# frozen_string_literal: true # title: HTML Export # description: Export styled HTML view of data # author: Brett Terpstra # url: https://brettterpstra.com module Doing class HTMLExport include Doing::Util def self.settings { trigger: 'html?|web(?:page)?', templates: [ { name: 'html', trigger: 'h[ta]ml?|web', format: 'haml', filename: 'html_export.haml' }, { name: 'html_style', trigger: 'css|styl(?:e|us)', format: 'css', filename: 'html_export.css' } ] } end def self.template(trigger) if trigger =~ /^(css|sty)/ IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../templates/doing.css')) else IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../templates/doing.haml')) end end def self.render(wwid, items, variables: {}) return if items.nil? opt = variables[:options] items_out = [] items.each do |i| # if i.has_key?('note') # note = '<span class="note">' + i.note.map{|n| n.strip }.join('<br>') + '</span>' # else # note = '' # end if String.method_defined? :force_encoding title = i.title.force_encoding('utf-8').link_urls note = i.note.map { |line| line.force_encoding('utf-8').strip.link_urls } if i.note else title = i.title.link_urls note = i.note.map { |line| line.strip.link_urls } if i.note end interval = wwid.get_interval(i) if i.title =~ /@done\((\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d.*?)\)/ && opt[:times] interval ||= false items_out << { date: i.date.strftime('%a %-I:%M%p'), title: title.gsub(/(@[^ (]+(\(.*?\))?)/im, '<span class="tag">\1</span>').strip, #+ " #{note}" note: note, time: interval, section: i.section } end template = if Doing.setting('export_templates.haml') && File.exist?(File.expand_path(Doing.setting('export_templates.haml'))) IO.read(File.expand_path(Doing.setting('export_templates.haml'))) else self.template('html') end style = if Doing.setting('export_templates.css') && File.exist?(File.expand_path(Doing.setting('export_templates.css'))) IO.read(File.expand_path(Doing.setting('export_templates.css'))) else self.template('css') end totals = opt[:totals] ? wwid.tag_times(format: :html, sort_by: opt[:sort_tags], sort_order: opt[:tag_order]) : '' engine = Haml::Engine.new(template) Doing.logger.debug('HTML Export:', "#{items_out.count} items output to HTML") @out = engine.render(Object.new, { :@items => items_out, :@page_title => variables[:page_title], :@style => style, :@totals => totals }) end Doing::Plugins.register 'html', :export, self end end