class RBackup @@usage = <<-USAGE Usage: rbackup [PROFILE]... PROFILE The name of the profile listed in your YAML configuration. USAGE attr_accessor :profiles, :yaml def initialize(*args) get_yaml get_profiles(args, @yaml) end def get_profiles(input, hash, force=false) @profiles ||= [] hash.each do |key, value| next unless value.respond_to?(:keys) is_profile = value['source'] && value['destination'] if input.include?(key) || input.empty? || force if is_profile @profiles << value else get_profiles(input, value, true) end elsif !is_profile get_profiles(input, value, force) end end end def get_yaml if $TESTING config = SPEC + '/fixtures/rbackup.yml' else config = File.expand_path("~/.rbackup.yml") end if File.exists?(config) @yaml = @yaml = YAML::load(yaml) else error("YAML configuration not found.") end end def error(e) puts "\n Error:\n #{e}\n#{@@usage}" exit end def esc(paths) paths = paths.to_a paths.collect! { |path| path.gsub('SPEC', SPEC) } if $TESTING paths.collect { |path| path.gsub(' ', '\ ') }.join(' ') end def rsync(profile) destination = profile['destination'] source = profile['source'].to_a options = "--delete --numeric-ids --safe-links -axzSvL" # --delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs # --numeric-ids don't map uid/gid values by user/group name # --safe-links ignore symlinks that point outside the tree # -a, --archive recursion and preserve almost everything (-rlptgoD) # -x, --one-file-system don't cross filesystem boundaries # -z, --compress compress file data during the transfer # -S, --sparse handle sparse files efficiently # -v, --verbose verbose if destination.include?(':') || source.include?(':') options += ' -e ssh' # -e, --rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use else options += 'E' # -E, --extended-attributes copy extended attributes, resource forks FileUtils.mkdir_p destination end if profile['exclude'] exclude = profile['exclude'].to_a exclude = exclude.collect { |e| "--exclude='#{e}'" }.join(' ') # --exclude=PATTERN use one of these for each file you want to exclude else exclude = nil end cmd = "rsync #{options} #{exclude} #{esc(source)} #{esc(destination)}" if $TESTING `#{cmd}` else puts "Executing: #{cmd}" system(cmd) end end def run @profiles.each do |profile| rsync(profile) end end end