require 'spec_helper' require 'conjur/conjurenv' describe Conjur::Env do describe "#initialize" do describe "requires either :file or :yaml parameter" do before { Conjur::Env.any_instance.should_not_receive(:parse) } it "fails if both options are provided" do expect { 'f', yaml: 'y') }.to raise_error ":file and :yaml options can not be provided together" end it "fails if neither option is provided" do expect { }.to raise_error "either :file or :yaml option is mandatory" end it "fails if :yaml option is empty or is not a string" do expect { "") }.to raise_error ":yaml option should be non-empty string" expect { nil) }.to raise_error ":yaml option should be non-empty string" expect { 2) }.to raise_error ":yaml option should be non-empty string" end it "fails if :file option is empty or is not a string"do expect { "") }.to raise_error ":file option should be non-empty string" expect { nil) }.to raise_error ":file option should be non-empty string" expect { 2) }.to raise_error ":file option should be non-empty string" end end describe "with correct parameters" do let(:parsed) { :parsed_structure_stub } describe "if :file parameter provided" do it "does not catch any errors from" do Conjur::Env.any_instance.should_not_receive(:parse) File.stub(:read).with('unexisting').and_return { raise "Custom error" } expect { 'unexisting') }.to raise_error "Custom error" end it "if file is readable, passes contents to #parse and stores result in @definition attribute" do File.should_receive(:read).with("somefile").and_return(:file_contents) Conjur::Env.any_instance.should_receive(:parse).with(:file_contents).and_return(:stub_parsed)"somefile").instance_variable_get("@definition").should == :stub_parsed end end it "if :yaml parameter provided, passes it to #parse and stores result in @definition attribute" do Conjur::Env.any_instance.should_receive(:parse).with("custom yaml").and_return(:stub_parsed)"custom yaml").instance_variable_get("@definition").should == :stub_parsed end end end describe "#parse (called from 'initialize')" do it 'parses input as YAML and does not hide YAML errors' do YAML.should_receive(:load).with("custom yaml").and_return { raise "Custom error" } expect { "custom yaml") }.to raise_error "Custom error" end it "fails unless YAML represents a Hash" do expect { "[ 1,2,3 ]") }.to raise_error "Definition should be a Hash" end it "fails if values are not literal, !tmp or !var" do expect { "{a: literal, b: !tmp tempfile, c: !var conjurvar, d: { x: another literal }}") }.to raise_error /^Definition can not include values of types/ expect { "{a: literal, b: !tmp tempfile, c: !var conjurvar}") }.to_not raise_error end it 'does not allow empty values for !tmp and !var' do expect { "{a: literal, b: !tmp , c: !var conjurvar }") }.to raise_error "ConjurTempfile requires a parameter" expect { "{a: literal, b: !tmp tempfile, c: !var }") }.to raise_error "ConjurVariable requires a parameter" expect { "{a: literal, b: !tmp tempfile, c: !var conjurvar}") }.to_not raise_error end it "Returns hash consisting of literals, ConjurTempfile and ConjurVariable objects" do result = "{a: literal, b: !tmp 'sometmp', c: !var 'somevar'}").instance_variable_get("@definition") result.keys.sort.should == ["a","b","c"] result["a"].should == 'literal' result["b"].should be_a_kind_of(Conjur::Env::ConjurTempfile) result["c"].should be_a_kind_of(Conjur::Env::ConjurVariable) end end describe "#obtain", logged_in: true do let(:subject) { "{a: literal, b: !tmp tempfile, c: !var conjurvar}") } before { api.stub(:variable_values).with(["tempfile","conjurvar"]).and_return({"tempfile" => "stubtemp", "conjurvar" => "stubvar" }) } it "requests variable_values with list of !var and !tmp values" do Conjur::Env::ConjurTempfile.any_instance.stub(:evaluate).and_return(:stub_value) # avoid tempfiles creation api.should_receive(:variable_values).with(["tempfile","conjurvar"]).and_return({"tempfile" => "stub1", "conjurvar" => "stub2" }) subject.obtain(api) end it 'does not suppress api errors' do api.stub(:variable_values).and_return { raise "Custom API error" } expect { subject.obtain(api) }.to raise_error "Custom API error" end describe "for !tmp creates temporary files with Conjur variable value" do it "in /dev/shm if it exists" do tempfile = double(path: '/dev/shm/newfile', close: true) File.should_receive(:directory?).with("/dev/shm").and_return(true) File.should_receive(:writable?).with("/dev/shm").and_return(true) Tempfile.should_receive(:new).with("conjur","/dev/shm").and_return(tempfile) tempfile.should_receive(:write).with("stubtemp") subject.obtain(api) end it "otherwise uses Tempfile defaults" do tempfile = double(path: '/tmp/newfile', close: true) File.should_receive(:directory?).with("/dev/shm").and_return(false) Tempfile.should_receive(:new).with("conjur").and_return(tempfile) tempfile.should_receive(:write).with("stubtemp") subject.obtain(api) end end describe "returns hash consisting of original keys and following values" do before { tempfile=double(path:"/stub/tempfile",write: true, close: true) File.stub(:directory?).with("/dev/shm").and_return(true) File.stub(:writable?).with("/dev/shm").and_return(true) Tempfile.stub(:new).with("conjur","/dev/shm").and_return(tempfile) } let(:result) { subject.obtain(api) } it 'literals' do result.should include("a"=>"literal") end it '!tmp: names of temp files' do result.should include("b"=>"/stub/tempfile") end it '!var: variable values' do result.should include("c"=>"stubvar") end end end describe "#check", logged_in: true do let(:subject) { "{a: literal, b: !tmp tempfile_b, c: !var conjurvar_c, d: !tmp tempfile_d, e: !var conjurvar_e }") } before { api.should_not_receive(:variable_values) Tempfile.should_not_receive(:new) } let(:permitted) { double(permitted?:true) } let(:restricted) { double(permitted?:false) } it "requests resource 'execute' permission for each !var and !tmp value" do api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:tempfile_b").and_return(permitted) api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:conjurvar_c").and_return(permitted) api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:tempfile_d").and_return(permitted) api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:conjurvar_e").and_return(permitted) permitted.should_receive(:permitted?).exactly(4).times.with(:execute).and_return(true) subject.check(api) end it 'does not rescue from unexpected api errors' do api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:tempfile_b").and_return { raise "Custom error" } expect { subject.check(api) }.to raise_error "Custom error" end it "returns Hash consisting of original keys and following statuses: :literal, :available, :unavailable" do api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:tempfile_b").and_return(permitted) api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:conjurvar_c").and_return(restricted) api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:tempfile_d").and_return(restricted) api.should_receive(:resource).with("variable:conjurvar_e").and_return(permitted) result = subject.check(api).should == { "a" => :literal, "b" => :available, "c" => :unavailable, "d" => :unavailable, "e" => :available } end end end