Mongoid Geospatial ================== A Mongoid Extension that simplifies and adds support for MongoDB and RGeo Spatial Calculations. Quick Start ----------- Add mongoid_geospatial to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'mongoid_geospatial' ``` Set up some slugs: ```ruby class River include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Geospatial field :name, type: String field :length, type: Integer field :average_discharge, type: Integer field :source, type: Point, spatial: true # set return_array to true if you do not want a hash returned all the time field :mouth, type: Point, spatial: {lat: :latitude, lng: :longitude, return_array: true } field :course, type: Polygon # simplified spatial indexing # you can only index one point in mongodb version below 1.9 # if you want something besides the defaults {bit: 24, min: -180, max: 180} just set index to the options on the index spatial_index :source end ``` Avaiable data types: * Point * LineString * Polygon Generate indexes on MongoDB: ``` rake db:mongoid:create_indexes ``` Before we manipulate the data mongoid_spatial handles is what we call points. Points can be: * an unordered hash with the lat long string keys defined when setting the field (only applies for setting the field) * longitude latitude array in that order - [long,lat] * an unordered hash with latitude key(:lat, :latitude) and a longitude key(:lon, :long, :lng, :longitude) * an ordered hash with longitude as the first item and latitude as the second item This hash does not have include the latitude and longitude keys \*only works in ruby 1.9 and up because hashes below ruby 1.9 because they are not ordered * anything with the method to_lng_lat that converts it to a [long,lat] We store data in the DB as a [lng,lat] array then reformat when it is returned to you ```ruby hudson = River.create( name: 'Hudson', length: 315, average_discharge: 21_400, # when setting array LONGITUDE MUST BE FIRST LATITUDE MUST BE SECOND # source: [-73.935833,44.106667], # but we can use hash in any order, # the default keys for latitude and longitude are :lat and :lng respectively source: {:lat => 44.106667, :lng => -73.935833}, mouth: {:latitude => 40.703056, :longitude => -74.026667} ) # now to access this spatial information we can now do this hudson.source #=> {:lng => -73.935833, :lat => 44.106667} hudson.mouth #=> [-74.026667, 40.703056] # notice how this returned as a lng,lat array because return_array was true # notice how the order of lng and lat were switched. it will always come out like this when using spatial. # Also adds a handy distance function hudson.distance_from(:source, [-74,40], {:unit=>:mi}) ``` Mongoid Geo has extended all built in spatial symbol extensions * near * River.where(:source.near => [-73.98, 40.77]) * River.where(:source.near => [[-73.98, 40.77],5]) # sets max distance of 5 * River.where(:source.near => {:point => [-73.98, 40.77], :max => 5}) # sets max distance of 5 * River.where(:source.near(:sphere) => [[-73.98, 40.77],5]) # sets max distance of 5 radians * River.where(:source.near(:sphere) => {:point => [-73.98, 40.77], :max => 5, :unit => :km}) # sets max distance of 5 km * River.where(:source.near(:sphere) => [-73.98, 40.77]) * within * River.where(:source.within(:box) => [[-73.99756,40.73083], [-73.988135,40.741404]]) * River.where(:source.within(:box) => [ {:lat => 40.73083, :lng => -73.99756}, [-73.988135,40.741404]]) * River.where(:source.within(:polygon) => [ [ 10, 20 ], [ 10, 40 ], [ 30, 40 ], [ 30, 20 ] ] * River.where(:source.within(:polygon) => { a : { x : 10, y : 20 }, b : { x : 15, y : 25 }, c : { x : 20, y : 20 } }) * River.where(:source.within(:center) => [[-73.98, 40.77],5]) # same format as near * River.where(:source.within(:center_sphere) => [[-73.98, 40.77],5]) # same format as near(:sphere) One of the most handy features we have added is geo_near finder ```ruby # accepts all criteria chains except without, only, asc, desc, order\_by River.where(:name=>'hudson').geo_near({:lat => 40.73083, :lng => -73.99756}) # geo\_near accepts a few parameters besides a point # :num = limit # :query = where # :unit - [:km, :m, :mi, :ft] - converts :max\_distance to appropriate values and automatically sets :distance\_multiplier. accepts # :max\_distance - Integer # :distance\_multiplier - Integer # :spherical - true - To enable spherical calculations River.geo_near([-73.99756,40.73083], :max_distance => 4, :unit => :mi, :spherical => true) ``` There are two types of pagination! * MongoDB Pagination - Stores start of rows to page limit in memory * Post Query Pagination - Stores all rows in memory Post-Result is only minutely slower than MongoDB because MongoDB has to calculate distance for all of the rows anyway. The slow up is in the transfer of data from the database to ruby. Post-Result has some advantages that are listed below. ```ruby # MongoDB pagination # overwrites #skip chain method # :page - pagination will be enabled if set to any variable including nil, pagination will not be enabled if either :per\_page or :paginator is set # :per\_page # :paginator - Choose which paginator to use. [default :arrary] # Prefered method to set is Mongoid::Geospatial.paginator=:array # Available Paginators [:kaminari, :will\_paginate, :array] # The only thing this does really is configure default per\_page so it is only kind of useful River.geo_near([-73.99756,40.73083], :page => 1) ``` ```ruby # Post Query Pagination # At carzen we use Post Query Pagination because we need to re-sort our rows after fetching. Pagination is not friendly with re-sorting. # You can jump pages continously without querying the database again. # listens to #limit/:num & #skip before geo\_near # #page(page\_number, opts = {}) # opts: # :per\_page # :paginator # #per(per\_page\_number, opts = {}) # opts: # :page # :paginator # # both return a GeoNearResults, which is really just a modified Array # #per really just #page but just moves the options around rivers = River.geo_near([-73.99756,40.73083]).sort_by!{|r| r.geo[:distance] * r.multiplier } rivers = rivers.per(25).page(1) rivers.reset! # resets the object to it is original state right after query. ``` Mongo DB 1.9+ New Geo features --------- Multi-location Documents v.1.9+ MongoDB now also supports indexing documents by multiple locations. These locations can be specified in arrays of sub-objects, for example: ``` > db.places.insert({ addresses : [ { name : "Home", loc : [55.5, 42.3] }, { name : "Work", loc : [32.3, 44.2] } ] }) > db.places.ensureIndex({ "addresses.loc" : "2d" }) ``` Multiple locations may also be specified in a single field: ``` > db.places.insert({ lastSeenAt : [ { x : 45.3, y : 32.2 }, [54.2, 32.3], { lon : 44.2, lat : 38.2 } ] }) > db.places.ensureIndex({ "lastSeenAt" : "2d" }) ``` By default, when performing geoNear or $near-type queries on collections containing multi-location documents, the same document may be returned multiple times, since $near queries return ordered results by distance. Queries using the $within operator by default do not return duplicate documents. v2.0 In v2.0, this default can be overridden by the use of a $uniqueDocs parameter for geoNear and $within queries, like so: ``` > db.runCommand( { geoNear : "places" , near : [50,50], num : 10, uniqueDocs : false } ) > db.places.find( { loc : { $within : { $center : [[0.5, 0.5], 20], $uniqueDocs : true } } } ) ``` Currently it is not possible to specify $uniqueDocs for $near queries Whether or not uniqueDocs is true, when using a limit the limit is applied (as is normally the case) to the number of results returned (and not to the docs or locations). If running a geoNear query with uniqueDocs : true, the closest location in a document to the center of the search region will always be returned - this is not true for $within queries. In addition, when using geoNear queries and multi-location documents, often it is useful to return not only distances, but also the location in the document which was used to generate the distance. In v2.0, to return the location alongside the distance in the geoNear results (in the field loc), specify includeLocs : true in the geoNear query. The location returned will be a copy of the location in the document used. If the location was an array, the location returned will be an object with "0" and "1" fields in v2.0.0 and v2.0.1. ``` > db.runCommand({ geoNear : "places", near : [ 0, 0 ], maxDistance : 20, includeLocs : true }) { "ns" : "test.places", "near" : "1100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "results" : [ { "dis" : 5.830951894845301, "loc" : { "x" : 3, "y" : 5 }, "obj" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4e52672c15f59224bdb2544d"), "name" : "Final Place", "loc" : { "x" : 3, "y" : 5 } } }, { "dis" : 14.142135623730951, "loc" : { "0" : 10, "1" : 10 }, "obj" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4e5266a915f59224bdb2544b"), "name" : "Some Place", "loc" : [ [ 10, 10 ], [ 50, 50 ] ] } }, { "dis" : 14.142135623730951, "loc" : { "0" : -10, "1" : -10 }, "obj" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4e5266ba15f59224bdb2544c"), "name" : "Another Place", "loc" : [ [ -10, -10 ], [ -50, -50 ] ] } } ], "stats" : { "time" : 0, "btreelocs" : 0, "nscanned" : 5, "objectsLoaded" : 3, "avgDistance" : 11.371741047435734, "maxDistance" : 14.142157540259815 }, "ok" : 1 } ``` The plan is to include this functionality in a future release. Please help out ;) This Fork --------- This fork is not backwards compatible with 'mongoid_spatial'. This fork delegates all the calculation to the nice RGeo. As a result, all the GEOS/Proj features are available in Ruby/Mongoid. Change in your models: include Mongoid::Spacial::Document to include Mongoid::Geospatial And for the fields: field :source, type: Array, spacial: true to field :source, type: Point, spatial: true Beware the 't' and 'c' issue. It's spaTial. Troubleshooting --------------- **Mongo::OperationFailure: can't find special index: 2d** Indexes need to be created. Execute command: rake db:mongoid:create_indexes Thanks ----------- * Thanks to Kristian Mandrup for creating the base of the gem and a few of the tests * Thanks to CarZen LLC. for letting me release the code we are using Contributing to mongoid_spatial ----------- * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it * Fork the project * Start a feature/bugfix branch * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. Copyright ----------- Copyright (c) 2011 Ryan Ong. See LICENSE.txt for further details.