#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true if File.exist?(File.expand_path("../../.git", __dir__)) ENV["RUBYOPT"] = ENV["RUBYOPT"].to_s.sub("-rsimplecov ", "") ENV["RUBYLIB"] = ENV["RUBYLIB"].to_s.sub("#{File.expand_path("..", __dir__)}/lib:", "") gem "decidim-core" end case ARGV[0] when "--component" ARGV.replace(["component", *ARGV[1..-1]]) require "decidim/generators/component_generator" Decidim::Generators::ComponentGenerator.start when "--version" require "decidim/core/version" puts Decidim::Core.version when "--help" require "decidim/core/version" puts "Decidim #{Decidim::Core.version} Syntax: decidim [options] [App or Module name] https://decidim.org Options: --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit --component [name] creates a component for Decidim [name] creates an application based on Decidim App generation extra options (ignored if the --component flag is on): --storage [provider] Setup the Gemfile with the appropiate gem to handle a storage provider. Supported options are: local (default), s3, gcs, azure --queue [provider] Setup the Gemfile with the appropiate gem to handle a job queue backend. Only 'sidekiq' is supported as option for now. --force_ssl [true|false] Enables or disables mandatory redirection to HTTPS (defaults to enabled) --locales [locales] Force the available locales to the ones specified. Separate with comas Warning: this option disables the ENV var DECIDIM_AVAILABLE_LOCALES used to setup this configuration by default. --profiling Adds profiling gems for development --path Use a local path for the Gemfile instead of the last decidim gem version available --edge Use GitHub's develop branch instead of the last decidim gem version available --branch [branch] Use GitHub's specified branch instead of the last decidim gem version available --repository Use a custom GIT repository instead of the default https::/github.com/decidim/decidim --skip_gemfile Skip Gemfile processing --skip_bundle Do not run bundle install --skip_webpack_install Do not run webpacker initialization (webpack install) --demo Create a demo application, with seeds, all the optional modules enabled and some authorization examples --seed_db [true|false] Seed the database: generate demo data for each participatory space and component --recreate_db Recreate the database after installing Decidim Examples: decidim my-application decidim --storage=s3 my-application decidim --storage=s3,gcs --profiling --force_ssl=false my-application decidim --locales=en,ca,es,fr my-application decidim --queue sidekiq my-application decidim --queue sidekiq --storage s3 my-application " else require "decidim/generators/app_generator" Decidim::Generators::AppGenerator.start end