: see SimpleBezier description for algorithm def compute( ) points = @support if points.length < 2 Kernel::raise("SimpleBezier support must have at least two points") elsif points.length == 2 return LinearBezier.build( :support, points).data end result = Array.new p1 = points[0] v1 = V2D::O cpiece = [:vector, p1, v1] points.triplets do |p1, p2, p3| v = ((p2 - p1)..( p3 - p2 )).middle * 1.0 / 3.0 result.push( cpiece + [p2, v.reverse] ) cpiece = [:vector, p2, v] end pr2 = points[-1] vr2 = V2D::O result.push( cpiece + [pr2, vr2] ) # compute first and last piece again, by symetry piece0 = Bezier.single( *result[0] ) p1, v1, p2, v2 = piece0.pointlist(:vector) pv = (p2 - p1) angle = v2.angle - pv.angle v1 = (-v2).rotate( -2.0 * angle ) result[0] = [:vector, p1, v1, p2, v2] piecel = Bezier.single( *result[-1] ) p1, v1, p2, v2 = piecel.pointlist(:vector) pv = (p2 - p1) angle = v1.angle - pv.angle v2 = (-v1).rotate( -2.0 * angle ) result[-1] = [:vector, p1, v1, p2, v2] return result end end # # Interpolation extension with SimpleBezier # module Interpolation def compute_simplebezier points = self.samplelist.foreach(2).map { |index, value| V2D[index,value] } @simplebezier = SimpleBezier[ :support, points ] end def getcurve if not @simplebezier self.compute_simplebezier end return @simplebezier end def simplebezier( dindex ) return self.getcurve.sample( dindex ).y end end # = Offset bezier builder # == Content # Generic offset bezier builder. # == Attributes # attribute :support, nil, Curve # attribute :abscissasampler, (0.0..1.0), Samplable # attribute :ampl, 0.5, :samplable # attribute :nsamples, 100 class Offset < FitBezierBuilder attribute :support, nil, Curve attribute :abscissasampler, (0.0..1.0), Samplable attribute :ampl, 0.5, :samplable attribute :nsamples, 100 # overload FitBezierBuilder.points to compute Offset points # # Algo: for each sample, compute point, normal and amp, and newpoint = point + normal.norm * ampl def points result = [] SyncS[self.abscissasampler, self.ampl].samples( self.nsamples) do |abscissa, amplsample| frame = self.support.frame( abscissa ) result << frame.center + frame.vector.ortho.norm * amplsample end return result end end # = Fuseau bezier builder # == Content # Just shortcut class for Offset with :ampl = (1.0..0.0) # == Attributes # attribute :maxwidth, 0.1 class Fuseau < Offset attribute :maxwidth, 0.1 # overload Offset.ampl method by returning (self.maxwidth..0.0) def ampl return (self.maxwidth..0.0) end end # = BezierLevel bezier builder # == Content # Compute "roller coaster" bezier curves # # Can be used as a x-progressing curve, that is as an interpolation curve # == Attributes # attribute :samplelist, [], Array # :samplelist must contain pairs of cartesien coords [x1,y1,x2,y2,...], x between 0.0 and 1.0 (as for interpolator) class BezierLevel < BezierBuilder attribute :samplelist, [], Array # Overload BezierBuilder build method # # Algo: simply interpolate [x,y] couples as V2D, with SimpleBezier bezier builder def BezierLevel.build( *args ) builder = BezierLevel.new( *args ) points = [] builder.samplelist.foreach do |x,y| points << V2D[x,y] end return SimpleBezier[ :support, points ] end end # = ClosureBezier bezier builder # == Content # Simple bezier operator that take a list of beziers and produce a concatenate multipieces closed bezier curve. # Missing segments are completed with lines class ClosureBezier < BezierBuilder attribute :bezierlist # BezierBuilder compute overloading def compute result = [] result += self.bezierlist[0].pieces self.bezierlist[1..-1].each do |bezier| lastpoint = result[-1].lastpoint newpoint = bezier.firstpoint if not V2D.vequal?( lastpoint, newpoint ) result += LinearBezier[ :support, [lastpoint, newpoint]].pieces end result += bezier.pieces end lastpoint = result[-1].lastpoint newpoint = result[0].firstpoint if not V2D.vequal?( lastpoint, newpoint ) result += LinearBezier[ :support, [lastpoint, newpoint]].pieces end result = result.map {|piece| piece.data} # Trace("result #{result.inspect}") return result end end # = Ondulation bezier builder # == Content # Generic ondulation bezier builder. # == Attributes # attribute :support, nil, Curve # attribute :ampl, 0.5, :samplable # attribute :abscissasampler, (0.0..1.0), Samplable # attribute :freq, 10 # :support is a Curve # :abscissas must be a Float Samplable, as (0.0..1.0).geo(3.0) # :ampl can be a constant or a sampler # :freq is the number of oscillations to be computed class Ondulation < BezierBuilder attribute :support, nil, Curve attribute :ampl, 0.5, :samplable attribute :abscissasampler, (0.0..1.0), Samplable attribute :freq, 10 # atomic pattern computation # def compute_arc( abs1, abs2, amplitude, sens ) mabs = (abs1 + abs2)/2.0 p1, halfpoint, p2 = self.support.points( [abs1, mabs, abs2] ) # Trace("mabs #{mabs} abs1 #{abs1} abs2 #{abs2} halfpoint #{halfpoint.inspect} p1 #{p1.inspect} p2 #{p2.inspect}") halfnormal = self.support.normal( mabs ).norm * ( sens * amplitude * (p2 - p1).length) # Trace("halfnormal #{halfnormal.inspect}") newpoint = halfpoint + halfnormal tpoint = halfpoint + halfnormal * 3.0 t1 = (tpoint - p1 ) / 6.0 t2 = (tpoint - p2 ) / 6.0 # Trace("newpoint #{newpoint.inspect} p1 #{p1.inspect} (newpoint - p1) #{(newpoint - p1).inspect}") # TODO: following lines repetitive halftangent = self.support.tangent( mabs ).norm * (newpoint - p1).length / 3.0 halftangent = self.support.tangent( mabs ).norm * (p2 - p1).length / 3.0 # Trace("halftangent #{halftangent.inspect} t1 #{t1.inspect} t2 #{t2.inspect}") return [[:vector, p1, t1, newpoint, -halftangent], [:vector, newpoint, halftangent, p2, t2]] end def compute_interpol( abs1, abs2, amplitude, sens ) orientation = amplitude > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0 arc = Bezier.multi( self.compute_arc( abs1, abs2, orientation, sens ) ) subsupport = self.support.subbezier( abs1, abs2 ) return InterBezier[ :bezierlist, [0.0, subsupport, 1.0, arc] ].sample( amplitude.abs ).data end # algo : for each abscissa, 0.0 of the curve (given the normal) # and for each mean abscissa, :amp normal def compute abscissas = self.abscissasampler.samples( self.freq + 1 ) sens = 1.0 pieces = [] [abscissas.pairs, self.ampl.samples( self.freq )].forzip do |abspair, amplitude| abs1, abs2 = abspair pieces += self.compute_interpol( abs1, abs2, amplitude, sens ) sens *= -1.0 end return pieces end end end # XRVG