module Instagram class Client # Defines methods related to real-time geographies module Geographies # Returns a list of recent media items for a given real-time geography # # @overload geography_recent_media(id, options={}) # @param user [Integer] A geography ID from a real-time subscription. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :count (nil) Limit the number of results returned # @option options [Integer] :min_id (nil) Return media before this min_id # @option options [Integer] :max_id (nil) Return media after this max_id # @option options [Integer] :min_timestamp (nil) Return media after this UNIX timestamp # @option options [Integer] :max_timestamp (nil) Return media before this UNIX timestamp # @return [Hashie::Mash] # @example Return a list of the most recent media items taken within a specific geography # Instagram.geography_recent_media(514276) # @see # @format :json # @authenticated false # @rate_limited true def geography_recent_media(id, *args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} response = get("geographies/#{id}/media/recent", options) response["data"] end end end end