module Catche module Controller module Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Caches a controller action by tagging it. # Supports any option parameters caches_action supports. # # catche Project, :index # catche Task, :through => :project def catche(model, *args) options = args.extract_options! tag = { |controller| Catche::Tag::Object.for(model, controller.class, options) } # Use Rails caches_action to pass along the tag caches_action(*args, { :tag => tag }.merge(options)) end end def _save_fragment(name, options={}) key = fragment_cache_key(name) object = options[:tag] tags = [] if object.present? if object.respond_to?(:call) object = self.instance_exec(self, &object) if object.respond_to?(:tags) tags = object.tags(self) else tags = end else tags = end Catche::Tag.tag! key, *tags # Store for future reference @catche_cache_object = object end super end end end end ActionController::Base.send :include, Catche::Controller::Base