@import "../error-message/index"; @import "../fieldset/index"; @import "../hint/index"; @import "../label/index"; @include govuk-exports("govuk/component/radios") { $govuk-touch-target-size: 44px; $govuk-radios-size: 40px; $govuk-small-radios-size: 24px; $govuk-radios-label-padding-left-right: govuk-spacing(3); // When the default focus width is used on a curved edge it looks visually smaller. // So for the circular radios we bump the default to make it look visually consistent. $govuk-radios-focus-width: $govuk-focus-width + 1px; .govuk-radios__item { @include govuk-font($size: 19); display: block; position: relative; min-height: $govuk-radios-size; margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(2); padding-left: $govuk-radios-size; clear: left; } .govuk-radios__item:last-child, .govuk-radios__item:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0; } .govuk-radios__input { $input-offset: ($govuk-touch-target-size - $govuk-radios-size) / 2; cursor: pointer; // IE8 doesn’t support pseudo-elements, so we don’t want to hide native // elements there. @include _govuk-not-ie8 { position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: $input-offset * -1; left: $input-offset * -1; width: $govuk-touch-target-size; height: $govuk-touch-target-size; margin: 0; opacity: 0; } @include _govuk-if-ie8 { margin-top: 10px; margin-right: $govuk-radios-size / -2; margin-left: $govuk-radios-size / -2; float: left; // add focus outline to input &:focus { outline: $govuk-focus-width solid $govuk-focus-colour; } } } .govuk-radios__label { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 8px $govuk-radios-label-padding-left-right govuk-spacing(1); cursor: pointer; // remove 300ms pause on mobile -ms-touch-action: manipulation; touch-action: manipulation; } // ( ) Radio ring .govuk-radios__label:before { content: ""; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: $govuk-radios-size; height: $govuk-radios-size; border: $govuk-border-width-form-element solid currentcolor; border-radius: 50%; background: transparent; } // • Radio button // // We create the 'button' entirely out of 'border' so that they remain // 'filled' even when colours are overridden in the browser. .govuk-radios__label:after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: govuk-spacing(2); left: govuk-spacing(2); width: 0; height: 0; border: govuk-spacing(2) solid currentcolor; border-radius: 50%; opacity: 0; background: currentcolor; } .govuk-radios__hint { display: block; padding-right: $govuk-radios-label-padding-left-right; padding-left: $govuk-radios-label-padding-left-right; } // Focused state .govuk-radios__input:focus + .govuk-radios__label:before { border-width: 4px; // When colours are overridden, the yellow box-shadow becomes invisible // which means the focus state is less obvious. By adding a transparent // outline, which becomes solid (text-coloured) in that context, we ensure // the focus remains clearly visible. outline: $govuk-focus-width solid transparent; outline-offset: 1px; // When in an explicit forced-color mode, we can use the Highlight system // color for the outline to better match focus states of native controls @media screen and (forced-colors: active), (-ms-high-contrast: active) { outline-color: Highlight; } box-shadow: 0 0 0 $govuk-radios-focus-width $govuk-focus-colour; } // Selected state .govuk-radios__input:checked + .govuk-radios__label:after { opacity: 1; } // Disabled state .govuk-radios__input:disabled, .govuk-radios__input:disabled + .govuk-radios__label { cursor: not-allowed; } .govuk-radios__input:disabled + .govuk-radios__label, .govuk-radios__input:disabled ~ .govuk-hint { opacity: .5; } // ========================================================= // Inline radios // ========================================================= .govuk-radios--inline { @include govuk-media-query ($from: tablet) { @include govuk-clearfix; .govuk-radios__item { margin-right: govuk-spacing(4); float: left; clear: none; } } } // ========================================================= // Dividers ('or') // ========================================================= .govuk-radios__divider { $govuk-divider-size: $govuk-radios-size !default; @include govuk-font($size: 19); @include govuk-text-colour; width: $govuk-divider-size; margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(2); text-align: center; } // ========================================================= // Conditional reveals // ========================================================= // The narrow border is used in the conditional reveals because the border has // to be an even number in order to be centred under the 40px checkbox or radio. $conditional-border-width: $govuk-border-width-narrow; // Calculate the amount of padding needed to keep the border centered against the radios. $conditional-border-padding: ($govuk-radios-size / 2) - ($conditional-border-width / 2); // Move the border centered with the radios $conditional-margin-left: $conditional-border-padding; // Move the contents of the conditional inline with the label $conditional-padding-left: $conditional-border-padding + $govuk-radios-label-padding-left-right; .govuk-radios__conditional { @include govuk-responsive-margin(4, "bottom"); margin-left: $conditional-margin-left; padding-left: $conditional-padding-left; border-left: $conditional-border-width solid $govuk-border-colour; .js-enabled &--hidden { display: none; } & > :last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } } // ========================================================= // Small checkboxes // ========================================================= .govuk-radios--small { $input-offset: ($govuk-touch-target-size - $govuk-small-radios-size) / 2; $label-offset: $govuk-touch-target-size - $input-offset; .govuk-radios__item { @include govuk-clearfix; min-height: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding-left: $label-offset; float: left; } // Shift the touch target into the left margin so that the visible edge of // the control is aligned // // ┆Which colour is your favourite? // ┌┆───┐ // │┆() │ Purple // └┆▲──┘ // ▲┆└─ Radio pseudo element, aligned with margin // └─── Touch target (invisible input), shifted into the margin .govuk-radios__input { @include _govuk-not-ie8 { left: $input-offset * -1; } @include _govuk-if-ie8 { margin-left: $govuk-small-radios-size * -1; } } // Adjust the size and position of the label. // // Unlike larger radios, we also have to float the label in order to // 'shrink' it, preventing the hover state from kicking in across the full // width of the parent element. .govuk-radios__label { margin-top: -2px; padding: 13px govuk-spacing(3) 13px 1px; float: left; @include govuk-media-query($from: tablet) { padding: 11px govuk-spacing(3) 10px 1px; } } // ( ) Radio ring // // Reduce the size of the control [1], vertically centering it within the // touch target [2] .govuk-radios__label:before { top: $input-offset - $govuk-border-width-form-element; // 2 width: $govuk-small-radios-size; // 1 height: $govuk-small-radios-size; // 1 } // • Radio button // // Reduce the size of the 'button' and center it within the ring .govuk-radios__label:after { top: 15px; left: 7px; border-width: 5px; } // Fix position of hint with small radios // // Do not use hints with small radios – because they're within the input // wrapper they trigger the hover state, but clicking them doesn't actually // activate the control. // // (If you do use them, they won't look completely broken... but seriously, // don't use them) .govuk-radios__hint { padding: 0; clear: both; pointer-events: none; } // Align conditional reveals with small radios .govuk-radios__conditional { $margin-left: ($govuk-small-radios-size / 2) - ($conditional-border-width / 2); margin-left: $margin-left; padding-left: $label-offset - ($margin-left + $conditional-border-width); clear: both; } .govuk-radios__divider { width: $govuk-small-radios-size; margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(1); } // Hover state for small radios. // // We use a hover state for small radios because the touch target size // is so much larger than their visible size, and so we need to provide // feedback to the user as to which radio they will select when their // cursor is outside of the visible area. .govuk-radios__item:hover .govuk-radios__input:not(:disabled) + .govuk-radios__label:before { box-shadow: 0 0 0 $govuk-hover-width $govuk-hover-colour; } // Because we've overridden the border-shadow provided by the focus state, // we need to redefine that too. // // We use two box shadows, one that restores the original focus state [1] // and another that then applies the hover state [2]. .govuk-radios__item:hover .govuk-radios__input:focus + .govuk-radios__label:before { box-shadow: 0 0 0 $govuk-radios-focus-width $govuk-focus-colour, // 1 0 0 0 $govuk-hover-width $govuk-hover-colour; // 2 } // For devices that explicitly don't support hover, don't provide a hover // state (e.g. on touch devices like iOS). // // We can't use `@media (hover: hover)` because we wouldn't get the hover // state in browsers that don't support `@media (hover)` (like Internet // Explorer) – so we have to 'undo' the hover state instead. @media (hover: none), (pointer: coarse) { .govuk-radios__item:hover .govuk-radios__input:not(:disabled) + .govuk-radios__label:before { box-shadow: initial; } .govuk-radios__item:hover .govuk-radios__input:focus + .govuk-radios__label:before { box-shadow: 0 0 0 $govuk-radios-focus-width $govuk-focus-colour; } } } } /*# sourceMappingURL=_index.scss.map */