import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "ember-qunit"; import { render, find, findAll, click } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import Message from "client-app/models/message"; const backtrace = "test backtrace:26"; const messageTitle = "This Is Title"; const message = Message.create({ backtrace, message: messageTitle, env: { c: "cc", d: "dd" } }); module("Integration | Component | message-info", function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("it renders", async function(assert) { const callback = newPosition => this.set("currentEnvPosition", newPosition); this.setProperties({ actionsInMenu: true, showTitle: false, envPosition: 0, message, callback }); await render( hbs`{{message-info currentMessage=message showTitle=showTitle currentEnvPosition=envPosition envChangedAction=callback showShare=true actionsInMenu=actionsInMenu}}` ); let activeTab = find(".message-info pre"); assert.equal( activeTab.textContent.trim(), backtrace, "default active tab is backtrace" ); assert.dom(".message-info .content h3").doesNotExist("no titles are shown"); assert.equal(findAll(".tabs a").length, 3, "3 tabs shown"); assert.equal( find(".tabs").textContent.trim(), "backtrace", "default active tab is backtrace" ); assert.equal( findAll(".message-actions button").length, 2, "2 buttons shown when `actionsInMenu` is true" ); assert .dom(".message-actions") .exists("menu expand button is shown"); assert.dom(".message-actions button.share").exists("share button is shown"); await click(find(".message-actions")); assert.equal( findAll(".actions-menu button").length, 3, "extra buttons shown inside a menu" ); assert .dom(".actions-menu button.remove") .exists("remove button inside the menu"); assert .dom(".actions-menu button.protect") .exists("protect button inside the menu"); this.setProperties({ showTitle: true, actionsInMenu: false }); assert.equal( findAll(".message-info .content h3").length, 3, "titles are shown" ); assert .dom(".message-actions") .doesNotExist("menu expand button is not shown"); assert.equal( findAll(".message-actions button").length, 4, "all actions buttons are shown inline when `actionsInMenu` is false" ); await click(findAll(".tabs a")[0]); activeTab = find(".message-info pre"); assert.equal(activeTab.textContent, messageTitle, "can switch tabs"); assert .dom(".message-actions button.solve") .doesNotExist( "no solve button when there is no application_version in env" ); message.set("env.application_version", "fddfsdfdsf"); this.set("message", message); assert .dom(".message-actions button.solve") .exists("solve button is shown when there is application_version in env"); message.set("env", [ { sd: "dx", application_version: "fsfdsf" }, { vcv: "dxc" } ]); this.set("message", message); assert .dom(".message-actions button.solve") .exists( "solve button is shown when there is application_version in env (array)" ); }); });