MRKP Markup Languages: Theory and Practice Markup Languages Old Facefull The would-be That Was good question MIT Press, on occasion ArchivalTest1 Archival DTD Test Article (Just a small subtitle for parsing) Jones John Browning The HonorableIII Prince Charles A Prince of a Prince My Old Ivy-covered HAlls 2004 23 2004-2005

This is a list inside a paragraph:


Persian Cats

Weaver Finches


This following is an XHTML table, inside a Table Wrapper %lt;table-wrap> wrapper.


Additional caption material

A cell! Another Still a third>
2 A cell! An xref: See the statement 2 Still a third>
There be statements here.

The IDREFs need to point to something

No Matter How Wise You Get, Wet Birds Don't Fly at Night

This following is an OASIS table, inside a Table Wrapper %lt;table-wrap> wrapper.


Additional caption material

A cell! Another Still a third> 2 A cell! An xref: See the statement 2 Still a third>

Post Hoc Propter Ergo Hoc

We thank you all.

Glossary Def-List Title Term


Second Term

And another definition

Some words maybe including a or Def-List Title First Term

And its definition

The Second Term

Still another definition


Just a reference or two for testing:

A citation ain't nothing but a sandwich — personal communication Piggy Ms. Can't Help Lovin’ That Frog of Mine; Swine Review, 145: 1224; 2003. Ant-cay Elp-hay Ovin’-lay At-thay Og-fray of-ay Ine-may